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Pearson officially announces retirement at end of S75


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The morning after the exciting VHL Draft, Prague phantoms forward made headlines after calling a press conference and announcing retirement at the end of the following season. A life long Phantom, Pearson has been a staple in the phantoms lineup for years.


Drafted originally by Helsinki in season 67 after a Semi decent rookie season in San Diego, Where he slowly learned and adapted to the VHL game, with help from GM InstantRockstar, he slowly earned a name for himself around the league. he slid down to 30th overall in that draft and already experts were saying he was a steal. A few days later he was drafted by the Philadelphia Reapers GM Katherine Blade. He immediately got in and trained hard that offseason, and proceeded to light the VHLM on fire. He finished 4 points back of future Teammate Zeno Miniti for the league lead in points, sadly the reapers pulled a capitals and flammed out in the second round after being the favourites for the cup that season.


That offseason Pearson tweeted that his wrist had been broken in game 2 of the second round series and it would need surgery, in which case required him to miss multiple weeks of valuable training hours. Due to the Injury, and the fact they were coming off a cup win and don’t wanna lose core players, the Helsinki titans exposed Alex Pearson to the expansion draft, and he was quickly swooped up by the Prague phantoms, who, admittedly didn’t scout him very much at all, and both parties were relatively unknown to each-other. Despite the fact, they slowly formed a friendship, and Pearson was excited for his career as a phantom. 

There were times he became frustrated with the team and considered a trade, but he stuck through it all, mostly due to having a good relationship with his teammates and terrific fans in Prague. He played with a lot of teammates over the years, one in particular, Scotty BigShotty, him and Pearson played in every single team together, up until this last season in Warsaw. He was signed a few days prior to Pearson by San Diego, and the two dueled it out for the second line Center spot, Pearson eventually won, and BigShotty was dealt to Philadelphia. After the season, Pearson was drafted by the reapers in the dispersal draft, once again competing the two for the top line spot on Philadelphia. The two were both acquired by the phantoms in the expansion draft, and once again duelled it out for a top 6 position. He never really progressed the way Pearson did, and in such fact he eventually left via Free agency. 

He played his whole career in Prague, he currently leads the team in goals, and likely will until Thomas Landry II, the new face of the franchise, passes him in a couple seasons, but one thing is for sure, he will always be a lifelong phantom, captain for 2 out of 6 seasons, Only reaching the playoffs in 2 seasons, even though they came close many many times. He has many accomplishments to be proud of.




I learned alot with my first player, obviously I’m not the most active guy on here but I’m hoping to be more involved with the teams I’m on with Ryan Ryker. I have big things planned for him. Just a few shoutouts to people I’ve met along my first gen player 


@InstantRockstar- My first GM, Got my involved in the league and taught me the basics in earning, Thanks for giving me a shot.


@BladeMaiden- Love her. An absolute legend. The reapers lockerroom was fun as fuck, had some seriously good times there, and when I might of lost intrest and disappeared from the league, she kept me involved.


@diamond_ace- What can I say. The only VHL GM I’ve ever had, and made it awesome, even though I never won anything official, it was always a fun season and I felt like we gave it our all. You really do deserve a cup man, and I hope you can GM me someday again.


@Seabass- Easily one of my closest friends in the VHL, I was sad to see you go, but I really hope you win yourself a cup in Helsinki, you deserve it for all the times you literally saved my life, hopefully we can play together if you recreate. It’s been a blast man, keep your head up ;) 


Theres so many more players to shoutout, like every phantom I've ever played with, and even the younger ones coming up, I’m still in the team for one more season so don’t forget about me. 

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@Jayrad28 It is so crazy how time passes, I can say with all honestly that you were one hell of a player to have as a GM and an even better teammate in Prague for Bricks last two seasons. You stepped into my LR with an open mind and were truly a fun person to be around. Thanks for the kind words, and congrats on making it all the way, you are a beast :D



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Hell it broke my heart splitting us up this year. This doesnt make it easier. I didnt know you at all before we became phantoms, but we seemed to have hit it off right away.  


I will always consider you a close friend whether we play again together someday or even as rivals. Good luck with your next player, I'll make sure to keep in touch.

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