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Posts posted by Dangles13

  1. 11 minutes ago, eaglesfan036 said:

    How do you guys have the time to do all that stuff. I feel like it's a lot of work just keeping up with the VHL :P


    I work 4 10 hour days so I usually have Fridays off, I usually do all of my writing then and do my league jobs in the evenings.

  2. 15 hours ago, ADwyer87 said:

    So, this is my sim checklist for the week:


    Saskatoon Archives

    Kansas Archives

    VHL Mag Article

    VHL Grading

    SBA Conspiracy Quote

    SBA Grading

    SBA Twitter

    WFL Blog(finished)

    EFCL article(if they ever post a topic)

    GOMHL Article

    SHL Draft Article

    SHL Playoff Predictions

    SBL Article



    That's a boatload. Mine is:


    VHL Media Spot

    SBL Media Spot

    SBL Bio

    GOMHL Media

    WFL Blog

    WFL Newspaper Article


    Various SHL, SBL and GOMHL jobs as well.

  3. User Name: Dangles12
    Cup Winner: Anaheim Ducks




    (M1) Washington vs (W2) Philadelphia
    Winner: Washington
    # of Games: 

    (M2) Pittsburgh vs (M3) New York Rangers
    Winner: New York Rangers
    # of Games: 7

    (A1) Florida vs (W1) New York Islanders
    Winner: Florida
    # of Games: 6

    (A2) Tampa Bay vs (A3) Detroit
    Winner: Tampa Bay
    # of Games: 7


    (C1) Dallas vs (W2) Minnesota
    Winner: Dallas
    # of Games: 5

    (C2) St. Louis vs (C3) Chicago
    Winner: Chicago
    # of Games: 6

    (P1) Anaheim vs (W1) Nashville
    Winner: Anaheim
    # of Games: 7

    (P2) Los Angeles vs (P3) San Jose
    Winner: Los Angeles 
    # of Games: 5

  4. *Doubles Week, Young Stars game*




    Now you may not be familiar with the name Asher Donovan so it may come as a surprise to you when I suggest that he should be a late addition to the upcoming Young Stars game. There are so many stars in the VHLM that are much more deserving such as Pietro Maximoff who has 34 goals and 33 assists in just 54 games and also Kai Roberts who also has an impressive 20 goals and 36 points in 54 games and that isn't even mentioning the top goalies and defencemen. Sven Wolf has put up substantial 25 wins in only 34 games and a 0.912 save percentage and a minuscule 1.72 goals against average which is tops in the league. Lets not forget about defencemen Bobby Digital and Ted Doughty who are both dominate players for their teams and they will likely be starting in the game but we are here to highlight budding power forward Asher Donovan.


    It really wouldn't be fair to dismiss all those who have played a full season and put up decent but not great numbers as giving your team 50 or more games is certainly an accomplishment but what Donovan has done with just 12 games is impressive. Asher may have only put up 11 points in those twelve games but he has 9 points in 8 games since leaving the basement dwelling Yukon Rush and joining the second place Saskatoon Wild. Jumping from a 0.5 points per game(ppg) to a 1.125 ppg is an accomplishment that comes with playing on a stronger squad but I think if we prorated that to a full season we would find that Asher is near the top of the league in scoring. 


    His scoring is not all that has been improved either, Asher was minus six in just four games on the Yukon and while some of that was part of playing a lot of minutes on an unimpressive Rush team some of that was a young player finding his way on the defensive side of the puck. Since joining Saskatoon Asher has managed to be a plus six, some of that is a good team but some of that is natural progression as Donovan is learning rapidly on the job.



    sport.gif >ShadowyFaithfulGadwall.gif



    The flip side to this argument of rapid progression placing Donovan among the league leaders is that this is just a hot start from getting a change of scenery. We have seen it plenty of times where a player gets traded to a team and he gets hot because he's excited to be somewhere new and then after 15 or 20 games he cools off back to his normal pace. Which side of this line will Asher fall on? Only time will tell but for now all we can do is enjoy the ride and look forward to the Young Stars game.


    I think we can safely assume that Asher will be left off of the Young Stars roster come Monday but if you were to argue that he is deserving of a spot you would have my full support, even if he is left off the roster I think we can agree that we are witnessing the beginning of a great career. The power forward may be an under appreciated and dying breed but Donovan doesn't care and he's going to crash and bang a path all the way to the VHL draft.

  5. 35 minutes ago, nikkurri17 said:

    Hey, I made it here!


    I'm glad to be a part of this team. My last player was on the Wild as well.


    Nice to see you here Dangles! We have a ton of potential here with this team. :) 

    Hey Valtteri how's it going?

  6. 9 hours ago, ADwyer87 said:

    It depends, me and evrydayimbyfuglien have been doing that for the most part. I usually do mine on the weekends since I have school during the week. I will try and grade your stuff soon. Either way you can auto claim for everything. So your Bio would be 10 and RP would be 8.

    I'm not trying to rush you guys or anything, just wondering for the future so I can figure out when I need to have articles and stuff done by.

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