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Everything posted by boubabi

  1. I would say yes
  2. I think we can all agree on this
  3. there's a lot of snipers who doesn't perform as well with a comparable build again, it doesn't explain your 60+ goals season
  4. like any other NY players as well I hope they don't expect as good as an individual performance. If so, they are delusional.
  5. last season was absurd don't base your performance on that
  6. and not dominant ? fuckoff m8 krigars and locke are top 3 lmao
  7. there's no option to make lines play against certain lines, so your matchups were pretty much based on luck
  8. again, don't get me wrong, I feel you. Sths is garbage sometime (a lot of the time)
  9. due to over achieving players. don't get me wrong, riga is def. a power house on paper. Not krigars and thrower and cie
  10. chrome like any other non sociopath
  11. like the past 2 seasons
  12. 1 pt for krigars the vhl wins
  13. I think you have contacted the russian olympics comity to get their "special recipe"
  14. I demand a urine test in riga
  15. @hedgehog337 I mean, to be honest, last's season top 3 players had a combined 1000 tpe approx (not exact, but you get the point) tpe isn't required anymore
  16. the league isn't in his best period to evaluate the 1000+ tpe players
  17. play around those sliders I should say. The offset is kinda sensitive but you can balance it with the gamma correction
  18. 2. all my players
  19. 2 hockey league can co-exist if they bring their own dynamic to the table. The SHL has one dynamic, the VHL has another. Now, it's a matter to see which one works best and what changes we can do, learning fro meither SHL or any other league, to become leaders/ pioneers with creative ideas to reinvent the VHL What the SHL does good is recruiting and retaining members because they built beforemost a community that people (some) enjoy a lot and that makes them stay This whole talk is about bringing members to fill lineups ? What the hell, that's the least of my concern. You all think of solutions to fix a problem in short term, but we have the same and same problem over and over again because we don' t address the real problem, which is a lacking community that doesn't make people want to stay. If people want to stay here, they will work with our PT system for sure and they will collaborate. Now, what we only do is, how to please people that doesn't really give a shit about the VHL. It's just shooting yourself in the foot
  20. anyway, I think y'all focusing on the wrong side of thing and this mindset is just fast forwarding the time-bomb that is the VHL
  21. "why become like them" isn't that the whole argument of putting this welfare rule ? Learning from SHL is a must. Not copying them, learning from them is far different. Not recognizing their strength or flaws is the summun of being stubborn
  22. add this shit to the list
  23. Actually, it has a place in this conversation because how people like you still use menaces like : "I'll leave this site if this happens" this is a bullshit excuse and you use that just to scare people off to get to your point
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