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Posts posted by Dangles13

  1. Being called into my former general managers' office last week put me into a state of anxiety and fear, so this week when I was called into my new coaches office I was scared, to say the least. The same warm rush of blood crept onto my face as I started nervously perspiring, my feet felt like anchors as I forced myself down the hall and towards the coaching offices of the facility. I thought for sure that everyone in a two-mile radius could hear my heart hammering against my chest. I have not been playing great since I got shipped from the Wild to the Aces and I knew I was about to get benched or worse, "can a team ship me back like a defective part" I asked myself in my head. I came to the door to the coaches office which pulled me from my daydreaming, my greasy hand fumbled with the doorknob, I was in no hurry to enter this room and discover my fate. Ominously, the old wooden door creaked open revealing a room that was dark except for an old lamp that sat upon an old wooden desk. I had a coach one time tell me that mood lighting was key to all interactions between people; the dark and foreboding nature of the singular incandescent bulb sent my anxiety into high alert as I struggled not to faint. 




    "Otto, you look terrified, have a seat before you fall over please" boomed out the coach. I was shocked as he looked genuinely concerned for me, perhaps he was not about to "tear me a new asshole" or whatever it was that McDragon had told me I was in for. "Son, you should relax. I didn't call you here to make you feel bad, I want to make sure everything is ok with you" the coach said in a much more gentle tone.


    I was able to convince myself to relax a tiny bit, "what do you mean am I ok" I questioned of my coach. 


    "Are you fitting in alright? Is anybody giving you a hard time? Do you not like my coaching? I just want to see if we can't work together to bust this slump you seem to be in since becoming an Ace".


    Finally, I was able to ease my nerves. "uh, well... I don't know coach. I feel like I was supposed to be a big part of this team and so far I have let everyone down. I don't know what to do, I feel like the more I try to do the worse I play".


    Coach smiled and said "well naturally Otto, you're a competitor and you want to win. You gotta stop putting so much pressure on yourself and just let the game come to you though. I have been looking over a few things and I have some things that I need you to work on over the next few weeks. I have some drills that we can do together as well to get your skating and positioning better, can you handle this Otto"?


    "Oh for sure coach, I really want to help us win and I will do whatever you need. Thank you for believing in me, I had kind of lost my way the last few weeks. You will see a new Otto very soon"! I proclaimed as took the binder from his hands and rushed out of the room, filled with excitement.

  2. The early days in Las Vegas were not kind to Otto Axelsson. The forward who was supposed to be a huge injection of offence into the lineup struggled mightily early on. Six games and zero points for Otto made it appear like the Aces made a huge mistake on their deadline gamble. Since then, the coaching staff worked with the young Swedish man on a few aspects of his game and the results have been great. Eight games later and Axelsson has potted three goals while also dishing out five apples to his teammates. The rough defensive play that saw Axelsson hemorrhage goals against has been replaced by smart reads that lead to goal scoring opportunities; minus five in the first six games has turned into plus six over his last eight as the game seems to be slowing down for Otto. The coach has taken notice of Axelsson's improved play as well. No longer is Otto stapled to the bench until the stars are too tired and need a break. Axelsson is getting tapped on the shoulder more and more as the coach trusts his player to get the job done. Otto has gone from 13 minutes a night to over 20 now and last game the Swede logged over 25 minutes!

  3. 1 hour ago, Banackock said:

    Negative. He approached me about you! Then some form of miscommunication took place on his behalf where an offer for a 3rd rounder was made for you (autocorrecting phones caused this). So I was like "wtf. You wanted a 2nd for Bourdon but a 3rd for Quill??"


    No one on this team except 1-2 are worth less than a single 1st. 

    I'm right here man, no need to kick me while I'm down. 

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