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Everything posted by boubabi

  1. I secretly want to kill everyone eyes
  2. I'll consider. If other people approve that, I'll give it a try.
  3. btw, the green and blue icons will be changed soon enough.
  4. Hello gentlemen I've been working on a new skin for some time. After multiple problems, I've finally come up with an "OK" theme to use. I've always been a fan of dark design, it reduced eye fatigue from video glare and it has a really cool feeling. I kept the text area white to create a nice contrast here. Some adjustments are needed, but me and Higgins will work on this. Of course, I would like some review too, what you like, what could be improved, etc. Since we can choose between multiple skins, I thought that having this kind of design was lacking here. I hope you'll enjoy this. I worked hard on this and since I'm no way near of being good at coding, it was very rewarding in the end. If you see some flaws, it may be because I didn't saw it, so let me know via PM or chat if you find something. The skin is now available as "boubabi's skin" in the footer.
  5. such noob much wow
  6. 10/10 troll
  7. Some good shits
  8. ufa for the whole season
  9. interesting
  10. Good career
  11. not a big fan of this imo. It looks LQ and the blur defy every laws aha. I think it's way overcontrasted (yes double double) and the font isn't at the right place. I must say that the concept is real creative and very interesting but that being say, it's really over contrasted. Your other piece of work are pretty good though, keep going
  12. interesting. Sad for Toronto but shit happens ! We'll look forward to add to this rivalry.
  13. S42 : 3M¥
  14. Soon
  15. btw, this is why DLR is taking the place of Malhotra http://gfycat.com/PettySpanishEastrussiancoursinghounds#
  16. Have a full roster, still offer to a FA.
  17. S42 : 2,5M$ Come play for one season with us. Contact me if you want a different contract.
  18. love the font here. I would remove that greenish line on top though
  19. sign with stockholm tampering not tampering
  20. don't be jealous of me having that 4th
  21. yes Yes YES
  22. tank tank tank tank tank tank tank tank tank tank tank tank tank tank
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