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Draft H Y P E


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                     Credit to @ZP16 for giving me the idea for this with his article about a day in the life of Kankkunen. 

                                                             This is how Linus Zetterstrom spent his day this Friday, four days before the VHL Draft.


6:30 A.M. 

Zetterstrom is up before the sun in Malmo, where he is staying at his parents' house while he prepares for the draft. He gets dressed, brushes his teeth, and heads to the practice facility of the Malmo Redhawks in his "new" used Honda Civic. He still has ties with the Redhawks organization from his SHL time there before the S74 VHLM dispersal draft. There, he begins a workout, which involves intervals on the spin bike, pull-ups, pushing and pulling a weighted sled, and other muscle workouts. He also does a lot of stretching before and after.Combine Recap: Prospects on Dahlin, Drury's nephew and more


8:00 A.M.

Zetterstrom comes home to the delight of his golden retriever, Bella, who he takes for a run in the forest. After that, he has a quick breakfast consisting of a banana and a protein shake. Now it's his free time, so he goes to his basement and plays Rocket League with his friends for a while. Funny enough, his dad, who took time off work to stay with Linus while he's home, is still fast asleep.


9:15 A.M

After his down time, Linus was driving back to Redhawks HQ for a hour ice session with a skills coach. He worked on retrievals, passing, moving around at the point, and conditioning. At this point in the day, Linus is hella tired and ready for a good meal.

Sweden has the likely No. 1 NHL Draft pick, but they're barely playing him


10:30 A.M

Since it's Friday, and a school day for most kids Linus's age, he was also studying. He signed up for courses in business, math, chemistry, English, and sports management at various universities. He spends four hours doing schoolwork on days off, so two hours in the morning. This morning, Linus did an hour in business and an hour in chemistry


11:30 A.M

Linus's brothers, Henrik and Jesper, are home from from work and university respectively, and Linus's mother, Alice, is back from a trip she took with friends. The Zetterstrom family has a family brunch together, and everyone has a good time. Linus fills himself up with sausage and eggs.


1:00 P.M

After brunch, and a lot of talk about the American election and how it will affect Sweden, Linus does another two hours of his schoolwork. One hour of math and one hour of sports management(he alternates sports management with English). Linus's ultimate goal is to use the skills he has learned in university to eventually become a GM after his playing days are over. He applied for a law course at a prominent Swedish school but has yet to be responded to. 


3:00 P.M

After his schoolwork is done, Linus jumps on his piece of crap laptop and does some draft interviews VHL GMs have sent. He is visibly hyped up as he answers the questions. After he completes those, he goes on a sketchy site called the VHL portal and he looks at the rosters and picks of the teams that sent him the interviews. He goes into so much detail and gets so drawn into it he spends an hour doing it.


4:00 P.M

One of his friends calls and asks him if he's up for a little mountain biking. Linus, an ever-lover of mountain biking, happily accepts. They go through the stunning Swedish forests and hills, and they have a great view of the magnificent Baltic sea as they hop over little jumps and go down steep and rocky hills. Linus has a great time


6:00 P.M

Before he has dinner with his dad, his mom, and Henrik, he jumps on a zoom call with his Canadian agent, @Ledge_and_Dairy to discuss the interviews and the draft in general. Ledge advises him not to have preferences, since almost anyone can take him. Linus agrees


7:00 P.M

Linus enjoys his final dinner with his family for the last time until the next holiday. He will catch a flight at the airport in Stockholm at 9:00 and prepare for the draft in Las Vegas with his friends and teammates. He hugs his mom, shakes hands with his dad and Henrik, zooms Jesper at his university for a quick goodbye, and takes an Uber to the airport.


7:45 P.M

Linus is waiting at the airport and is very bored. He passes the time playing among us on his phone, although the crappy airport Wi-Fi made him lag out multiple times. One time, he is made impostor, and the game immediately lags out. He curses and throws the phone on his seat in the waiting area. His Las Vegas Aces phone case cracks. He vows to get a new one once he lands


9:00 P.M

Linus boards the plane and it takes off. He prepares himself for the long 17 hours that lie ahead.


11:00 P.M

His flight makes it first stop, in Paris, France. He buys a little Eiffel tower souvenir because that's how frickin bored he is.


10:00 P.M (American time)

Linus lands in Atlanta, Georgia, the second to last stop for his flight. He buys an Atlanta Thrashers keychain to but on his bag. 


1:00 A.M

Linus lands in Las Vegas, jet lagged and extremely tired. He taxis over to a Vegas hotel where he is supposed to meet Jiggs @JigglyGumballs but Jiggs is obviously fast asleep. Linus gets his room key and becomes dead to the world as soon as his head hits the pillow. 



Just going to put this in here in case it gets confusing: the times are probably messed up somehow, especially with all the flights and time changes. Excuse me if I did something wrong, because I'm too lazy to do the research and get it all spot on. Anyway, this should get me to 172 TPE, which jumps me a little in the draft rankings. Maybe I've written enough here to get me to 1,000 words. 




1,016 words

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