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San Diego Marlins Press Conference


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12 hours ago, Arce said:

San Diego Marlins Press Conference Week of 10/8/2023



1. Weekly check in, how are you feeling about your player’s performance this past week?

2. What were your thoughts on our sweep of the Halifax 21st?

3. What was going through your mind when we went down 2-0 against Miami?

4. Do you still feel confident in your player and the Marlins?

5. What are your thought's on Olober Syko's performance this postseason?

6. Will Mississauga finish off Saskatoon tonight?


1) I've been having a pretty good playoff run so far, it's been fun. Hopefully both myself and the team can keep this going.

2) We came out ready to play and didn't take them lightly. It was a great series for the whole team all around.

3) The series isn't over until someone wins 4, just have to stay focused and play like we can.

4) Absolutely, we have a great team. It's going to be tough for anyone to beat us 4 times even if they get a bit of a head start.

5) He's been the best goalie in the M all season and he continues to show it.

6) Nope, I do think they win the series but Saskatoon has been great for the last like 3/4 of the season, just had a slow start. They are a threat to anyone and I think they will push this to 6 or 7 games.


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  • 2 weeks later...

San Diego Marlins Press Conference Week of 10/22/2023



1. The season obviously did not end the way we wanted it to, how did you feel about being apart of the Marlins this past season?

2. Were you happy with how your player performed this season?

3. What are you looking to improve on your player this offseason?

4. Where will your player end up in S91?

5. The NHL season has just started who is your team?

6. Final thoughts on the S90 Marlins?

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29 minutes ago, Arce said:


San Diego Marlins Press Conference Week of 10/22/2023



1. The season obviously did not end the way we wanted it to, how did you feel about being apart of the Marlins this past season?

2. Were you happy with how your player performed this season?

3. What are you looking to improve on your player this offseason?

4. Where will your player end up in S91?

5. The NHL season has just started who is your team?

6. Final thoughts on the S90 Marlins?


I'm sliding into the Marlins press conference!


1. It was an honor. I wasn't apart of the team, but to even ask me is an honor to be apart of such a historic franchise.

2. Siyan played pretty well I'd say, no championship, but a good run for him. Richmond then had a good season for being a waiver player on Vegas.

3. I'm going to just be improving my player overall. I don't really know what I'm going to do specifically for the players build, but going to focus on defense at the moment.

4. Well, I am projected to go top 5 in the M, so somewhere there. We'll see which team wants me!

5. The Buffalo Sabres. We just got a OTW over Tampa!

6. Honestly, a stacked team that didn't win. But STHS does that sometimes!

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34 minutes ago, Arce said:


San Diego Marlins Press Conference Week of 10/22/2023



1. The season obviously did not end the way we wanted it to, how did you feel about being apart of the Marlins this past season?

2. Were you happy with how your player performed this season?

3. What are you looking to improve on your player this offseason?

4. Where will your player end up in S91?

5. The NHL season has just started who is your team?

6. Final thoughts on the S90 Marlins?

1. I loved being on the Marlins for the 2nd season. Sadly I have to go up to the E but will still follow the Marlins in the future.

2. I loved how my player performed this season. 103 points 53 goals 50 assists and in the postseason got 20 points in 11 games.

3. Scoring and Defence to become a better two-way forward.

4. My player will be playing for Cologne in the E in S91.

5. Toronto Maple Leafs. Still don't know how we lost to Chicago.

6. Final thoughts, this Marlins team was great. In my opinion I feel like we had way to much depth which may of had some effect.

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On 10/17/2023 at 8:43 PM, Arce said:


San Diego Marlins Press Conference Week of 10/22/2023



1. The season obviously did not end the way we wanted it to, how did you feel about being apart of the Marlins this past season?

2. Were you happy with how your player performed this season?

3. What are you looking to improve on your player this offseason?

4. Where will your player end up in S91?

5. The NHL season has just started who is your team?

6. Final thoughts on the S90 Marlins?


1) It was a disappointing finish, but it was a very fun season overall.

