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Bears Den - Restaurant - #4


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Bears Den - Restaurant  - #4


It's been awhile since the Seattle Bears have made any noise with their restaurant franchise. Since they opened their doors, they've expanded to their menu items to include so many different members throughout the league, have added locations in Miami and Vancouver and have bolstered their staff with some of the greatest Bears to lace the skates. With the Victory Fighting Championship always being a big plug and then holidays and all of that stuff getting in the way, the team has been busy behind closed doors making the Bears Den magic happen. Over the Christmas Holidays, the team hopped on ZOOM to discuss changes or addition to the company that they could make to help increase their image and help with business. Fortunately, we managed to wait a little longer than expected to make some announcements as we were trying to plan appropriately with Christmas, New Years and the VHL Playoffs. Now the waiting is over and we're very excited to let you in on some brand new things coming to the Bears Den franchises... 


EXPANSION - The people of Malmo have officially made it known they wanted their hands on a Bears Den location. Does this surprise you? Firstly, it's almost become tradition that a team that wins gets a franchise (see Vancouver and Miami last season), but Malmo is also home to one of the great old Bears, @FrostBeard. We congratulate him and all members of the Malmo Nighthawks on a great season and winning the championship. All members from Malmo and their family will receive 15% discounts when dining at the Bears Den. Furthering, 5% of all money earned from the Malmo location will go to helping fund hockey for youth in Sweden. With tradition, the Bears have also opened up shop in Mexico City. An additional congrats is sent out to all of them with the exact same offer for their players and their families dining at the BD, as well as funding youth hockey in Mexico to truly help build the country up for hockey. 


Special Announcement - WHAT SOME BEARS DEN.... FRENZY???

As everyone knows, it's the VHL off-season and Free Agency discussions have opened their doors. Dakota Lamb ( @dlamb) happens to be arguably the biggest Free Agent on the market and is deciding if he wants to continue to call Warsaw home, or maybe make a new home in Seattle. He also made a few comments on the forum and Discord on how FA shouldn't be just about the players and GM's and that it would be beneficial for everyone - including the league, that some further frenzy and attention/coverage were given to those participating AND watching how things play out. The Seattle Bears and the Bears Den 110% agree with Mr. Lambs statement and because of that, we're ready to make a few proposals. Are you ready for some action? The Bears are willing to further discussion with Lamb, but at the moment are willing to make these public offers to entice the star player to join the organization, be the cherry on top, and come on board in hopes to continue to help create Seattle and league history. 


1. The organization is willing to give Dakota and his family 25% off all meals during his stay in Seattle. Additionally, the team is willing to extend this offer after his parts-ways with the organization in trade, FA or retirement to 10% for himself and his family. 

2. Effective immediately upon him signing with the Bears (if and when), the team is offering him a bonus that all current Bears players receive (as well as select Bears Den management and people of the secret council).  The bonus is currently a percentage based off the franchises annual performance.

3. Dakota Lamb will receive 100 shares in the Bears Den. When the company came out on the market, their shares were valued at $8 and we watched that number quickly grow to $22. As each announcement came out (2,3 and now 4), we've watched that number go from 8-> 22 (announcement 1), 22-> 27 to 27 --> 44 and as of writing this, we're sitting at 45.5. He, of course, will receive these shares free of charge at the current valued amount. We expect the shares to bounce significantly as we reach internationally into Swedish and Mexican markets.

4. His own food item that he is able to come up with. 100% on him. Will forever be served at all location. You pick the names, the item description and what is made up of. Furthering, 5% of all money earned from this will be given to Dakota Lamb and a further 5% will be given to a charity of his choice, totaling 10% reward from all of his items sold. 


Dakota, as we've spoken briefly over ZOOM, we can only say how great Seattle is so much without you experiencing it for yourself. We've always gone great depths for our amazing Bears family and hopefully this decisions and our discussions have proven Seattle is willing to walk further, faster and stronger than our competition. We wish you the best of luck throughout the process and a reminder - don't sweat things. Have fun!



dance moon GIF


Edited by Banackock
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