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The above is the randomly assigned Draft Order. The draft is conducted in a snake order, meaning that round 2 is the reverse of round 1, etc. There is a time limit of 12-hours per pick, if the person ahead of you has not picked in their 12-hour slot, you may make your selection, and they can go any time after. If a member misses two straight picks, they will be DQ'd and have their team drafted by me. If someone has 2 picks in a row and fails to do the first one before 12 hours pass, tag him and give him another 12 hours for the second pick in a row. Once you have made your selection, tag the person following you.


If there is a problem, tag your group manager or myself. Draft starts now, good luck to all!





DQ, tag McWolf

F - Sigard Gunnar

F - Jerry Garcia

F - Keven Foreskin

D - Lincoln Tate

D - Erik Killinger

G - Samuel Ross



F - Boris the Forest

F - Mikko Aaltonen

F - Guy LeGrande

D - Roque Davis

D - Hulk Hogan

G - Rayz Funk



F - Hunter Hearst Helmsley

F - Phil Marleau

F - Owen Nolan

D - Lance Flowers

D - Vladimir Pavlov

G - Michael Johnson


@Ricer13 - Group Manager

F - Scott Greene

F - RJ Jubis

F - Soren Jensen

D - Condor Adrienne

D - Smitty Werbenjagermanjensen

G - Jacques Lafontaine


DQ, tag McWolf

F - Ambrose Stark

F - Benny Graves

F - Hiroshi Okada

D - Apollo Hackett

D - George Washington

G - A Red Guy


@Spence King

F - Julius Freeman

F - Jet Jaguar

F - Acyd Burn

D - Cinnamon Block

D - Micheal Gary Scott

G - Greg Eagles

Edited by McWolf
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F - Jerry Garcia 

F - Sigard Gunnar

F - Kevin Foreskin

D - Lincoln Tate

D - Erik killinger

G - 



F - Boris the forest 

F - Mikko Aaltonen

F - 

D - Roque Davis

D - Rusty Shackleford

G - Rayz Funk




F - Phil Marceau

F - Owen Nolan

D - Lance Flowers

D - Vladimir Pavlov

G - 


@Ricer13 - Group Manager

F - Scott Greene

F - RJ Jubis

F - Soren Jensen

D - Connor Adrienne

D - Smitty Werbenjagermanjensen

G - Jacques Lafontaine



F - Benny graves

F - Ambrose Stark 

F - Hiroshi Okada

D - Apollo Hackett

D - George Washington 

G - A Red Guy


@Spence King

F - Julius freeman

F - jet jaguar

F - Acyd Burn

D - cinnamon block

D - Michael Gary Scott 

G - Greg Eagles

Edited by Ricer13
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13 hours ago, Ricer13 said:

@LastOneUp you have 2 more hours and you have two picks to make. 

Actually, because he missed 2 picks in a row, he has been disqualified. I'll take over his team, tag me when it's his turn.


Ambrose Stark

Benny Graves


Still @Snussu on the clock for 2-3 hours.

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7 hours ago, Ricer13 said:

Okay I’ll make the selection. 

Lastoneup picks - F- Acyd Burn


@Spence King you’re up for two picks 

Sorry, I was out most of the day haha. I'll take Hiroshi Okada, however. Burn still available.

@Spence King still up!

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