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S72 VHLM Rivalry Series - MIA vs MIN (MIA version)


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Wow, that was a project. This thing took me many, many hours - definitely more than it looks like at the end. This was my first time doing a project where I a) had to manually scrape a lot of game data from the index; and b) had to search out multiple people's NHL player renders to do multiple jersey swaps. I had to learn a lot of new skills to make this infographic happen. I enjoyed having a purpose to dig through the gamesheets, which can be daunting if you don't have a purpose to be rummaging in them. The player design was easy once I found the suitable images. The jerseys are inconsistent, but whatever, it's only 2TPE and my first big project. I'm proud of the logo behind the glove on Kosmo, the positioning of the Andre cutout, and the flashy colours of the dlamb. I'm I like the general idea of the piece - the information there is valuable and interesting, but I'm struggling with the colour choice and background design. Any feedback on the design is welcome!

Edited by bigAL
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