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Everything posted by Gudnason

  1. β-YUK C1 (YUK) for Abuse of Officials (Major / Game Misconduct) at 12:10 That's something I've never seen before in STHS
  2. @Kendrick this will get sorted out in 24 hours. didn't include you in the pm because you are just an outsider for lack of a better word
  3. @stevo and @NUCK WILL get their wish and be traded within 24 hours. Greener pastures await them with a better locker room and more playing time.

  4. Don't retire @stevo I will get you traded off the team if that is your wish, as well as @NUCK
  5. Confirming they are @NUCK and @stevo
  6. Trust the Process Robbing Jacob of developmental time
  7. You probably recreated post deadline like a Fong.
  8. I have come to accept that we will not be better than Ottawa
  9. Makes sense. But not sure if Yukon would be a good experience for him career-wise. If Saskatoon wants him to split with Manley, or Ottawa with King, or Oslo with Lady, I guess go right on ahead.
  10. Good to know I'll get a shot at 20 TPE. Unrelated and off topic but yolo
  11. Well pretty sure the best way is to guarantee a trade out for him, but at least the other teams can all offer up what they want and Vegas takes the best return. Although I understand if Saskatoon wants Manley over Phucked.
  12. I know the issue here that lies with the rest of you, but to get fair, or at least decent/some, value from a trade wouldn't hurt to know his position. @NUCK
  13. Let's first clarify if he is a goalie or right winger now.
  14. LOL wtf so who gave Zimmers permission to contact you? I know where you come from the SHL and how they kind of work, but according to your logic what right does it give Zimmers to offer you up and for you to accept his invalid offer? Well only 6 posts in a thread. If you missed it what can I say
  15. Did I call him out for not playing you? I honestly forgot if I did
  16. How the fuck is offering you a contract tampering? And Jardy/Ottawa had a contract offer too
  17. WTF are you talking about. You are more incoherent than our GM
  18. http://www.vhlforum.com/index.php?/topic/39249-phukin-pucked/
  19. Holy shit, goal scoring streak, multiple goal game, 5 shots, 1st star! But overtime loss
  20. Finally third goal of the season! And congrats @BOOM!
  21. @BobertZ @NUCK @Higgins For those believing he had no offers.
  22. Pretty sure Lawrence and Wolf are inactives
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