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Posts posted by RandomHero

  1. Jakob Linholm is a 19-year-old winger playing this season in the VHLM for the Minot Gladiators. He was the 2nd overall pick in the S37 draft, and while he would like to be playing in the VHL, He is enjoying his time in Minot.


    "The team has been awesome and they have been a great group of guys to play with this season. I am enjoying getting top line minutes this season and you can tell by my production I am proving that I am one of the top players this season. While I would've liked to play for the Americans this season, they thought me being down here would be what was best for my career. As of right now I would have to agree with them, I've been able to get in first line minutes and my production has gone up greatly."


    Linholm has also become quite popular in Minot and around the league as well. He has been one of the highest selling jerseys this season in the VHLM and has gotten the fans in Minot excited this season.


    "Yeah that fans have been great and they've really taken a liking to me. I'm nto sure exactly why but it's nice to see. It always a confidence booster to go out and see the fans chanting your name, wearing your jersey and seeing signs. It really makes it easier to go out and perform at the top of my game every day."


    Linholm is hoping to help win the Gladiators a championship this season and LinholMania may be the extra push they need.

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