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Jay Jones chooses saskatoon.


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After spending a few days courting offers from teams like Vegas, Ottawa and Halifax, Jay Jones, the freshman C has decided to sign with Saskatoon. We caught up with him after a workout to ask him a couple questions.


Why did you choose Saskatoon over other teams?


The main reason that I chose Saskatoon was their young roster. I wanted a team that I could grow and develop with. Another factor was @McWolf's pitch. He approached me on Discord and was pretty welcoming and answered the questions that I had. I think Saskatoon could contribute the most to my early career at the moment.


What's the first thing you've done in Saskatoon?


I've gotten to know my teammates and coaches. I've also done some boring things like grocery shopping and stuff like that. I'm currently looking for an apartment near the practice arena, hopefully I find one that fits my needs.



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