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Everything posted by McWolf

  1. can we not add players once the season is over?
  2. Meanwhile, I now live 5 minutes away from my previous apartment, and 30 minutes away from my childhood home. You're wild
  3. No one ever knew but you were always the targeted crowd for this. You, specifically. My own biggest shock was learning I'm older than you. For some reason, I always thought you were from the UK. Guessing that's where you are right now, though, or maybe I've been bamboozled this whole time.
  4. I had no idea. McWolf contributed to both ?
  5. 25 is really not that high. 4 rounds going to 7 is 28 games. McWolf played 37 games and only ever reached the 2nd round twice, no finals.
  6. Don't worry, we've all been there.
  7. I don't think we can sign people anymore now that season is over ?
  8. is that really a record? That seems low.
  9. Don't forget to claim your Late Joiner adjustement.
  10. Wasn't OG Shawn Glade in the S62 draft class? 11 years difference between the grandfather and the grandson. Math is wrong
  11. Editing your posts makes you look suspicious. If you did a grammatical error or something like that, correct it in a new post. But when you edit your posts, it always gives a vibe that you slipped and told everyone you are an evil role, but then edited it out. It might not be that, but it gives that vibe. Alex Bridges was lynched like 2 days ago, mainly because he edited his posts. And he turned out to be Mafia.
  12. Role and list of what you did every night. VOTE LASTONEUP
  13. on odd nights, it gives 3 names and at least one of them is evil (could be 2 or 3) on even nights, it gives 2 names and at least one of them is good (could be both) so it really doesn't give much info. Though in this case, Night 5 results are interesting. Barzal is pretty much confirmed Town to me. That would lead me to believe one of LastOneUp or Spartan is evil. That or Doktor is just shouting random names.
  14. I mean, if he's a Plaguebearer or an Arsonist, we should probably still hang him before it's too late. Yes. Given how there was an attack on Mike (and a heal), I'd say that's where the Mafioso went.
  15. I would have died and taken him with me, if he attacked you. It's more likely he's a TP/TI that hasn't contributed anything yet, or he's a slow killer like an Arsonist or a Plaguebearer.
  16. Wait a minute, if you were attacked and healed, that means Berocka didn't actually set a trap on you on N4 (or do traps only last 1 night? I'm like 80% sure the traps last until they are set off or taken down). Trap would have set off BEFORE the doctor healed you and would have dealt a powerful attack to the attacker. Only way you could have been attacked and healed is if 2 attackers went at your home, one would have been killed by the trap, the other would have gone through and attacked you. There would have been a death last night either way.
  17. I don't remember saying that. I might have doubted him at first but if you don't doubt everyone at first, you're playing the game wrong. N1: omg N2: jailed N3: Mike N4: Barzal N5: Barzal
  18. On D3, Berocka said his trap went off after he placed it on DoktorFunk. I asked him why he didn't put it on Mike, who was confirmed Jailor. He said something in the lines of "i didn't see that, it would have been a smart move." So I knew he would rebuild his trap N3 and protect Mike with it on N4.
  19. What is that supposed to mean? VOTE ALEX BRIDGES
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