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Everything posted by boubabi

  1. Fuckoff then
  2. I see you havent read the BoG topic about my propositions then Well done
  3. And then we ask why people are leaving the vhl ?
  4. I like how pointing problems in this league makes you look like a bitch. I guess I could just sit here, be passive about everything and earn my weekly 9 tpe like everyone else. I guess the league could use a more "bitchy" team then.
  5. I also like how you compared this to the award name change like it made any sense
  6. The record that I would likely break again, yes. Good thing I said such thing as a joke and people took it seriously The 12 tpe is more stupid because it will unbalance the ratings and the players but hey, nice dig
  7. Jcink is meh Ip boards is customizable and kinda safe
  9. upping the tpe isn't the solution. there's a balance that works with weekly 9 tpe it's really more about balancing the tpe the welfare member earns and the PT member earns
  12. not a huge fan of the 12 tpe mark, as it would mess all the tpe records (including mine of course) done in earlier seasons Would rather like to see a different update scale with player type instead of that
  13. the 4 tpe welfare only needs to be allowed with no other tpe gained during that week. So no job pay or xm radio. DOesn't make sense to allow people to claim the ultimate ''I'm late'' backup plan, but allowing them to claim other work they supposedly had time to do
  14. there's not much to say in game threads, lets not kid ourselves
  15. well, that's the blue team/BoG job to resolve that problem the concept is quite simple : work for your tpes. I think the welfare is a great middle ground for things you can't control (schedules etc), but building welfare player is first, don't see the point of it, 2 useless for the community. Just my opinion though
  16. jersey changes are for PUSSIES
  17. ???????????????????????????
  18. I don't like the ''can't find time''. Maybe if you're in north korea, I would understand. But everyone can find time for something they care. It just means that you used your time elsewhere in something you liked better, therefore you have to face the consequences of that decision.
  19. you know in the economy, when you are in a recession, the gov is spending MORE money is sometime the way to go to counter the recession ? Same thing here. Maybe it scares the welfare players, but it also encourages the one that do PT and motivates them to do a PT because there's no other alternative and laziness isn't accepted anymore.
  20. The reviewing thing is different. Not everyone has the time/ motivation to write 250 reviews sometimes, 250 posts about how shit the flyers are as much valuable to the league than 250 reviews
  21. I don't care about pointless spamming. If someone takes to time to log in, make 250 pointless posts, still is 250 new posts
  22. I stil lthink we should encourage posting on the board as a way to earn tpe. I've proposed this before, and I stil lthink it's valid Make it every 250 posts = x tpes
  23. you mean 300 tpe scrubs that over performs for no reason ? trash talk season is ON
  24. because some people value the community and the board activity as a reason to stay. Welfare members usually do not contribute to the community life and or board
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