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 Lately Miami Marauders forward Oh Sens from Japan has been all over the news. At first, he got in an argument with fellow drug dealers in Miami. After that, Oh Sens started a fight with one Minnesota fan, who screamed offensive things to him. And now he is being accused of being a drug lord. It has been a busy few months for this young man. Recently one local journalist has been involved in a battle with Sens about his real deal. This journalist went to his coffee shop on a tour and found some questionable things that need some explaining. We wanted to get both sides of the story, but we couldn't reach Oh Sens, so we had a short interview with this journalist from Miami.


Hello, you have lately accused young hockey player from Japan with serious accusations. Don't you think it is too much?

Too much? Excuse me, but we can't have drug dealing players play in Miami or anywhere in the world. His place is in jail. In my personal opinion, the league should suspend him, because I have hard proof of his illegal activities.

What hard proof do you have? Would you be able to share this information with us, so the rest of the world would hear about this?

I have security footage of my interactions with Mr. Sens. I secretly recorded sound and my husband hacked into his cameras and got some footage. I'm not gonna hide any information from people. That's why I am here tonight, doing the interview. I have uploaded a video on youtube, where everything is seen about Oh Sens actions. Open this link and you will learn everything about this man!

You speak loud words, but what if this evidence is fake and you are accusing Oh Sens of something he hasn't done?

This is not fake and you can see in the video, that everything is real. Sound is fully recorded by myself on my phone when we talked with him. I will give this evidence to the police and I believe, that they will do the right thing and detain this man!

I would like to say thank you for your time and interview and good luck in your fight against drug crime!


This journalist certainly has got some big facts to back the claim. We watched this video and it is hard to say if this video is fake. We are not experts at this, so we will not say anything but it is really interesting what is happening in Miami. At VHLM contracts are not really good and I wouldn't be surprised if a few youngsters would try to get money in different ways. We don't think this is the real way for money to get earned. If this is real, what is happening, police and league should step in right now and get to the bottom of this thing, while VHLM doesn't get in even bigger trouble. Hopefully, soon we will be getting Oh Sens side of the story and we will have more clarity in this drama. 


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As the AGM and general counsel to Mr Oh Sens @osens the young hockey player from Japan, I highly advise against posting such false and accusational statements like this.


The Miami Marauders may be "looking into" "suing" this "journalistic" "organization" for "libel" in the "near" "future".


And even if it was true, which it isn't, but if it was true, I would applaud Mr oH Sens the young hockey player from Japan for his entrepreneurial thinking, mastery of business skills, and flawless ability to launder money.


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