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Everything posted by Gudnason

  1. Yeah that, Higgins could probably care less about his "experience" on Calgary as Jacob. It's just an add-on for him, as he has other roles of blue team, HSK GM, and Black Velvet. He could probably care less if Jacob played out his career in Cologne, until Astrid Moon suddenly retired, then he'd offer me like four 1sts for him probably.
  2. So what the hell is happening to Jack Shephard
  3. Not to circumvent the two-player FA rule though, according to the rule book.
  4. Also thought sign and trades weren't allowed, otherwise Rudi Ying could very well have been on Cologne...
  5. I agree with the wise one. Our player base is ridiculously small when we stick our head out of the fish bowl and look at other leagues.
  6. I'm like fresh off boat Asian lol
  7. Oh fuck that explains the resemblance, but what the hell is that? Some singer's own personal trademarked style of a portrait?
  8. @Higgins should get fired for the Jacob/Velvet trade then?
  9. I'm not exactly sure what a starboy is, to be honest. Got called that once after I refused to drink cheap coffee like Tim Horton's and insisted on waiting for Starbucks... so some spoiled rich brat or something I guess?
  10. I'm sure I'm not the first, and won't be the last, to do such trades. If I get fired because of this, it's ROUGHLY, key word being roughly equivalent to @BobertZ getting sacked in Vegas.
  11. To each its own taste, just seems very tri-color and "childish" to me.
  12. Come on, I know what @boubabi can do. This isn't someone like @Tagger or @Will or @JardyB10 making a sig
  13. And the fact I knew you would stick around for eight seasons through highs and lows was the reason why I literally threw the kitchen sink (except for Ay Ay Ron and Vernon von Axelberry) at Seattle, but still failed.
  14. Maybe less likely. But in this case, I think Ay Ay Ron would have still gone to Helsinki as that was the best offer (regardless three or four first round picks). At the time, I never thought to have boubabi suffer here for a year or two the flip him for more worth.
  15. Please don't speak out of your ass, to put it harshly. I'm not trying to bring the league down; anyone in my situation would have tanked last season.
  16. Yours truly calculated it, and you finished in 3rd place in your group, so 2 TPE. http://www.vhlforum.com/index.php?/topic/41060-group-5-fantasy-draft/&page=2&tab=comments#comment-456251
  17. I will add to the point by admitting that I sacrificed a fourth 1st round draft pick from Higgins in the Ay Ay Ron trade, so he could use that pick to acquire Rudi Ying
  18. Well you can change it up for him in a different league, and still submit the Ying version for a PT. Serious question, did this take less than 10 minutes in MS Paint LOL
  19. To the guy that finally changed the GM names on the main page... "Anderson" would love to be known as Rudi Ying, while Birkir Hólm Guðnason is the GM player, not Bastian Stolzschweiger :)

  20. RIP Streetlight, I remember your threads earlier in the year about struggles. Hope all is well and progressing upwards. Hope you come back some day soon. Cologne's door is always open for you.
  21. 12 hours as usual? @Bushito
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