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Interview with Aces GM


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     This season has been rough if you're a fan of the Aces. Vegas made it to the semifinals only to be taken out by Mexico. Today I have a special guest for an interview. give it up for the GM of the Aces, @Spartan.


     Interviewer: The Aces were eliminated by Mexico in five games, what happened?


     Spartan: Well, simple explanation is that we got outplayed. Both of these teams are solid squads, and Mexico's chemistry has been on point all season long, as they've demonstrated. Our moves at the deadline helped us in the sense that we got better on paper, but I don't think we had the chemistry needed to go all the way.


     Interviewer: How confident are you in the Aces next season?


     Spartan: Well, it's going to be a big work in progress. We have like one forward line returning, but they're all above 200 TPE. Defense will be pretty bareboned, as we'll just be featuring Lund and Correll to start. Thunder, Ladrian, Crosby and Zetterstrom are all going up. At goalie, we're set with Aksuko between the pipes, we're just going to have to try to snag some impact players in the draft and be very active on the waiver wire.


     Interviewer: How do you move forward from two semifinal exits in a row?\


     Spartan: I think we just....move on. I don't have any regrets per se, as I don't really know what else we could have done to avoid the outcome. These runs take seasons in advance to prepare, and we've just been taking it a season at a time since I hate openly tanking. Jiggs and I have faith in our returners and we'll go all in with the folks we get in the draft and on waivers as well.


     Interviewer: Who's your favorite to win the cup this year?


     Spartan: I'll throw Rory a bone and say Mexico since Rory's player isn't going to be winning anything anytime soon.


     Interviewer: If you had to pick your favorite player, past or present who would it be?


     Spartan: Alex Letang . Great player that I like a lot, I'm particularly fond of him. I honestly don't know enough of the past to pick a player from before my time, but I know Joseph McWolf was a fun one to look at when I wrote his HoF article. Not many pass-first defensemen can enjoy the individual success he did.



     So that does it for our interview, I'd like to thank Spartan for his contribution to this article. and his excellent work he put into his answers. Last season the Aces lost to Miami in 7 games in the semifinals, and they made it back to the semifinals just to be taken out in 5 by Mexico. The Aces were a powerhouse last season, and were a strong contender this season. I don't see this trend going away next season. Season 76 the Aces will absolutely be contending for the cup, despite losing many key pieces to the VHL. I appreciate the enthusiasm I've been getting from these articles, I'd love some feedback about articles in this format. Thank you all for reading, and stay warm, but also stay Icey. Seacrest out.

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Review:  Good MS Nick... and spartan to considering his part in it to. I like the color coding for yourself and spartan, however some of it's highlighted and makes it hard to read, at least in night mode, in light mode it's just a minor distraction. Otherwise good questions, good responses, and good spacing. No spelling issues I noticed either and just a good read overall. 8/10

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