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A Short Break but a Long Comeback


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When I decide to retire and give up my GM job I really thought that was it for me and the VHL. I was having a rough couple of months personally. The VHL just didn’t seem as important to me anymore and my interest had been fading before a lot of personal stuff happened. But after everything start to return to normal I realized that I wasn't done with the VHL like I thought I was so after thinking it over I decided that I wanted one last real kick at the can.
I do want to thank everyone who played along with my little game; it was fun to get all those PMs telling me to get my ass back here and to stop fucking around. You guys really are the best and its one of the reasons why leaving the VHL will be tough whenever I try to do it again.
Now to the fun stuff! My new player!!! 
After receiving 50 PMs I said that the person who sent me the most PMs would get to name my new player  and Toast won that contest sending me 15 PMs. I gave him a couple suggestions and he picked Devin Sundberg from Sweden. He will most likely end up being a lot like Markus Strauss unless I feel like that type of player won’t fit the team I end up going to (Seattle cause we all know it’s going to happen). For which draft he is going into that has yet to be decided. My buddy Coach is deciding that part as he sent me the 50th PM and he is taking his job very seriously, so I won’t know till tomorrow which draft I will be in but both are good with me!
Special thanks to the guys in the Seattle LR you guys have been the best over the last few months and hopefully you guys get that Cup soon.
One last thing, thank you to the BOG for voting me in as a Builder to the VHL HOF, it makes my time spent in Seattle that much greater!
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