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A personal message to the last draft picks of the vhl/vhlm draft

Matt thunder

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Hello guys, these last day were hard for me and of course i was feeling a little bit sad, but to cheer me up I choosed to help someone, and maybe someone that was in the same situation as me, so as the drafts are near, here my personal message to the last picks of the vhl/ vhlm draft, as I was a late draft pick too.

but let's go back to the my speech. 

So as you might or might not know, my player ( Matt Thunder, i know hard to tell right?) was a last round pick in the S73 vhlm draft (Las vegas), and he was a second round pick in the S74 vhl draft (RIga), not good i know, i bet that if you were in me you just might give up, as there was no chance to get better or to become some one known in the league, but guess what i had some good seasons and i even become the captain of Las Vegas, so here what you should do if you want to get better. ( I should work as a mental coach) 

You should never give up, because every tpe that you get they will make you slowly better, and maybe one day the BEST ( the all of fame baby), you just don't need to stop, but if you think that you will never get better leave, like a coward, without a fight, is this what you want? be remembered like a coward? i wouldn't like to remembered like a coward.

You know, to get to  success, you just don't need talent, but also will to fight, and little bit of luck ( but luck isn't that important after all) because if you have a really good  talent but you stop at the first stop, your carreer would be over whitout letting know the world whatyou were capable of and this dosen't sounds nice, what are you going to tell to your kids? yeah I was a hockey player but I immediately gave up?

So here is my tip, if you reach your goal, find a bigger goal, if you want give up, do it the next day and so on, and if you ever want to give up, just remember that you are in the vhlm or vhl, not everyone is there, and if you are there it means that you potential and talent and that your gm belives in you, not everyone is in this league and  you should be really proud of were you are.

If you follow my indications more points will roll in and whit that better teams, awards and trophy, you just need, as i have already said before like a millions times ( how original)  to don't give up.

I hope that someone will find this helpfull and maybe they won't give up, but if no one reads this, well i tried, at the end of the day i still got my nice 6 tpe, that aren't a lot but still something.


Oh yeah i was forgetting  how many word I have wrote, 520 words if i'm not wrong.


Edited by Matt thunder
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The same happened to me, I got drafted late in the third round (46th) by Prague in S75 and it was a slap to the face. It really pushed me to do better and now I’m starting my first season in the VHL in S76 and I’m currently at 360 TPE

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