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Everything posted by McWolf

  1. New threads? I wore the stripped Star Spangled jersey before you were even born, son. For real though, I'm happy to be back. Blame @BarzalGoat if I do bad. I wasn't expecting London to replace me with a goaltender, but good for the, really. Necessary upgrade if you ask me, and I honestly think they're better off with him than if I had extended. Legit proud of @Dil. I just met the guy, but I did tell him he looked good last season. I mean I did score on him a couple times in the past, but I score on everyone, he's no worse. I have not. I haven't caught a draft in a couple seasons actually, but I trust Esso, Eno and company did a stellar job like they usually do. I have had fried squid rings, or fried calamari, not sure what the correct appellation is. Also not sure if it actually counts as octopus. But I liked it. Kind of thing I like buying as an entrée. The intro riff of White Walls by Between the Buried and Me, on the album Colors. Album is my namesake, one of my favourites of all-time.
  2. mystical sneks!
  3. is that George Constaza of Vandelay Industries?
  4. and waivers
  5. and trading
  6. just ban the whole draft
  7. Why are there some people running around with 5 GFX and an embed Google Form poll in their signature? Takes a full minute to scroll to the next post.


    Spoilers exist, use them.

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. McWolf


      but alright, I get it. Spoilers are bad, but then maybe just don't have 5 graphics in your signature at all, you know

    3. Shindigs


      What about 6 graphics then?🤔

    4. McWolf


      I really only have issues when it's exactly 5.

  8. that sounds like a @BOOM multi
  9. I miss Tac
  10. I like the sport as a whole, kinda like the NHL. My favourites change frequently, it's usually a team that hasn't won in a while that I'd like to see win. I like the Bills and Chargers chances this year. And I have Allen in my fantasy league, so double down on the Bills. To draw the parallel, my NHL favourites right now would be the Canes and the Wild. Would love to see one of them win it all. I like oatmeal for breakfast. I don't know how unpopular it is. I don't really eat anything that's way out there, or weird mixes that don't fit. Oatmeal is no eggs and bacon, it's simplisticly shitty. But I like it. I like to think I'd be sensible and wouldn't make a huge purchase to burn through most of the contract. But yeah, I'd probably look for a luxury car, or for a bigger house. Nothing stupid, but something big. 1. What's your career objective with your current player? 2. Is there one VHL team you've never played for that you'd like to play for? 3. Who's one NHL player you think could breakout this upcoming season?
  11. Hey. It's me. The guy that stepped down from my role as London GM and then from my role as VHLM Commissioner within like 3 months. The last time I wrote an article was to say I was taking a break, having just had a baby, and not really having the same passion for sim leagues as a whole. So I took a break of like 2 weeks and I'm sorta back already? I honestly don't know how active I'll be in the future, but for now, having no job, no actual responsibility, and just doing stuff whenever I feel like it has sort of reignited what made sim leagues fun for me for the past couple years. I've been hanging around on Discord, talking to people I hadn't talked to in a while, and now I sorta feel like possibly get back on the activity train. Like claim some stuff here and there, become the prototypical clicker+ player. Just don't let me get a job again. Cause if I get a job, then I'll get two jobs, then I'll apply for a third one, and when I get denied because I just got back from burning out, I'll go in the EFL and PBE and I'll apply for jobs there. I have a problem. Don't let me get jobs. Just let me be a clicker+ that hangs around on Discord and shit.
  12. sure two way defensemen weren't a thing for the first 62 seasons of the VHL
  13. A2 Challenge Giovanni Mewtwo Aura Sphere Gourgeist Leech Seed turn 1 then Synthesis on even turns, Leaf Blade on odd turns Victreebel Leaf Blade
  14. A1 Bruno Gourgeist @no item Leech Seed on first turn, then Synthesis on even turns / Leaf Blade on odd turns vs every Pokemon Mewtwo @no item Psystrike Victreebel @no item Leaf Blade
  15. it was mostly to use the potential sash turn
  16. Day 5 Action 4 Giovanni Mewtwo @Oran Berry Aura Sphere Victreebel @no item Leaf Blade Gourgeist@no item Leaf Blade vs Pupitar Leech Seed on first turn, then Leaf Blade vs Rhydon
  17. wtf well let's the run the exact same thing again now that we gained levels lmao
  18. for some reason, I thought Charmeleon would do it easily, oh well. Let's finish it with Umbreon, I guess. Dark Pulse on both Action 2. Challenge Koga. Mewtwo @Oran Berry. Psystrike every turn Victreebel @no item Knock Off vs Weezing Knock Off on the first turn vs Venusaur then Poison Jab. Gourgeist @no item Shadow Ball every turn
  19. let's go for group B Master Ball Mewtwo in the face. Charmeleon Surf on Rhyhorn, Flamethrower on Smoochum. If needed, Pichu can try to do its best.
  20. Incense + Cerulean Cave again
  21. I'll go with the second one. Umbreon Dark Pulse on the two Exeggcute, then on the Growlithe. If needed, Charmeleon will come in and use Surf. I'm sending a Growlithe to @Gustav along with $250 in exchange for his Onix w/ Metal Coat.
  22. Three sets, pick one. A Mimikyu 20 Magnemite 20 Magnemite 19 B Axew 24 Elekid 22 Axew 21 C Axew 19 Mimikyu 20 Axew 23
  23. Catch Growlithe. Poké Balls then Ultra Balls if needed. Send Larvitar vs Rhyhorn. Use Stomping Tantrum. Continue with Stomping Tantrum vs the Elekid. If Larvitar dies, send Charmeleon and use Surf if vs Rhyhorn, Flamethrower if vs Elekid. Finish with Pichu using Swift if needed. Action 4. Buy Incense, and go back to Cerulean Cave
  24. Buy a Master Ball, just in case 4.3. Cerulean Cave
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