2) I didn't really expect to be PPG out of the gate and I ended up having a pretty consistent year, a good post-season too even though it didn't work out in the end as far as the team success goes, so I'd say I was pretty happy overall

3) Become a better shooter and two-way player as I get ready to move up to the E. It can be a tough transition but hopefully I can make some sort of impact early on.

4) I'll be spending a season in the VHLE - as of right now, who knows where.

5) A Jets fan, unfortunately. Not sure if there is much direction with that team right now but I guess we'll see how it goes.

6) I mean it kinda sucks any time you have a team that good and don't get the job done in the playoffs, but I had a great time being on the team and there was a lot more good than bad over the course of the season. I'm happy I chose to play in San Diego and am happy for the opportunity!

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  • 2 weeks later...

San Diego Marlins Press Conference Week of 11/5/2023



1. The team has definitely trimmed down from the past 2 seasons. Do you have faith management can build from it?

2. Do you think your player will perform well in their big role?

3. What are you hoping to get out of this season?

4. What are you looking to improve on from last season? If there wasn’t a last season what do you hope to accomplish?

5. What is the most valuable attribute for your current player?

6. What is your favorite game day beverage?

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  • 2 months later...

San Diego Marlins Press Conference Week of 1/14/2024


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1. New season, new GM, new roster. What are your thoughts on this roster?

2. Lots of players which may mean not as much ice time. What are your thoughts on the minimal ice-time?

3. What are your goals for this season?

4. What is your favorite part of San Diego

5. What is better: Passing or Scoring?

6. If you were the GM of the Marlins what is one move you would make right now?

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1. New season, new GM, new roster. What are your thoughts on this roster?

- looks nicely balanced, good mix of new and old members and different quality players - looking forward to how we grow as a team

2. Lots of players which may mean not as much ice time. What are your thoughts on the minimal ice-time?

- It's for the greater good of the team winning games and progressing further, although hopefully I'm not at the very bottom of the depth chart :)

3. What are your goals for this season?

- Have a good season, get to know new people, and hopefully progress far in the playoffs

4. What is your favorite part of San Diego

- the KVWN channel 4 studio of course

5. What is better: Passing or Scoring?

- Scoring all the way, pass me the puck I'll do the rest

6. If you were the GM of the Marlins what is one move you would make right now?

- Maybe add some more top end quality so there is more for the youngster to bounce off / learn from, otherwise looks like the team will progress well anyway. Also maybe another defenceman.

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On 1/6/2020 at 2:47 PM, Oatex said:

1. Are you excited for the draft?

extremely nothing would beat getting drafted

2. What is your game plan, going into this season?

Hit hit hit and fight everyone on the other team

3. What attribute(s)  are you going to try to make your player become better at this season?

shooting to make me more of a weapon on offence

4. Is your player going to be better or worse this year?

Absolutley better now that i'm playing with the marlins

5. Are you excited to be back to playing soon?


6. What are going to work on the most, to help you improve, this season?

offence to make me more of a threat

FUN QUESTION: Who’s is your favorite hockey player? (Not Required) Ryan Nugent-Hopkins


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San Diego Marlins Press Conference Week of 1/21/2024


Answer 3 get 1 TPE answer 6 get 2 TPE


1. Team isnt performing up to potential What are your thoughts?

2. 1 week in how is your player performing?

3. We just lost Factor Lee our basically capped #1 D-man. Do you think we can still win some important games?

4. Chocolate or Candy?

5. Who do you think is our biggest rival to this point?

6. If you could take a vacation anywhere in the world where would it be?

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2 hours ago, Mysterious_Fish said:

1. Team isnt performing up to potential What are your thoughts?

We just gotta keep working till we hit that potential

2. 1 week in how is your player performing?

decently well in the hitting department, I have to be more disciplined in the future

3. We just lost Factor Lee our basically capped #1 D-man. Do you think we can still win some important games?

Of course, me and the rest of the D core just have to step up

4. Chocolate or Candy?

candy, more variety 

5. Who do you think is our biggest rival to this point?

Mexico city, we've played so many games against them

6. If you could take a vacation anywhere in the world where would it be?

Barbados, got some beautiful beaches down there


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1. Team isnt performing up to potential What are your thoughts?

