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Everything posted by boubabi

  1. Index --->
  2. and we also need a new financier
  3. you would be surprised
  4. I'm too much hated for that to happen
  5. not quite sure it works that way. I wouldn't hire a guy based off "maybe he will come back"
  6. well, he's kinda recent though. I've seen worst
  7. devise is as active as jericho though
  8. well, we aren't the one the choose, as it's not a popularity vote. Chemistry between the commies is key, so that decision is really up to higgins at this point
  9. the BoG is only used for propositiosn that will be ignored for 5 to 8 seasons until some random respected dude propose the same thing and get the fame for being the genius behind it
  10. we decide which kind of soft drink there will be at the reunions
  11. don't think there's a necessity for 5 commish. 2 would do the trick. I would rather have that and put more power into the BoG
  12. more like Mao Zedong, amirite
  13. just my 2 cent here, but maybe because of your fragile vhl interest you would be a very good ''people's''' commish, but I think the commish job is beyond relation with members
  14. can't argue with that. My point being, the commish's future isn't something we need to be passive about, as it's the foundation of the league's decision. We were unfortunate to loose 2 very competent commish in draper and smarch, but shit goes on, and so the vhl. Maybe the list of possible commish isn't long, but a decision needs to be made for the present, and the future of the league Please, at least choose someone who does point tasks weekly
  15. don't expect black and white from the blue team either. Most shit are hidden for a reason and devise's summary was far from transparency as it was tainted from his personal stand point What the BoG is doing (or actually not doing) in the recent month is far most an issue than Higgins's business in the blue team
  16. if transparency was key, the BoG and the blue team section would be public which isn't the case
  17. ask him what he does then, simple
  18. 75% of the BoG members don't do shit, so there's that and blue team job is beyond posting in the BoG. Higgins as been the most reliable simmer for a moment, so the life of the VHLM is pretty much in his hand. I guess that's enough.
  19. whats funny about that @Kendrick ?
  20. I propose someone who knows how to use excel
  21. I propose @punkhippie then ez
  22. So I'll make this public since it's a public interest, but is it official, Smarch isn't coming back right ? If so, what are the plans for his eventual replacement ? We can't expect Higgins to do everything. Draper doesn't seem quite back, and I don't know if he will even come back to his previous activity level. Draper and Smarch were obviously big part of the off-season, as they were efficient in their procedure, so do we plan on finding someone that will be also very efficient (and more importantly active) as commissioner ? This is a do or die situation really, as the league as seen his share of crisis already and it's just honest to know where the league is going with that.
  23. yes but I'm new to photoshop so I guess I'm allowed for multiple mistakes without any concerns
  24. I know right ? I'm a perfectionist
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