1. @sadie
F - Severus Targaryen
F - Savaisk Tzesar
F - Raimo Tuominen
D - Lucy Leitner
D - Lazlo Holmes
G - Giorgiy Costanzov
2. @mmrs617
F - Pierre Marc Bouchard
F - Phillip Rave
F - Spanish Moon Moth
D - Obuz Schneider Canet du Bocage
D - Yaboi Oven
G - Spider Panda
3. @leafsman(GM)
F - Harry Callahan
F - Riley Martin
F - Grimgor Ironhide
D- Callum Gary Yannick Janser
D - Andrew Skilton
G - Jorgen Lovstrom
4. @Thunder
F - Logan Ninefingers
F - Maverick Goncalves
F - Antonia Bucatini
D - Guntis Gavilrovs
D - Tommy Sleeves
G - Soju
5. @Baby Boomer
F - Axle Gunner
F - Jarmo Ruutu
F - Gianfranco Del Rocco
D - Jillian Woods
D - Leif Reingaard
G - Red Panda
6. @Hogan
F - Eric White Jr
F - King Kisslinger
F - The Phantom of the VHL
D - Felicia Hardy
D - Conference Prince-de-Galles
@leandrofg draft complete