I'm seeing signs of a turnaround, 2 wins in a row plus a lot more goals from the team recently. The season is long, time to experiment and you don't want to peak this early anyway.


2. 1 week in how is your player performing?

Sub optimal start i wont lie, including a major pointless slump. I expect better but like the team it looks like things are improving.


3. We just lost Factor Lee our basically capped #1 D-man. Do you think we can still win some important games?

That is unfortunate but it is the way of the world in the M. Lots of developing prospects who can fill the gap and maybe some of his offense will go to the forwards.


4. Chocolate or Candy?

It really depends on types. Some chocolate is awful tbh, but some candy is a sick kind of sweet. Gotta be more specific here, refuse to give more detail without my attorney.


5. Who do you think is our biggest rival to this point?

i like Mexico City for geographical proximity, feels like a good ol battle in the sunshine.


6. If you could take a vacation anywhere in the world where would it be?

If I had to up and go at any one moment, it would be Italy or Switzerland,  or New Zealand. For the views.

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18 hours ago, Mysterious_Fish said:

San Diego Marlins Press Conference Week of 1/21/2024


Answer 3 get 1 TPE answer 6 get 2 TPE


1. Team isnt performing up to potential What are your thoughts?

2. 1 week in how is your player performing?

3. We just lost Factor Lee our basically capped #1 D-man. Do you think we can still win some important games?

4. Chocolate or Candy?

5. Who do you think is our biggest rival to this point?

6. If you could take a vacation anywhere in the world where would it be?

1. I'm a little disappointed considering we have two of the top players in the S93 draft class on the team as well as Devote having some of the highest STHS attributes in the entire league, but I'm confident with a little experimentation we'll turn things around.

2. Devote is performing okay, not great, but not horrible. 17 points in 18 games is below where I hoped he would be, but he does also have 10 goals which is nice.

3. I think Devote can step up, considering he has the highest DF attribute on the team, sitting at 60 on the dot, he is a two way forward after all.

4. Chocolate for sure, but only milk chocolate, dark tastes horrible.

5. I don't actually know, we're kinda in a weird spot where we are losing games we should win and are winning games that are more questionable, so we don't truly have one.

6. Australia, since I've been to quite a few popular vacation spots, but Australia is one that I've never made it to. I hope I will someday get to visit though.

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San Diego Marlins Press Conference Week of 1/28/2024


Answer 3 get 1 TPE answer 6 get 2 TPE


1. 1 more week has gone by and we have basically done a complete 180°. What are your thoughts?

2. Player update, how has your player been performing.

3. Devote and Del Rocco got into an argument after the game against Halifax because Del Rocco got 3 points and Devote only got 1. Do you think it was a valid reason to start an argument and why?

4. Waffles or Pancakes and why?

5. What do you think our weakest position is to this point?

6. If you could make 2 new teams for each league what would the teams be called?

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7 hours ago, Mysterious_Fish said:

1. 1 more week has gone by and we have basically done a complete 180°. What are your thoughts?

We are playing absolutely insane, just have to remember to not take our foot off the pedal

2. Player update, how has your player been performing.

great, I scored my first 3 point game last week

3. Devote and Del Rocco got into an argument after the game against Halifax because Del Rocco got 3 points and Devote only got 1. Do you think it was a valid reason to start an argument and why?

no reason because all that matters is the win for the team

4. Waffles or Pancakes and why?

waffles, they're pancakes with abs

5. What do you think our weakest position is to this point?

goaltending, zero shutties thus far, but he's still playing phenomenal

6. If you could make 2 new teams for each league what would the teams be called?

vhlm, virginia rockets, moose jaw elk. vhle, Riga storm, Paris liberty. vhl, Edmonton Eagles, London kings


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1. 1 more week has gone by and we have basically done a complete 180°. What are your thoughts?

