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Everything posted by Kendrick

  1. You guys are taking it like it's from me. "Joke thread" "this is bullshit", these were all tallied by the entire ballots. It's not like I just went ahead and named them. Guys need to not take it to heart, it's just an anonymous poll. Brovy, I have not heard one person say I was the best defensemen nor has one person even predicted that in their predictions. So I can't say your comment really makes sense. Do I think my player lives up to his TPE? No I do not. But I am only one vote and my vote wasn't even Wolf there, so chill out man.
  2. Yeah keep the young better goalie who is also unproven by league standards and it doesn't matter because they need to shuffle the entire deck anyways.
  3. Penalty shot!
  4. Vancouver, city of complaints. No wonder players don't want to go there, the fanbase is so panicky.
  5. Yeah we have a recently high number of goalies create so it would mean less time for someone like yourself if everyone turned out solid.
  6. Jamaica/Costa Rica was crazy! What a good game
  7. That White Roma one is so sexy. It's simply but slick!
  8. Americans Meute Vikings Dynamo
  9. No you raised a stink. Don't pin it on me. Continue the voting though
  10. It's me? Who raised a stink in the first place? I'm defending it because I looked at the stats from last year and he does deserve to be there as the Pro Leaders has it there. Sure he was on since the beginning, so were others. I copied the names over to the poll.
  11. Brovy get off my ass. I'm trying to do something Zero did several years ago to spark activity.
  12. I'll get the violin ready and wait for the final response.
  13. Based on the TOP 25 scorers of last year he is. I put a list of 25 out there which involved several goalies and defensemen. 9 players have already been voted in. So what you are saying is that Shock is not even worth being mentioned in the top 20. God last time I try to promote activity, seems the panties seem to get in a knot really quickly if you don't do something agreed upon by certain people.
  14. Cool, you guys need to re-word your shit. There is a different between abusing the recruitment rules and working alongside them. The way you all have painted it is that recruiting is looked at negatively in this league. So "Hey VHL! Go out and recruit, but only a couple guys here and there, not several member in a small time frame. Otherwise it looks bad that you are loaded with TPE!". The incentives were there for a reason. If you have an issue with inflation don't point to recruitment as thats one area where we actually need to have an incentive otherwise you will have those low numbered draft classes. Look at all the free TPE in Fantasy Zones, VHFL League, Holiday giveaways and shit. Those simply reward people for being here and not getting people here. A couple years ago I raised a point about cutting some of the fantasy points, yet Bushito had a big stink and you guys sided with him.
  15. Words like "abuse the recruitment incentive" might want to be re-worded.
  16. I didn't make a mistake at all. I put a fucking list up before doing these and added people. If someone had an issue and wanted to whine, that would've been the time. Man it sucks doing things to promote activity in these league, one of the things that gets absolutely broken down when doing so. I put all your requested buddies in the list this time.
  17. News just in, VHL Commish Jardy Bettman has fired the current VHLM Financier and named all Stockholm players as the new Financiers.
  18. Because it wasn't titled "Free Archie Comics Giveaway!"?
  19. PHIL! The suns are bringing in the real MVP! http://www.thescore.com/nba/news/792481
  20. Never said it was.
  21. Nope not even in the slightest. I mean you wrote that and forgot you did the same over there haha
  22. Yeah trust me it's pretty cool the results that have come across with the 16. I'm going to try and make it graphic too!
  23. I don't think Cowboy even claimed that was the case. It's suppose to factor in active players from what the sim has shown us. As an example I voted Boychuk based on the past year and the tiebreaker was his overall production. If a member views two players even and the tiebreaker is his consistency then I don't think anyone can judge his decision.
  24. I only recently used the SHL to recruit. However that's a poor example because I have a 1300+ TPE player there and have been there for almost 4 years now. Also if you want to point fingers over there look no further than Cuffy who has recruited for various leagues over there and other areas to gain new members. I even gave him trouble for it too, but in the end it doesn't take away from the league you are recruiting from. I should also mention three of my recruits from the SHL play on my team over there, if that is illegal than half the recruits from both leagues are at fault. So go ahead accuse me of something I did do, not like it matters.
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