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The Regular Season Commences: A Questionnaire With Travis Boychuk


The beginning of Season 38 has finally begun, and with the off-season over and done with there are plenty of questions to be asked. It remains to be seen which teams will find themselves at the top of the pack this season, but some teams know where they will wind up. One of these teams is the Calgary Wranglers. While being in the middle of a rebuild looking upwards, fans are excited to see their team progress throughout the season.


Through the first 2 games, the Wranglers were defeated in a couple of 4-2 deficits to the Iron Eagles and the Americans. Starting 0-2 is not how any team would want to begin, but struggles are expected for this squad. Much of the team's high hopes rest on top prospect Travis Boychuk. He had a great couple of seasons in the minors and is ready to prove he can be in the VHL. The road to success in Calgary seems to revolve around the centerman.


Rookie Travis Boychuk celebrates a goal



With the season opener in the past, we had some questions to ask Boychuk going forward.


Interviewer: So, the VHL jitters have finally been put to rest for your career has begun in the league. How does it feel?

Travis Boychuk: It feels great! While I have been struggling a little to find my A game so far, I feel amazing. This has been my dream all of my life and I am ready to take my career to the next level. I am going to try and have fun with it.


Interviewer: You currently have 2 points in the first 2 games, and with all of these high expectations where do you see yourself numbers-wise this season?

Travis Boychuk: I cannot make any predictions for myself at the moment because I do not want to let anyone down. My main goal is to chip in offensively and maybe stay at a point-per-game pace. I can not make any promises though, sorry. We are only 2 games in, there is a learning curve involved.


Interviewer: Looking on paper, you seem to be having some troubles in the face off circle. Any comments on that?

Travis Boychuk: Yes, that has become apparent for me. Face offs are a skill I take pride in as a centerman so I will be working on that for sure. Everyone in this league is much stronger than in the minors, and although I expected it to be a big step I might have underestimated the skill a little bit.


Boychuk looks on from the bench



Interviewer: Where do you see the team this season, and what do you think the Wranglers are lacking?

Travis Boychuk: I do not see us at the top this season. While I want to say any team can win it all, this league is truly competitive. I do not see this squad making the playoffs this year but we will all gain a ton of experience for the future. My team needs some true skill, and depth throughout the whole line up. I will bring as much as I can, and I hope that guys like Brookside, Yumalatopinto, Tremblay, Figgarowta-Nahimal, Smith and Cuff stick around because I see good things in the future. I trust in the core guys here.


Interviewer: How do you see your own game right now, personally?

Travis Boychuk: Obviously I would love to produce more. I have a couple of assists in these first 2 outings but I am working hard to get even better. I need to improve my strength out there as the VHL is much tougher than I imagined. It is difficult to find room out on the ice. My passing game is still my go-to, and I will always rely on that but I am looking to round out my game more.


Well there you have it. This concludes our interview with rookie Travis Boychuk of the Calgary Wranglers. The future looks bright in Cow Town.

Edited by travhave
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Guest Svoboda_3

Content: 3/3

679 words. I liked that it wasn't all interview; you kind of worked that in there nice after the opening segment. I thought you had some good engaging questions and you answered them nicely. Good luck with the Wranglers. Hopefully we cross paths again soon.

Grammar: 2/2

Some minor issues.


games, and = games and

can not = cannot

in, there = in; there

face off = face-off

Appearance: 1/1

Great as always.

Overall: 6/6

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