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Everything posted by Wasty

  1. @Pandar
  2. Dion! Good to see ya buddy!
  3. Wasty


    I have all my psds, Ill find it and send you a link tonight.
  4. Wasty


  5. Wasty


    Updated this from the Jack Kraken - Jake Chychrun sig and down.
  6. To be honest I will never talk shit on either league. SHL was my start and still is my home, VHL has allowed me to grow graphically in ways I never thought was possible. If it wasn't for the amazing graphics by Koradek, Boubabi and Mr Baller pushing me to be better and hone my talents, I don't think I'd be even close to where I am in graphic work. Plus iv'e had the pleasure of having some great GMs here like Higgins and Will to help keep me up and active here. I love both leagues for different reasons and you'll never find me talking shit about either. Hell my own league, the PHL was birthed because of my love of both leagues and wanting to bring my ideas that i've gotten from both leagues into my own. I didn't really think I came in here with a "hoiler than thou" attitude but I joined the discussion because I first wanted to squash the idea the RED is a cheater and I understand and love the concept of the Thunderdome so I get that. However I don't like the idea of false information be pushed around so I had to stand in a say something. The SHL has it's issues and I understand that but the idea that the SHL is shit because they have a different idea and thoughts behind governing the league is also a shit thought. Like I said both leagues have their positives and negatives and I accept that. I just hate the notion that its either us or them and Gorlab's attitude towards the SHL and wanting to burn it down upsets me because the SHL is still a place I love and it's a place I go to to escape the rigors of my regular life. So my stepping in was to defend the league and if there was a thread like this in the SHL I'd step in and say the same thing about the VHL. I do find that the VHL has a bit more animosity towards the SHL than vice versa, in fact a thread just popped up on the SHL pointing out how well the VHL runs their offseason over the SHL so I think the idea or notion that the SHL has some hatred towards the VHL is in fact false.
  7. Give respect to get it man. You were shown no respect when you started giving zero shit about the league. You need to seriously get over it because frankly nobody over there even cares. We've moved on and so should you. You didn't keep the league afloat and certainly weren't this white knight you seemed to have built yourself up to be. The people that are in charge now don't even have beef with you dude and you need to understand that, you just continue on with this "the SHL owes me something" bullshit but in fact no they don't. It doesnt need to be destroyed and only in your head does that idea ring true. Get over it man, I'm not here to start fights I'm just tired of your same old rhetoric that you seem to think you deserved to be treated with respect when you decided to shit all over the league. People have left and gone inactive because sometimes that's what happens in you move on to other things and real life shit takes over. They didn't leave because the SHL did something and you are truly the one of the few that still thinks that. the league will continue to live on and that's great, you should just stop focusing on this vendetta you have against a league that frankly doesn't give a shit about you and your manifesto against it. There are PLENTY of people in the SHL that don't know who the fuck you are and that love the league and I'm sorry you're just being a sorry bitch if you want to ruin that for people that don't deserve it. Youre great here so do that. Get over the SHL cause frankly you think it's SHL vs you but truly the SHL has moved on and we have a great league with great members as does the VHL so really it's You vs nobody, so move on man really. I'd be truly pissed as fuck if you "destroyed" the SHL for me cause your panties are still twisted over bullshit that happened over almost a year ago.
  8. I don't understand your unnatural hate for the league man, I really fucking don't. If it wasn't for the rare occurrences your name pops up the league doesn't give a shit about you and I don't know why you still continue to give a shit about hating them. Get over it lol Enjoy the VHL (a league you once you talked shit on before too) and be happy with it. You think you're some legend over there but sorry man you're just another member that burned too many bridges there and that's okay. It's like a breakup, stop talking shit about an ex from a couple years ago lol we have all moved on.
  9. Hey I'm doin stuff
  10. 1. J. Locke (QUE) 2. Over 3. Over 4. Over
  11. @STZ Oh that's such sick work man! Thanks
  12. I did actually, twice
  13. That looks like Tim Robbins or Andy Dufresne from Shawshank Redemption (yes I know it's the same guy)
  14. I approve
  15. Thank you I'm a stay at home dad so not exactly lol, and most would assume I have lots of time to make sigs, but i don't haha.
  16. @JardyB10
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