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Francis York Morgan's Coffee: The Return


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Hello, I'm Special Agent Francis York Morgan II. Please, call me York. That's what everyone calls me.


For those of you who don't know, I am the son of retired great Francis York Morgan, a prolific defenseman who joined the league back in the 40s and won multiple championships with a couple of teams. Despite the VHL not having that charisma and talent for the last few decades, the VHL has finally gotten a Morgan family member back into the fray.


Growing up with a father figure like Francis York Morgan was pretty great. He was a great staple on defense for numerous teams during his VHL career, and I got to watch him play his heart out every single night. Once I was old enough he began to introduce me to the game and hoped I would be as good as he was when he played. And now it seems I am on track to at least try, as I am looking to be a hot commodity among VHLM teams as a free agent.


But what is in store for my potential VHL career? What does Francis York Morgan want to do in this league? My biggest goal is to do what my father couldn't, and make it into the Hall of Fame. It is certainly a tall order, as Francis York Morgan was a formidable player but didn't make the cut to be immortalized. Can his son take up the mantle and become the player that he was not? I certainly think I have the work ethic to do so.


So what is my deal? What makes Francis York Morgan II tick? For starters, I have a tenacious personality but not so much to where I am going to be sitting in the box every time I step out on the ice. I also am very much interested in sending sick clappers to the net whenever I can, something that my father was less interested in doing. Funny enough he was the one to get me into a more shoot-first role, as there are a lot of defensemen in the VHL now who know how to shoot the puck much better than the players he saw during his prime seasons. Does that mean I am going to score 50 goals a season? Probably not, but at the very least I will be sending lots of pucks on the net and the chaos that ensues may lead to more goals for my team. On the defensive side of the puck, I have a lot to learn, as among my teammates in the lower leagues I had a really hard time keeping opponents from picking up rebounds in front of my net. Despite that issue I think I have the work ethic and the inquisitiveness to learn from my past mistakes and really adapt to this new league to where I am able to be a much better defensive player. However, I should warn any GM that tries to sign me that it may be a slow going to start my career. Rome wasn’t built in a day, you know.


But that is about the extent of Francis York Morgan II as a player. I may talk more about myself as a person, but for now I will stick to the on-ice stuff and look forward to talking about my career as it progresses in the VHLM and VHL. Time to take a sip of coffee and get to work.

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