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Everything posted by McWolf

  1. You take a long walk on the banks of the Lake of Rage. You see a weird beetle jump from a tree straight in the water. You don't think about it too much, but a couple minutes later, the beetle comes back from the Lake with two friends. Lapras 17 Horsea 20 Heracross 17
  2. Eevee 22 Elekid 20 Axew 20 Lv.24 Honedge vs Lv.22 Eevee It takes 4 Fury Cutters and some ineffective Swifts from Eevee, and Honedge wins with 30 HP left. Lv.20 Axew vs Lv. 24 Honedge Axew wins in two Dragon Claws Lv.17 Magnemite vs Lv.20 Axew Magnemite wins in two Gyro Balls Lv. 20 Elekid vs Lv.17 Magnemite Elekid wins in two Thunder Punches Lv.16 Steelix vs Lv.20 Elekid And Steelix wins in two Digs. Honedge grows from Lv.24 to Lv.26 Magnemite grows from Lv.17 to Lv.20 Steelix grows from Lv.16 to Lv.19 You make $385
  3. Honedge got it. It grows from Lv.21 to Lv.23. You gain $104
  4. Gourgeist Leaf Blades everything, starting with Elekid. 3.3. Challenge Misty with a team of Lv.26 Gourgeist (I think, based on the previous fight) Lv.29 Victreebel Lv.21 Eevee Gourgeist uses Leaf Blade vs Horsea until Horsea dies Gourgeist uses Leech Seed on the first turn vs Vaporeon, then Leaf Blade until Gourgeist dies. Victreebel uses Leaf Blade vs Vaporeon until Vaporeon dies Victreebel uses Knock Off on the first turn vs Wartortle, then Poison Jab on the second turn, until Victreebel dies (ideally right here) Eevee finishes Wartortle with Swift
  5. You now have 2 Great Balls and no other balls. Here's the result of your Mt. Moon escapade. Geodude 20 Pumpkaboo 18 Onix 18
  6. Bellsprout 21 Ralts 21 Bellsprout 19 Kirlia takes down Bellsprout in two hits. Then goes on a Draining Kiss fight with Ralts and comes up the victor as well. The last Bellsprout has to be finished by Poliwag. Kirlia grows from Lv.21 to Lv.25 Poliwag grows from Lv.18 to Lv.21 You make $332.
  7. I'm giving my Magikarp to @Spartan for a Pokeball and $50
  8. You wander in the city and an organized band of three Pokémons sneak on you from the alley. Eevee 22 Elekid 20 Axew 20
  9. You work as a security guard during @JardyB10's Battle Tower fight. They doubled down on security because of his past endeavors. You make $605. You apply some special grease on the sword and it's theoretically supposed to be able to float that way. You have $507 left. Lv.24 Rhyhorn @Oran Berry vs Lv.22 Honedge w/ Surf @Oran Berry Rhyhorn hits your Honedge hard with super effective Drill Runs, three of them to be exact. It's down to 20.8 HP after the two Surfs and after its own Oran Berry proc'd, but it manages to beat your Honedge. Lv.27 Gyarados vs Lv.24 Rhyhorn All it takes is one Hydro Pump. Lv.26 Graveler vs Lv.27 Gyarados Graveler jumps in the arena and immediately opts to Self Destruct. It takes Gyarados down to 57.0 HP, but it mostly drops itself down to low HP, which lets Gyarados finish it with a single Hydro Pump. Lv.28 Onix vs Lv.27 Gyarados In a fight of giant mystical sneks, Onix has the first move. It makes some Rocks Slide from the walls of the arena, and it hits Gyarados for just south of 50 damage. Gyarados answers with another Hydro Pump, and it's all over like that. Onix goes down and @Ptyrell is awarded the Boulder Badge. Gyarados beat all three Pokémons, and grows from Lv.27 all the way to Lv.33.
