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WSJ Welcomes S71 Rookies


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It's been three seasons already. Wolf Stansson Jr. is about to head into his fourth season in the VHL. Amazing how time flies by fast. In an interesting turn of events, Prague only had two picks out of the 48-player S71 Entry Draft. At least the team kept the all-important first-round pick and chose San Diego Marlins Left Wing Thomas Landry II. With their second pick all the way back in the fifth round at 41 overall, they selected another Left Wing in Jack John of Mississagua Hounds. 


"Another group of rookies into the system. I look forward to giving them hell about their status. I think I was fortunate that I did not have to go through any rites as we were an expansion team so everybody was practically new. Now that we're four years in, there's an established order and hierarchy inside the locker room. TLII is going to have to go through the rites in order to earn his stripes. That's how we do it over in Iceland, especially on an established team that is looking to compete. 


Anyways, as for S71. I think we are in a good spot team-wise. Only our goaltender Brick Wahl has regressed and it was only by a little bit. She's taken pretty good care of herself. I guess all that exercise in her apartment with the folks she brings into her place does help. But anyways everybody's back and they're steadily improving I think. I just hope that we show up ready to play just like last year, and we keep up our high level of play. We sort of fell off the pace last year, so I'm hoping an encore doesn't happen. We're heading into our title window right now and we cannot really afford to miss too many of these opportunities. TLII should help us out a lot on the offensive side. Our defense needs to be tight as it's ever been before if we're to have a fighting chance." 

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