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My first graphic


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Review time!


For a first-time graphic, it's similar to mine so, Aces!  The player looks like he's floating or trying to catch the logo in the corner so the inadvertent humor gets me.  I like the background, its too zoomed in it seems though.  The font in the top right looks good, very legible and low-key enough to not detract from the player.  Try doing logo swaps next time, there's a bunch of helpful people around.  Very nice for a first go, 7/10

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When you're doing an image flip, when that image has writing or numbering it's pretty important to replace or freeze the letters or numbers to prevent them from appearing mirrored. That wasn't done here and personally I think it detracts a bunch from the work as a whole. If you don't know how to make that happen, I think you could read up a little tutorial for yourself for the future. There's a bit of artifact problems around the text, logo, and player as well, but the selection around the player himself and the logo is very clean so I can tell you can improve. Compression creates this problem, so I'm assuming you saved the image at a lower quality than what you were working in. The background coloring also flows into the logo, which I'm not sure was intentional. Photo editing is hard, and I'm not trying to be pedantic. I hope some of this helps! 6/10

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