  10. Exeggcute 26 Pikachu 26 Horsea 26 Schoolgirl Wendy leads off with her trustworthy Horsea. Terrible, terrible decision. It manages to use Bubble Beam once, but your Magnemite's Sparks are too strong and it goes down in two hits. Wendy then sends her Pikachu, in a battle of O.G. electric monsters. It quickly disposes of your Magnemite with two uses of Thunderbolt. Magnemite managed to drop its HP to 40.5 Your next Pokémon is Koffing, and it only needs to use Sludge twice to assert dominance over the quirky mouse. Wendy sends her last Pokémon, her Exeggcute. It uses Confusion, dropping your Koffing to 24.6 HP. It answers with another round of Sludge, but goes down to the next Confusion. But Weavile doesn't waste anytime, and for the first time of this whole battle, one Pokémon kills on its very first attack. Each of your Pokémon managed to kill one of Wendy's Pokémons. Magnemite grows from Lv.28 to Lv.30 and evolves into a Magneton! Koffing grows from Lv.24 to Lv.27 Weavile grows from Lv.29 to Lv.30
  11. @Ptyrell receives a weird sentient sword thingy. @JardyB10 receives a very cool turtle. Easy to see who won this trade.
  12. 3.1. Work, then buy 2 Ultra Balls. 3.2. Explore Cerulean Cave
  13. @Alex receives a Lv.15 Steelix (surprise) @Spartan receives a Lv.15 Mimikyu and $600.
  14. Magikarp 20 Grubbin 20 Pidgey 20 Both the Magikarp and the Pidgey are caught on the first ball. Discount captures right here. Or maybe you rigged the sheet before I used it to proc your captures... You send your Squirtle againt the Wild Grubbin. It takes four Water Guns, and it tanks a couple of bites, both of the bug and the regular variety, but it gets the job done. You gain $83 for the fight, and Squirtle grows from Lv. 20 to Lv. 22, evolving into a mighty Wartortle in the process. You buy a Great Ball, leaving you with exactly $10. You use your Rare Candy on the freshly caught Magikarp and in turn, it evolves into a majestic Gyarados. And here are your encounters for your 3rd action: Pichu 18 Pichu 15 Pidgey 17 (you didn't have a Max Repel, and no cash for it, so no Lv. 20s)
  15. @ctots and I will exchange Pumpkaboos.
  16. Ponyta 19 Moltres 30 Onix 20 You summon all the courage that lies within you, which really isn't all that much. You look in your bag and assess your Poké Ball inventory: 2 Great Balls, 1 Ultra Ball. Yikes. Moltres looks at you, notice you taking the first Great Ball out of your bag, and starts flying straight up. You're so anxious that you barely notice the immense gap this creates between the two of you and you vastly underthrow it. You pick up your second Great Ball, stretch your arm for a couple of seconds, thinking you'll be able to add more strength to your throw this time, but you're still way short. You sigh, you already feel defeated. You know you have no chance, you know you're not worth this Moltres, but you have to give it a try anyway. And you have an idea that might help you. You pick up three small rocks, and put them on the ground next to each other, in the shape of a triangle. You put the Ultra Ball on top of them. You take a couple steps back, and two steps sideways. You breathe in, and in one seamless movement, you run up to the ball and kick it towards the Moltres. You worked so hard to get here. The whole team worked so hard to get here. All for this exact moment, where everything could change. At this point in time, you're sure the kick is perfect, you're sure it'll hit Moltres right in its smug freaking face. The whole sequence plays in slow motion in your brain. The ball flying through the air, straight up... and then the wind blows sideways... and the ball shifts slightly. You feel defeated, but all is not lost. You send out your Poliwag against the wild Ponyta. Despite the clear type advantage, Ponyta easily disposes of your Poliwag with two Flamethrowers. Your Flareon jumps in and revenge kills the Ponyta with Fire Blast. You call back Flareon, and send Ralts, who gets hit with one nasty... Dragon Breath from the Onix. Guess the wild pokémons aren't aware of type immunities. And they're not smart either; the large rock snake proceeds to spit Dragon Breath on your Ralts two more times before switching to a more efficient move - Dig. It only takes two before the tiny fairy goes down. It didn't stand a chance. Luckily, your Flareon is still ready to jump back and finish it with Fire Blast. And we're down to a final showdown of fire-type Pokémons, though one has a decent strength and level advantage over the other. Mabe the dices will roll in your favour. Moltres is ecstatic, and to thank you for the fun afternoon you both spent together, it leaves you $250. You didn't get to capture or beat the legendary Pokémon, but something much more important happened today: you made a friend. You say goodbye to the giant bird as it flies in the distance, and you jump on your bike, going as fast as you can in the direction of the nearest Pokémon Center with your trusty teammates. Today didn't end like you wanted it to end, but your Flareon did grow by 1.5 levels, from Lv. 25.5 up to Lv. 27, so that's something.
