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Everything posted by jack

  1. Effort: 2/2 - Looks like a lot went into this, well done. Look: 3/3 - I love this style. No complaints at all really. Creativity: 1/1 - Absolutely. Total: 6/6 FInal: 6/6
  2. Effort: 2/2 - Yessum. Look: 2.5/3 - The main burgundy stock work/brushing probably should have been set on something like Lighten, Soft Light or Color Dodge, to enhance the sig rather than cover it up. Overall not bad at all though. Creativity: 1/1 - Interesting stock work. Total: 5.5/6 Final: 6/6
  3. Effort: 2/2 - Sure, I can see it. Look: 2.5/3 - I'm not as sold on this one. Hard to see any detail at all. From what I can see it looks good but I think if the white was toned down it would have been better. Creativity: 1/1 - Definitely unique composition. Total: 5.5/6 Final: 6/6
  4. Effort: 2/2 - Made two versions of it, always like seeing that! Look: 2.5/3 - I preferred the second version you did, but it's still not bad. Bushito mentioned everything I had in mind, keep up the good work. Creativity: 1/1 - Nice usage of the Titans logo. Total: 5.5/6 Final: 6/6
  5. Effort: 2/2 - yeah, enough was done here. Look: 2.25/3 - Yeah, the font choice could have been a bit better. I would have preferred it with just the 'Jamie Hill'. Solid background work, but try integrating your stocks over the render to blend it in a bit more. Creativity: 1/1 - Sure Total: 5.25/6 Final: 5/6
  6. Effort: 2/2 - Good work on lighting and stock work. Look: 2.5/3 - Good self-diagnosis, the text isn't my favourite. I like the stock work, but the colouring of it could use a bit more "togetherness". Try playing with Gradient Maps set to Hue. Creativity: 1/1 - Nice composition and flow. Total: 5.5/6 Final: 6/6
  7. Effort: 2/2 - As usual. Look: 2.75/3 - Text and stock work is great, but the render really gets lost in it. Duplicating the render and setting it on Soft Light or doing some Brightness/Contrast adjustments would have done wonders for it. Creativity: 1/1 - Cool geometric work Total: 5.75/6
  8. I was considering using something blockier but I wanted to do something new, I haven't used too many unique fonts at all recently
  9. Vogon Jeltz forward Points +/-
  10. simmons and poole are my favourites
  11. Effort: 2/2 - Absolutely. Look: 3/3 - Just fire. Lighting is sick, colouring is sick, text is sick. Loving your stuff man. Creativity: 1/1 - Spooky 3D effects. Total: 6/6 FInal: 6/6
  12. Effort: 2/2 - Yeah you got it all. Look: 2.25/3 - First off, you're colouring and colour scheme is great. The whole piece fits together nicely in that respect. A few things are holding this back though. The text isn't great, try to use a simpler font, and keep all of the text either upper or lowercase. Next the blending/stocks kind of distract from the render. Mainly the light coming from the top right. It hides the render a little bit. Good work though, keep it up! Creativity: 1/1 - Yep Total: 5.25/6
  13. Effort: 2/2 - Yeah for sure. Look: 2.25/3 - Not feeling the 1px border, probably would have been better without it. Try to bring the text closer to the render, it feels lost so far away. Interesting render placement and choice, but it is kind of cool. Effects are pretty cool, but the contrast of the pink to the dark blue of the render is a bit off. Keep at it. Creativity: 1/1 - Definitely. Total: 5.25/6
  14. Effort: 2/2 - As usual. Lighting, stock work, text etc. Good work. Look: 3/3 - Love the depth, love the text, love the background. One of my favourites from you. Creativity: 1/1 - Yessir. Total: 6/6 Final: 6/6
  15. Effort: 2/2 - Looks like you're starting out, never easy! Make sure to post all of your sigs in the graphics forum for feedback before submitting the Point Task. Look: 2/3 - Honestly, you've got some cool concepts in here. I like the composition, and the second render works fairly well. Nice work with the colouring as well. The background is a bit too intense (the contrast between the black and white) and the text could definitely use some work. Check out this thread: http://www.vhlforum.com/index.php?/topic/2501-jacks-guide-to-making-not-shitty-sigs/ for help with some basics with things you might not know about when making sigs. Creativity: 1/1 - You got it. Total: 5/6
  16. Effort: 2/2 - As usual, it's all there! Look: 2.75/3 - Could use a bit more contrast and "pop" with some vibrance or some Color Dodge effects. Good lighting and stock work. Creativity: 1/1 - Foh sho. Total: 5.75/6 Final: 6/6
  17. Effort: 2/2 - Seems like one of your first sigs, so it's always tough to start out. Keep at it and make sure to post your sigs in the Graphics forum for feedback before submitting them. Look: 2/3 - The text takes up a bit too much of the focus, and the render is lost in the background. Keep experimenting with stocks and try to put the stocks over the text as well as the render to help it blend in. Creativity: 1/1 - Sure Total: 5/6 Final: 5/6
  18. Effort: 2/2 - Would've liked to see a bit more done with the actual graphic. I won't necessarily give full marks just because a .gif is used. Pretty decent though. Look: 2.5/3 - The overall look is nice, I like the stock work done. Good work with the name change. Keep it up. Creativity: 1/1 - Sure Total: 5.5/6 Final: 6/6
  19. Effort: 2/2 - Definitely seeing your progression! Keep it up. Look: 2.5/3 - Good work with the text. Enigma covered everything else that you could have improved on. Creativity: 1/1 - Sure Final: 5.5/6 Total: 6/6
  20. Effort: 2/2 - For sure. Look: 3/3 - I see where enigma is coming from, but I really think everything flows together really well. Nice work Creativity: 1/1 - Definitely. Total: 6/6 Final: 6/6
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