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Everything posted by Daniel

  1. Doesn't help when you face nearly 50 shots a game either smh
  2. So I've been miring a lot of the graphic work here this last week or so and thought I'd reach out for some help with some of the main problems I've been having. I notice all your renders look really nicely "stylized" (idk if that's the right word), and I was wondering if someone could give me some hep as to how to achieve this. I cut my own out ofphotographs so anyone who could give me some advice about taking them from that state to actually working in a sig would be amazing. Thanks in advance guis
  3. I think the last thing we need right now is a poisonous atmosphere....
  4. Killeen is such a scrub so glad I retired him fuck
  5. I'll be straight with you, times are tough for the Saskatoon Wild right now. Having gone from Founders Cup champions to contending team but playoff burnouts to dumpster level has taken it's toll on the fans and crowds are dwindling. The temporary addition of young European superstars Bogdan Parok and Dmitri Dadonov has raised a few eyebrows, but overall, there's not a lot to be excited about in the long term. The Wild may make the playoffs due to the similarly awful performances of rival teams, but perhaps it's in new GM Simon Valmount's best interests that they don't. Valmount has taken over the team at a tough time and a high draft pick in the offseason could help to turn his team's fortunes around. The immediate future of the Wild looks tumultuous, but hopefully there's a light at the end of the tunnel.
  6. Dadonov bringing them 41 saves
  7. That was unexpected, thank you so much dude!
  8. haven't done anything graphics wise for a while and thought I'd try something really different as a sig for my new player. I know it's not the best but I'm probably going to use this as my point task for the week so some cnc would be sick
  9. A room of hushed journalists sit listening to a conference call with both Jonathan Killeen, his agent and his coach at the Bern Royals. They are primarily hushed so no one knows they're not doing actual work and instead paying close attention to the career moves of a journeyman junior hockey player but that is besides the point. Killeen was drafted last year by the Saskatoon Wild and put up reasonable numbers before being traded to the Bern Royals where he has experienced a major drop off in production. Killeen cites "personal reasons" as his motivation for retiring from hockey, but it's suspected that apathy has taken its toll on his career and he was struggling to find the motivation to continue. It is perhaps a shame that his career was cut so short, however, I am sure his mediocre legacy will live on for the Wild in generations to come.
  10. One of you scrubs claim me ffs

  11. My activity levels really screwed me and if I'm honest I have no motivation with this player anymore. I'm going to recreate and build a player now I've finished with finals and will have a lot more time on my hands. Sorry to anyone this affects but I really couldn't find any motivation to take this guy further
  12. And you best believe we're not talking about the young centre's on-ice performances. Word out of Cologne indicates that Jonathan Killeen has not signed the entry level contract that was offered to him by the Express, despite almost a week passing since the draft. Trying to get to the bottom of what is a curious situation, we reached out to Killeen and we received the following statement: "I haven't signed the contract that Cologne have offered me and won't sign it as it stands. To be blunt, they're not paying me enough to play for them. There's teams out there I'd take that deal from but they aren't one of them. They need to give me more." While not indicating that he's totally unwilling to play for Cologne, the impression is certainly given that he's not happy about them drafting him. We'll have to see over the next few days how things progress but these are uncertain times for this young man.
  13. Daniel


    double posted ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  14. You know you're a bust when you play on the same line as Parechkin and get only two points
  15. Pierre will return for some post-draft analysis later in the week so all is not lost. I start work in like an hour so I can't really do anything more tonight
  16. 6-30: Some scrubs were picked I have to go eat and cry about the fact that I got drafted by Cologne. Sorry I couldn't replicate last year's success but at least you got some amazing analysis of the first 5 picks :(
  17. 3. Sean Blacker - Toronto Legion 4. Shawn Muller - Seattle Bears 5. Pete Stockton - Toronto Legion "BOY DO I FEEL GIDDY! The Toronto and Seattle back and forth continues as the Legion use their valuable 3rd pick to "pick" up Sean Blacker. This dynamic Irishman has impressed everyone who's watched him from the word go, and if this kid carries on the way he is, he looks like he could be the next Patrik Stefan, and you find me a team who doesn't want a player of that calibre! The honour of being 4th overall goes to the dashing Deutschlander, Shawn Muller. This flashy phenom can put a biscuit in the basket like you've never seen and just like German engineering, he won't let you down! Toronto round out the top 5 with Pete Stockton. Let me tell you something right here, THIS is the steal of the draft. The guys running the Legion must think it's their birthday, Christmas and Hanukkah all rolled into one getting him here. If he's not a stud then my name's not Regis!"
  18. 2. Jeff Hamilton - Seattle Bears "WHAM! Seattle have been down in the dumps for a while but no more as they add unstoppable Englishman Jeff Hamilton! This kid's from Gerrard's Cross, England, not exactly known for it's hockey prodigies but you know what, they can be very proud of this kid. You know what I love the most about Jeff Hamilton? He's a big body presence, not afraid to drop the gloves but he can shoot the puck past you like no one else. There's never been a better time to be a Bear!"
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