  17. Geodude 15 Swinub 15 Riolu 18 You send out your Jolteon against the lowly Riolu and order it to send out a mighty Thunder on its opponent. Jolteon moves first because of its unnatural speed, and kills the Riolu in a single hit. Geodude comes out of hiding and throws a rock at Jolteon before you call it back. It makes good use of the time you take to juggle with your poké balls, and launches another rock straight at your own Riolu, the second it comes out of hiding. Riolu is unfazed, and starts chaining double kicks until the Geodude bites the dust. Riolu wastes no time and starts charging the Swinub directly. It takes two Icy Winds, but its Double Kicks are too much for the frail ice type and it soons joins its wild brothers in death, or faintness, or whatever you want to call it. It turns out the trio were a known group of thiefs wanted for serious crimes around Johto. You don't want to go through the hassle of calling Officer Jenny and having to go through the whole police process involved, so you just take the $304 they had previously stolen from a poor old lady in Goldenrod City and run away with it. Jolteon grows from Lv.20 to Lv.22. Riolu grows from Lv. 18 to Lv.20.
  18. Great Balls on Pichu Eevee bites the Exeggcute, then the Lapras. Alakazam will join the fight when Eevee dies and use one Future Sight. Then switch to Charmeleon and finish the job with Flamethrower (+ the Future Sight coming two turns later)
  19. Last action of day 2 for me: Exploring Cerulean Cave with my surfin' Charmeleon
  20. 2.3. We will challenge Brock with a team of Lv. 21 Charmeleon Lv. 19 Alakazam Lv. 21 Victreebel Charmeleon will start it off with Surf until it dies. Alakazam wil pick up where it left with Psychic until it dies. I suppose at least the Rhyhorn is down at this point. If Victreebel arrives against Graveler, use Leaf Blade. When Victreebel is up against Onix – whether it went through Graveler first or not – use Knock Off on the first turn to delete its item in case it has one, then use Leaf Blade.
  21. When this is processed: Action 2.3. Challenge Brock
  22. We'll try three great balls on the Pumpkaboo. We'll fight with Eevee, Abra, Charmeleon, in that order. Eevee will take on Litwick, will do exactly two Bites, then will spam Quick Attack, with the objective of dropping Litwick to low health without killing it. When Eevee dies, Abra will revenge kill the Litwick with one Teleport. Then we'll attack Geodude with Teleport still. When Abra inevitably dies, we'll go to Charmeleon who will finish the job with Flamethrowers. (And it'll continue with Flamethrowers vs Pumpkaboo if we failed to catch it) After the fights, we should have the cash to buy HM Surf and teach it to Charmeleon.
  23. 2.1. Work 2.2. Exploring Mt. Moon
  24. We want to catch the Eevee and the lv.14 Abra, in that order. First all our two Poke Balls, then our four Great Balls. Hold there if this doesn't catch both of them. After we are done, the freshly captured Eevee is going to Bite the lv.13 Abra. With the cash the lv.13 Abra drops for reasons, I'm buying a Leaf Stone, giving it to Weepinbell so it evolves into a beastly Victreebel. And that will be the end of my 4th action of the day.
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