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Everything posted by McWolf

  1. Oh really? I'll wait on a @GustavMattias confirmation on that. That changes things.
  2. I was thinking that too. Eno had no cc on his Vet claim. You were attacked by the Jugg. Proto and Funk were both jailed during Jugg attacks. Berocka's trap saw you investigate on Penny on N2 iirc, so he would be confirmed. I'm confirmed as Jailor. That's 6/8 Devise and solas are fishy. For the record, I won't jail anyone tonight. Wouldn't want to take the risk that someone kills both my jailee and me now that it has unstoppable attacks.
  3. Funk has claimed to be a Doctor. Proto has claimed to be a Vigi. Devise has claimed to be Batman, literally. I'd see him be the GA, and someone else could be lying about being a townie while they are the Jugg. But if he won't claim, we'd better just clean him at this point. No role can do anything to the Juggernaut. Claiming or not claiming doesn't mean shit anymore. We gotta lynch him and that's it.
  4. My biggest problem right is WHY DOES THE FREAKING GA NOT CLAIM? Ferk has been confirmed good, that makes the GA on the town's side. One more claim could make the Juggernaut that much more easy to get. Every night the GA doesn't claim is one more night where a_Ferk could randomly die. But oh well... @solas stay home from now on. We don't gain anything from you visiting someone, since if the Jugg visits too, he'll get both of you. Let's limit him to one kill per night until we figure out who it is. Same goes for @Proto, I guess. Stay home. Unless you have a crazy hunch, in which case you could try it. If you can't kill him, it'll be because of his defense, and he's supposedly the only one with defense at this poing. @Berocka anything with the traps? Don't say where it is, we'd love for the Jugg to fall in it. Just want to know if it caught anything.
  5. JAILOR - McWolf TOWN PROTECTIVE (Bodyguard) - Mike TOWN PROTECTIVE (Trapper) - Berocka TOWN SUPPORT (Mayor) - Spartan TOWN SUPPORT (Transporter) - omgitshim TOWN INVESTIGATIVE (Lookout) - solas TOWN INVESTIGATIVE (Spy) - jhatty TOWN KILLING (Veteran) - Enorama RANDOM TOWN (Doctor) - DoktorFunk (can't be the Juggernaut) RANDOM TOWN (Trapper) - Mr_Hatter RANDOM TOWN (a_Ferk) - Sheriff GODFATHER - Ricer MAFIOSO - Rayzor RANDOM MAFIA (Consort) - Nykonax RANDOM MAFIA (Consigliere) - ContinentalCup RANDOM MAFIA (Forger) - Doomsday NEUTRAL EVIL (Juggernaut) - Devise??? RANDOM NEUTRAL (Executioner) - pennypenny RANDOM ROLE (Guardian Angel) - Proto??? (can't be the Juggernaut) Is that something everyone can live with, do we lynch @Devise ? Also, @Proto, time to claim, bud. VOTE DEVISE
  6. So, I jailed DoktorFunk yesterday thinking he was it, because the rest of the town was pretty much confirmed to me. I didn't kill him, thinking that was the safest way to go if I was wrong. And I was. Juggernaut kill yesterday means it can't be DoktorFunk. Juggernaut kill on the night Proto was jailed means it can't be him either. So, I'm kind of lost now. @solas, have you seen anything?
  7. retagging @Devise as well vote Ricer
  8. Harassing @Proto Harassing @Proto Vote for Ricer, you beautiful you.
  9. F, just changed to ricer. Will you change too?
  10. OK Here's what i think is up: @Ricer13 GF @DoktorFunk Jugg @Devise Vigi or GA @Proto Vigi or GA @McWolf Jailor @a_Ferk Sheriff @solas Lookout @Mike BG @Berocka Trapper @Enorama Vet Not 100% sold on Funk. But I'm willing to bet on it, jail him and execute him tonight. Reasoning for Ricer; he was jailed once, claimed BG. There was a jugg kill that night, so he can't be it. BG happens to be in the GF invest group, making it a prime cover. Now, I told him as a BG, that I trusted Hatter to really be the tracker on N2. Told him to stay on him, as we needed him to watch people over. Last night, Hatter died, and when Solas checked me, only Mike, a more confirmed BG was on me. Meaning Ricer was... somewhere? Only 1 hour left people, let's get that kill. UNVOTE DOKTORFUNK VOTE RICER
  11. Alright so once again... @Mike who did you guard last night? @Berocka got someone in your traps? @Ricer13 role and will, it's starting to look suspicious that you haven't said a thing all game.
  12. Both the mafia and the juggernaut targeted him on N3, he only survived because omg transported him and jhatty. That pretty much means he is not mafia, not juggernaut and he was healed by the GA so he is not it either. He's on the clear
  13. Guardian Angel can come forward too, now. Unless I'm mistaken, it can win with us. We have everything to gain from knowing who you are, so we can stop looking at you as if you were a suspect. @Devise?
  14. Cool, what have you done every night so far?
  15. Ok, no one is answering so here's me putting pressure on random unclaimed ppl. VOTE @DoktorFunk
  16. Sounds fair. Something @Mike can confirm? While I'm tagging people, I'm curious to see what @Berocka's traps might have gotten for us.
  17. I tried to not jump in, telling him I'd execute him straight from the start. It felt more like he really was trying to make someone else take the fall. He claimed Lookout, saying he looked at them: He would have seen Ferk at Devise on N3, so that was the point where I decided I was jailing him. What did you see, last night, @solas? You might be our last TI.
  18. Quick thoughts: 5th Mafia was a Forger. But looking back, I don't think he has forged the wills or any of the first two mafia kills. In jail last night, I asked Doom who he thought could be the town enemies. He was really trying to push me to belive Proto was the Juggernaut. That being said, Proto can't be the Juggernaut because he was jailed N3 and there was a Jugg kill. And if anything, Doom would not push Proto as a potential suspect if he was a fellow Mafia. That clears him for me.
  19. So the extra role is a GA, town can work with that, I guess.
  20. To add to what omg said: IF RAYZOR IS THE GODFATHER That means whoever I jailed last night is the Mafioso. I jailed Proto. Not gonna spill the beans on what he claimed because if he is telling the truth, I'd rather have him be hidden still. If @Devise really is the vigi, shoot him. Any other scenario, you guys do as you see fit, I guess. We got this.
  21. Confirmed. Pineapples. Trying to make you visit someone, that was vague, sorry. I did think about that. It could make sense honestly. . For the record, Doom and Proto both voted after we reached the threshold.
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