- 'Cause I've waited a while to respond to these, we have actually done another 90 degree turn haha, now going .500 it feels like. It was good to go on a nice streak to build some momentum and confidence, you can't win them all and I think this means we can peak again later at the right time.

2. Player update, how has your player been performing.

- Better than earlier! But perhaps at the expense of the team. Good to be point per game now and hopefully results will match my personal improvement.

3. Devote and Del Rocco got into an argument after the game against Halifax because Del Rocco got 3 points and Devote only got 1. Do you think it was a valid reason to start an argument and why?

- What can I say, I needed a multi-point game. No memory of this one so clearly water under the bridge. We clearly just need enough goals for each of us to get 3 points per game.

4. Waffles or Pancakes and why?

- Depends on the type but if you're talking about the best of each food, I feel like getting a good pancake is more of challenge so gonna go with them for the sense of achievement.

5. What do you think our weakest position is to this point?

- Gotta be defence. It's not the most important position in the VHLM but if someone matches us in goal and up front then we might be in trouble.

6. If you could make 2 new teams for each league what would the teams be called?

- I think I used up all my team-naming juices on Moscow way back when but when we were expanding the most recent time I was suggesting one in Milan with something simple and European like HC Milano. Either for the VHL or for the E I would add another German team although I always struggle with city and name there for some reason. I did like the Paris Revolution which nearly made it in the E. For the M, would just bring back the Yukon Rush and one of the defunct European teams in a NA city, like the Scorpions or Outlaws.

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San Diego Marlins Press Conference Week of 2/11/2024


Answer 3 get 1 TPE answer 6 get 2 TPE


1. Deadline has passed. What are your hopes for the team?

2. Favourite Move this deadline? (Could be trade or any waiver pick up)

3. How does it feel to not be on a massive losing streak as of February 2nd - Febuary 5th?

4. Chicken or Beef or neither? If neither what do you prefer?

5. What do you think We improved on the Most?

6. If you could make a VHL Award what would it be?

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2 minutes ago, Mysterious_Fish said:

San Diego Marlins Press Conference Week of 2/11/2024


Answer 3 get 1 TPE answer 6 get 2 TPE


1. Deadline has passed. What are your hopes for the team?

2. Favourite Move this deadline? (Could be trade or any waiver pick up)

3. How does it feel to not be on a massive losing streak as of February 2nd - Febuary 5th?

4. Chicken or Beef or neither? If neither what do you prefer?

5. What do you think We improved on the Most?

6. If you could make a VHL Award what would it be?


1. My hope is that we make a run for the championship.

2. Jacob Longstreet -- a fantastic C that wants to show his worth.

3. It feels great and I hope and pray that I can make a lasting contribution to the team.

4. Chicken is my preference.

5. Acquisitions for the team.

6. Most Likeable dude on the team.

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2 hours ago, Mysterious_Fish said:

San Diego Marlins Press Conference Week of 2/11/2024


Answer 3 get 1 TPE answer 6 get 2 TPE


1. Deadline has passed. What are your hopes for the team?

2. Favourite Move this deadline? (Could be trade or any waiver pick up)

3. How does it feel to not be on a massive losing streak as of February 2nd - Febuary 5th?

4. Chicken or Beef or neither? If neither what do you prefer?

5. What do you think We improved on the Most?

6. If you could make a VHL Award what would it be?

1. Hoping to make a splash in the defensive zone, while still putting up a good pace offensively.
2. Probably my trade to San Diego. I feel like both parties got a good deal, and everyone was above board communication-wise.
3. I think I only lost 1 game on that stretch technically.
4. Chicken all day. Feels cleaner to digest.
5. I'd like to think I add depth to the D core.
6. Probably, best locker room DJ

