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Everything posted by jacobaa19

  1. Oo... my favourite flavour of ice cream... I think it’d have to be cookie dough walk the line. One of the best movies I’ve seen. Love Johnny Cash 7-2-1 i think our team is doing fine we all just need to get to the next level well considering my original player was in Oslo I do kinda miss it but, I miss OLSO even more vancouver is winning for sure
  2. vote mike
  3. Vote Rayzor
  4. Dam
  5. Vote Sebster
  6. Well I just want playoffs so it’s great! theres no way we move down we’re getting better everyday i have another level I haven’t reached but I will Defence. neon orange like thee oilers jersey ffs I’m goin crazy
  7. We just goin for him like that? Alright then Vote Sebster
  8. Vote Mcwolf
  9. vote josh
  10. I didn’t even realize he asked for protection is all
  11. Wym what I did?
  12. So first of all to clarify I’m doc ?? Vote Fonzi
  13. Who we votin boys
  14. I was in jail so they couldn’t
  15. Someone tried to role block me last night ??
  16. VOTE @a_Ferk Just cuz I trust the strange gritty man
  17. Dam
  18. WOOOOO
  19. 1.My head.... and my shoulder i guess 2. I’ve never lost a tooth it’s great. 3. Oof uhhhh I’d never grow a beard again 4. changes by week right now it’s dababy 5. No. Please no. 6. Snort pre workout before a game... I mean i know dry scoops are a thing but snorting it? Weird shit 7. called out for a bad one. Nothin pisses me off more than playing great and be completely ignored. 8. Boring quarantine is killin me
  20. Charlie Paddywagon @hedgehog337
  21. Jeff downey @Ricer13
  22. Greg eagles @hedgehog337
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