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Everything posted by McWolf

  1. If you like to win but only a bit, but also like drinking heavily. Saskatoon could be a good place for you.
  2. No worries, the offer will still be there! Good luck, bud!
  3. Hey Sid, wanna add an AD to my collection?
  4. So unofficial the GM didn't even know about it.
  5. Sounds good, actually. I wanted to stay anonymous to stay safe, but we do have 2 TPs and the more I wait, the more it's likely I get hit by a blind mafia hit. So here goes. I am the Jailor. TP and Spy on me? Hatter and Ricer said the truth, I did jail them on N1 and N2, respectively. Hatter was consistent with his story in jail and here the next day. I want to believe him. Plus, trackers are extra hard to fake. I don't think he'd fake it if he was mafia. Plus, the fact that there was no maf kill on N1 makes it so much more likely that maf tried to hit him. The alternative is he's lying and we managed to blindly RB both the mafioso and the GF on N1. I don't believe in miracles that involve hitting two 1/19 rolls. So, I don't think he's maf. He might be the NE, though. The fight between him and Penny is fishy to me. From both side. I get that one side is probably more defensive than the other, but from a distance it's hard to say. Ricer, I won't say what he claimed, but I'll say I didn't execute him, so I believe he's good too. I haven't picked my target for tonight yet.
  6. Hey @Shaka, welcome in the VHL ! The Saskatoon Wild would love to add you in their ranks. We already have a starting goalie, but if you join us, I'd split the starts between the two of you for the rest of the season. We are pretty a middle-of-the-pack team right now. We win some, lose some. We are pretty much locked in the playoffs, but might have trouble against the top teams when we get down there. But hey, who knows? If that's a position that interests you, let me know. McWolf
  7. Hey Shaka! Glad to see you made it!
  8. I KNOW I'M KIDDING. Hello @Snussu. Do you want to be my 4th dman?
  9. The jailor won't risk a kill on a maybe. He only has 3 executions, and loses them all if he kills a townie once.
  10. yes. and Mayor is dead if you wanna strike it off. Rip Sparty
  11. omg is transporter not invest eno claimed the vet penny claimed sheriff
  12. Yeah I don't think we actually learned anything about the mafia there. GF Maf Dead Consort Dead Consig Random
  13. Did you do that to protect yourself because you knew you'd be targeted?
  14. So, Juggernaut. Talking of neutrals. Has anyone been controlled? If not, we probably have either a Jester or an Executionner, as there is a Neutral Evil in the game.
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