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Media questions for Cowboy Prout


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Interviewer “ thanks for taking your time here today as we look forward for our conversation tonight and get some answers from you, let’s start off easy. How do you think your VHL rookie season is going?” 



Cowboy Prout “ it’s going ok definitely had lots to learn and I have to be better but hopefully that’ll come in time. I will say the New York fans are passionate and they need to slow down on the hateful articles and magazines covers. Lately it seems we’ve hit a rut but I’m promising them I’m here to help and the rest of this young core is all working for the same goal” 




Interviewer “ so you’ve gotten your media attention have you personally paid attention to what fans and articles say about you?”




Cowboy Prout “ yeah I’ve seen yours and I’ll say one thing your a shitty writer and fuck you. If you’d have any brains you’d see we have a good team and will be better in time. For now it’s the development and our group to work hard. You can’t always win every game 10-0 or win the championship year after year. We will and are already better.”


Interviewer “ wow. Please watch the language our viewers certainly would not appreciate this. Maybe if you knew how to play the game of hockey we’d all cheer for you and not boo you every time your on the ice. Your pathetic. Your not any good. Looser.” 



Cowboy Prout “ your the looser for watching and showing up every game. If I’m this big looser why are you getting ratings from me? I’m here to talk hockey. Not fight with fake news. Please watch this play more. And actually pay attention. It’s a young team. We’re fast. We’ve got skilled players who are fun to play with and will be very good for seasons to come. I honestly believe we will be a lot better next season and the following with this pace.” 




Interviewer” so your saying our lovely New York fan base might actually get some excitement from watching you guys play then feel embarrassed? We deserve better. We want wins. We want champions this is New York, it’s the big Apple! Look around the city. This is a championship home. We love to win!” 




Cowboy Prout “ I think I could agree on a couple things there I mean we obviously want to win but again it’s all developing and coming together. I love the city and I want to bring them a championship for drafting me. I want to win. I’ll even admit myself I started this season slow but I’m getting better.  It’s a process but I love the passion the fans have I just wish they seen what path were on.” 




Interviewer “ We’ve noticed the change in culture but your still a looser. Your in the bottom of the league again! You yourself MR 20th overall your a looser! You suck at hock”



(Cowboy Prout has now laid an absolutely besting on this Interviewer mid sentence)




well folks that’s a wrap as we get Cowboy Prout out of here before he’s charged with attempt of murder! He looks to practicing with his teams enforcer @Rhynex Entertainment . Have a good night New York and remember GOD BLESS AMERICA and goodnight! 

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1 hour ago, Prout said:

Cowboy Prout “ yeah I’ve seen yours and I’ll say one thing your a shitty writer and fuck you. If you’d have any brains you’d see we have a good team and will be better in time.

Cowboy Prout took some lessons from Tortorella on how to deal with the media confirmed. I like that you added your own humor to the interview and actually made it enjoyable, unlike some interview articles. It has some spelling errors that I noticed, but that's a pretty minor criticism. All things considered, probably an accurate representation of the New York media. 9/10 article

Edited by a_Ferk
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