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rjfryman log #10


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Another Week that I feel like we did some good work. 


Some high points. VHL-GM League other than the actual sims felt good. and after being commissioned to work on basically a mini portal I think it went really well. I learned some thing in reguards to how STHs works at least on the output side. The thing that kinda confused me the most was the radically different versions output files. The VHL uses one of the 1.* versions and thats totally cool. I worked off of that but then when we tried the test run we did it with v3.* which if you look at the game output files they are really different and caused the code to not work at all. Due to the issues with the the sims themselves with the 90-40 issues I think we are going to move to a 1.* version in some capacity.  which would allow us to use the code that I have already done. Couple things that I need to do for the VHL-GM-League so that I don't have to touch it again. Abstract the season's from the code. So that we can have multiple seasons on the same site without issues with numbers or confusion. I need to make it so that There is an easy way to see conference leaders. And need to make playoffs an easy toggle or another link. I have the games already knowing if they are regular season or playoffs based on the url I get the games from. 


Another big win was jsonb. It went smoothly with the stats as well as the player abilities. I think that will be a strength in the future because instead of having two different models for both stats and abilities. (Skater_Stats, Goalie_Stats) (Skater_Abilities, Goalie_Abilities) I can just on the skater model define the type of stats or abilities that I am looking for based on the position. Huge Win in my books.


Also Working something to make retainment focus more on the players and not just the numbers. Will be used soon. 


Taking a quick break from project hourglass so that I can get these other projects done. Sorry for those who are excited about all of history and time in a single location. 

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