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Everything posted by McWolf

  1. (for fans of sad pop punk)
  2. Also the song is pretty good. Been meaning to listen to Cocteau Twins for a while, so that was a fun coincidence.
  3. Or don't, it's not that good
  4. moths? she gets it
  5. ID: 39686282J8098652D\n 10$ 5 Uncapped TPE Doubles week
  6. We just don't care about you, really
  7. we always say that but look at us
  8. (I wasn't listening to any music while writing, but that's the last song I had on. FFO avant-garde black metal? Something like that.) Name: Sunset Moth Position: D Number: 73 Height: 5'10" Weight: 160 lbs Minor team: Mississauga Hounds Sunset Moth is a very human defensewoman hailing from the Isle of Man, a tiny island situated between England and Ireland that's apparently recognized as an independent nation by the VHL. She's primarily known as a pass-first defensive defenseman, strangely physical for her petite stature. She has named Hall of Famer defenseman Joseph McWolf as a player she looked up to growing up and has modeled her game mostly after him. Strengths Defensive positioning: It feels as if Sunset Moth is very rarely caught off of her position. She knows where to go to block passing lanes, to block good shot angles. It's as if she has a sixth sense that lets her know where the players are exactly around her. Shot blocking: For a tiny m--human, I meant human. For a tiny human, Sunset Moth seems like she covers a lot of area. She's deceptively good at blocking shots from opponents. That aspect of her game goes hand in hand with her knack for effective defensive positioning. Skating: Sometimes, when you look at her, it feels like Moth is actually floating. She's not, I swearing she's skating. Her feet are just moving so fast that you can't really tell if they're moving or not, creating the illusion that she floats on the ice, not touching it. Weaknesses Scoring: The defensive defenseman has never been a strong goal scorer. She doesn't have the offensive vision necessary to see the passing lanes she's so good at cutting on the other side of the ice, and she lacks the arm strength to shoot the puck hard enough to have any shot to go past the goaltender. Really her best way to score a goal would be to join the rush, especially considering she'd probably be fast enough to cover her defensive position afterwards, but she's just not used to do it and rarely jump on the opportunity. Leadership: Sunset Moth is especially timid and lacks the social skills necessary to lead a squad of testosterone filled humans twice her size. While her scoring weakness is something she's bound to get better at as she gets used to the VHL play, this particular issue is rooted too deep to probably ever change. Don't draft her to be your captain. Training consistency: Moth has been known to slack off in training. She knows she shouldn't but sometimes she's just not motivated enough, and she simply doesn't do it. There is sadly nothing to guarantee she won't simply decide to never train again at some point of her career.
  9. Be active on Discord, talk to the players. The most important role of the AGM is just to be engaging, in my humble opinion. Goes a long way to keep players motivated and all that. I don't know yet what I'm going to do. If I manage to reach the point where I have the option to forego the M and make it to the E, I might, cause I hate having to bank from 200. But I might also stay down, since that would mean being a better player. Tough decision ahead for Moth(s). It might depend on what @Renomitsu does, to be honest. Fido McPuppie Jr, just your regular good boy that deserves all the pats and snacks in the world. The actual bug, they're fine. They're usually not too annoying and they're not as ugly as most other bugs. The players, I adore them, obviously. The Las Vegas Aces. I'm legally obligated by memes to say Spanish Moon Moth.
  10. (FFO alternative metal, borderline nu metal) I have about 10 free minutes right now, let's write a .com articles about my expectations of myself this time around. I've always been a max earner in here, and when I don't max earn, I leave. And then if I'm gonna max earn, I usually find myself going the extra mile, and taking a couple jobs too. Oh and then it's gonna be so easy to max earn in the affiliate leagues. So I end up creating there too, and before I realize it, I hold jobs in 3 different sim leagues, and a simple member in an extra 2. And then I burn out again. I love sim leagues and I want to help them thrive, that's my problem. Yeah, not this time. This time I'm focusing on myself, and that starts with recognizing and respecting my limits. Last week, I didn't even do a PT. I claimed welfare. Capped at 11. Old me would never. But I'm good with it. If I have time and motivation, I'll do stuff. If I don't, then so be it. I guess me rushing to write a .com on Monday goes against the whole point I'm trying to make here, but it also makes it fun for me when I give myself stupid challenges like that, it doesn't feel like work. There's also something therapeutic about it. ...and I probably wrote double the word count again god dammit.
  11. McWolf