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8 minutes ago, horoscope said:

1. Hoping to make a splash in the defensive zone, while still putting up a good pace offensively.
2. Probably my trade to San Diego. I feel like both parties got a good deal, and everyone was above board communication-wise.
3. I think I only lost 1 game on that stretch technically.
4. Chicken all day. Feels cleaner to digest.
5. I'd like to think I add depth to the D core.
6. Probably, best locker room DJ

0 actually

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On 2/6/2024 at 3:39 PM, Mysterious_Fish said:

San Diego Marlins Press Conference Week of 2/11/2024


Answer 3 get 1 TPE answer 6 get 2 TPE


1. Deadline has passed. What are your hopes for the team?

2. Favourite Move this deadline? (Could be trade or any waiver pick up)

3. How does it feel to not be on a massive losing streak as of February 2nd - Febuary 5th?

4. Chicken or Beef or neither? If neither what do you prefer?

5. What do you think We improved on the Most?

6. If you could make a VHL Award what would it be?

1) To win it all, that is the goal every season, truthfully.

2)   Stanton from the trade with SSK
3) It feels good. We always do our best, and for it to finally click feels good.

4) Beef, because beef makes tacos, and tacos are tasty, obviously.

5) Not losing as much.

6) Coolest hair award

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On 2/6/2024 at 3:39 PM, Mysterious_Fish said:

San Diego Marlins Press Conference Week of 2/11/2024


Answer 3 get 1 TPE answer 6 get 2 TPE


1. Deadline has passed. What are your hopes for the team?

2. Favourite Move this deadline? (Could be trade or any waiver pick up)

3. How does it feel to not be on a massive losing streak as of February 2nd - Febuary 5th?

4. Chicken or Beef or neither? If neither what do you prefer?

5. What do you think We improved on the Most?

6. If you could make a VHL Award what would it be?

1. Should be fairly obvious, WIN. THE. CUP.

2. The trade that Miami made for Forum content, as well as all of our pickups during the deadline. Quite literally made the Marlins into a potential super team come playoffs.

3. Pretty good, especially since Devote actually can hit 100 points next sim, here's me crossing my fingers.

4. Beef is better in my opinion, it just has more natural flavour, as well as being less likely to kill you when you eat it so... there's that too...

5. DEFENSE, Devote has been carrying the team defensively since game 18 of the season when we lost Factor Lee (which was a good thing), but he couldn't do everything, so the pieces we brought in will help a lot.

6. Ivan Retoslav Award - Most disappointing/overhyped player of the season...

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San Diego Marlins Press Conference Week of 2/18/2024


Answer 3 get 1 TPE answer 6 get 2 TPE


1. Will the Marlins finish 3rd, 4th or 5th in the regular season?

2. Devote is 2 goals away from 50 goals and 2 points away from 100 points. Will he do it?

3. What is the player that has underperformed the most in your opinion?

4. What was your thoughts on the Superbowl in 10 or less words?

5. What is the player that has overperformed the most in your opinion?

6. Would you come back to SDM for your next player? Be honest idc

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On 2/13/2024 at 5:37 PM, Mysterious_Fish said:

1. Will the Marlins finish 3rd, 4th or 5th in the regular season?

4th cuz seasons over now

2. Devote is 2 goals away from 50 goals and 2 points away from 100 points. Will he do it?

sadly he didnt

3. What is the player that has underperformed the most in your opinion?

Sadly i think maverick Goncalves who was on pace for 14 points if he played all 72 games making him an inconsistant scorer

4. What was your thoughts on the Superbowl in 10 or less words?

well reffed, exciting, and depressing

5. What is the player that has overperformed the most in your opinion?

Devote, Had an INSANE year with 101 points

6. Would you come back to SDM for your next player? Be honest idc

Yeah, love the team.


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