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Everything posted by McWolf

  1. Since it's a snake draft and you are at the end of a round, you get to make 2 picks in a row. And when we say a pick is skipped, you can still come back and make it later, so you'd still have one more pick right now!
  2. There is no BPA list or anything. You can do like Gritty said and use the list from last season to give you a good idea. High PA and High SC will help with scoring. High CK will help with hits. Players on shit teams usually get most shots blocked. Goalies are literally random. Have fun!
  3. @LastOneUp skipped. @Spence King OTC x2
  4. You can remake the two picks I just did then.
  5. Matmenzinger skipped for two straight picks. His team is now Bushito's
  6. @Ferda skipped. You can still make your pick whenever. @McLovin OTC
  7. @Bacon's first pick is skipped. He's still on the clock for his second pick.
  8. @DoktorFunk's 1st pick skipped, he has a 2nd one
  9. @Jayrad28 skipped. You can still catch up whenever. @SweatyBeaver otc
  10. @Advantage @Gooningitup @Boragina @twists @Sharkstrong
  11. @Acydburn's first pick is skipped. He has 12 more hours due to him having 2 straight picks.
  12. @Rayzor_7 skipped. @Da_Berr OTC.
  13. @.sniffuM skipped @pennypenny OTC
  14. @rjfryman skipped. @Cornholio OTC
  15. McWolf

    So...V2 huh?

    I mean, we knew it would be broken anyway. There are no better version of STHS, they are all broken in their own way. Do Season 2 differently, but I'd carry on as planned for this one.
  16. And among this high scoring bullshit, my team is pulling this nonsense: https://vhlportal.com/VHL/GMLeague/Season1/VHLGM-163.html
  17. 12 hours have passed, @bigAL has been skipeed, but he can still make his pick anytime. @flatl99 is OTC
  18. @Grant can still make his pick whenever. @STZ your sig is out of this world
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