    Pale Ghosts

    (Panopticon again. FFO bluegrass-infused black metal) Catching up with the VHL, 6-month hiatus edition. - It was only a coincidence, but I thought it was pretty funny that for about half a year, I didn't miss this place, and out of nowhere, I got the itch to come back a week before the trade deadline past which I would have recreated if I had remained active throughout Zaza Colors career. I wouldn't have waited for that peak recreation time if I joined much earlier, but now it's looking like I never left, so it's pretty cool. McWolf into Hornet into Colors into Moth. - Talking about Zaza, I see he continued to be as bad in his last couple seasons as he was when I was here. All he will be ever known as is being one third of the group of London rookies that all broke 100 points. And he wasn't even the best of the three. Then the attributes were overhauled and I was never able to recreate this rookie season with him. To be fair, the three rookies were widely abusing the 99/40 meta, and it's a good thing it's been abolished. I'm just sad Zaza could never stand out after the fact. When all is said and done, he won't even surpass the point total from Joseph McWolf, a mostly defensive and counter-meta defenseman. - That sort of brings my next two points. Let's talk about the hybrid attributes for a second. Having known the golden era of uncapped TPE with the old attribute system, it feels weird now that I can't get a single skill straight to 80 while I'm in the VHLM. We're all in the exact same situation, and we're definitely more in line with what attributes are supposed to look like in STHS. Having half the player in the league at 99 in scoring, defense and skating was bound to give wonky result, when 99 is technically like generational talent level. If everyone is a generational talent, then I guess it's time to reconsider what we should call generational. And that's what was done basically. Now an attributes in the 70s or 80s is comparatively solid. It is definitely for the better of the league, I was just so used to see my page with multiple attributes in the 90s. I'll get used to it in due time. - Final point; I remember creating Zaza and hesitating about his position. I ended up going on the wing to try something new, but a part of me didn't appreciate Hornet's career at center as much as I appreciated McWolf's career at defense. I almost made Zaza a defenseman too. But now I'm going back to it. I remember looking at McWolf's stats every sim, and being happy that he had a couple hits or a couple shots blocked, or even just seeing that we dominated the shot column. Being a defenseman is so much more than just scoring and winning. When I'm a forward, I feel like a failure everytime I'm not filling the net, but as a defenseman, I know how to celebrate the smaller details, and that makes me much more appreciative of the league in general. 3 straight years as a forward took a toll on me, but I'm glad I get to come back doing what I love. We're also bringing back the animal theme, after a sidestep with Colors. I'm loving this new player already and I'm very excited to see what she does in the next couple seasons.
  12. I remember joining during the 11th birthday celebrations. Never thought I would still be here 5 years later, but to think some have been around for basically triple that is insanity.
  13. (I swear it's a coincidence that this is the song playing as I post this) The upbringing of Sunset Moth is not currently known, but if you ask people close to her, they all have various theories as to where she is from and what she actually is behind her human appearance. Since Moth herself doesn't seem like she's inclined to help us decipher her past, let's just go over these farfetched theories. Maybe one of these is the actual truth. « The Moth buds just appeared out of thin air on the Isle of Man. Most people here were born here, their families have been around for generations. No one just moves here to pursue a hockey career. That's the most fucked up thing I've ever heard, but no one has seen Sunset or Spanish Moon before they joined our local hockey team. I think they're actually from here, but maybe they lived secluded in a village no one has heard from, or maybe they're from an old tribe down in the wild. I never asked them, they creep me out. They play good hockey though, good luck to them. » - a former teammate from the Isle of Man HC « The media just can't get over it uh? There's nothing wrong with the Moths. I tell you, they're just two of the weirdest people I've ever met, but there's nothing supernatural or crazy about them. They're just creepy weirdos. They stayed home too long, they haven't talked to anyone for a whole decade, all they did was collect stamps or bugs or whatever it is creeps collect. And now they believe they're actual moths. That's what isolation does to you. That's what they want us to all become. QUARANTINE IS A HOAX. DON'T GET VACCINATED [...] » - I'm not even sure who this guy is, but we cut him off before he got too political « bzzz bzzz bzzz » - an actual moth « If you slow down footage of Sunset Moth skating, you'll notice the blades of her skates never actually touch the ice. It's like she's flying or floating or something. And I mean, her whole demeanor barely seems human. We interviewed her, she answered every single question we asked in mono-syllables and kept looking at the lights around the room. She might just be a moth, or multiple moths, wearing a human disguise. We've interviewed a grizzly last month, and it was the same thing, except it eventually tore through his human costume and hate one of my scouts. Good thing we always have a tranquilizer dart ready for these situations in the interview rooms. Might as well have moths too, now. » - a scout for the Las Vegas Aces « The Moths are amazing physical specimens, aren't they? They're the tiniest things, but they play like they're double their actual weight. Part of me believes they're not human. I know it sounds crazy, but the VHLM has seen worse right? We've had robots, aliens. The Halifax 21st is virtually a front for a satanic cult. A lab experiment gone wrong creating human-moth hybrids with deceptive strength just seems in line with what's going on all around. You've seen The Fly, right? I'm not saying they're like that, but that wouldn't even be the weirdest thing I've heard about this week. » - the Mississauga Hounds trainer The only things we have at this point are rumours and speculations. So let's not focus on the past of the Isle of Man-representative too much and let's just appreciate Sunset Moon for what we do know, and that's the fact that she's a very promising pass-first, defensive defenseman who decided to start her VHLM career in Mississauga of all places. Maybe she'll open up about her origins as her career unfolds, but she'd have to learn to speak correctly first. Or maybe she never will. And it might be better this way, no? What would it give VHL executives, players or fans to know more about her past? Sometimes, knowing less, or nothing at all is just more interesting. It cultivates the mystery that makes the Moth pals interesting in the first place. Are they siblings, are they friends, are they supernatural beings? Are they from the Isle of Man, are they from elsewhere and moved there, are they from another planet,.or another plane of existence? What if they are just two regular human beings, who are naturally shy, soft-spoken? Two regular people who just don't like having media or interviewers in their face asking them where they're from and all types of personal questions. Two boring, uncomfortable, awkward people with nothing exciting going on in their life except from their hockey skills. That wouldn't make such an interesting storyline, right? So let's just leave the mystery as it is. As long as we don't have any confirmation from either of them, we're free to believe whatever we want. We're free to believe they're human-sized moths, multiple moths, human-moth hybrids, moth collectors, whatever rocks your boat, and whatever keeps you interested in them as highly talented VHL prospects.
  14. You forgot to talk about Robbie
  15. I can vibe with that. I saw the Backstreet Boys live a couple years ago. Went with my GF who hates live crowds but loves them because she wouldn't have gone alone. I expected to dislike it, just cause I don't really appreciate their music, but it was pretty good. They give a solid show and my GF was super happy. No regrets or shame here
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