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Everything posted by jack

  1. render's face is a bit too bright, and the circle stock on his shoulder is a little distracting keep it up though
  2. Effort: 2/2 - Lighting, stock work, text work etc. Sick work. Look: 3/3 - Really nice. Only thing I may have changed would be cropping it a bit. I think it would look better a bit shorter at the top, clipping the helmet a little bit. Also, not a huge fan of the Soft Light 1px border. Great work though. Creativity: 1/1 - Great colouring. Total: 6/6
  3. Effort: 2/2 - As usual. Look: 3/3 - Probably my favourite from you, really good. Only thing I would've changed would be the text. The effect is nice, but I think it would have benefited from a different font. Creativity: 1/1 - Definitely. Total: 6/6 FInal: 6/6
  4. Effort: 2/2 - Absolutely! Keep at it. Look: 2.5/3 - Great improvement, but there are still areas that I can give you some advice in. Try not to have the render so bright, you lose a lot of the detail in the image when it's blown out like that. Good stock work. As enigma said, the text needs some work. Lowering the opacity is a tough effect to get right. Try looking around the boards at sigs you like, and try your best to emulate the text they use. Creativity: 1/1 - Yessir. Total: 5.5/6 Final: 6/6
  5. Effort: 2/2 - As usual/ Look: 2.75/3 - Render really could've used some topaz or at least some brightness/contrast work. He really gets lost in there from the stock work. The stock work is good, but maybe a bit over-contrasted for my taste. Text is good. Creativity: 1/1 - Sure Total: 5.75/6 Final: 6/6
  6. Effort: 2/2 - Keep it up, you'll get there Look: 2/3 - Make sure you learn how to scale images properly so they keep the proportions. The render looks a little strange since he's been stretched out a bit. Other than that, keep at it. Creativity: 1/1 - Sure Total: 5/6 Final: 5/6
  7. Effort: 2/2 - Absolutely Look: 2.75/3 - The text especially sticks out to me due to the fact that the rest of the sig is textured and grungy while it is just a flat gradient. Other than that quite nice. Creativity: 1/1 - You got it Total: 5.75/6 FInal: 6/6
  8. My bad, could've sworn I saw you post one.
  9. Not as a much a technique as a challenge. Gets you to try to take advantage of what Photoshop has to offer without piling stocks on.
  10. You could do a tutorial for next week, so whatever topic you desire.
  11. Love that. It would be nice to have a fully stocked section with tutorials from all of the experienced people.
  12. I like the role-play aspect of this league, creating a story for your player. Given the option, I'd never skip the VHLM due to it being a cool chapter to your player's life.
  13. Having trouble getting full marks on your sigs? Well here's an opportunity for you! Each week I will be posting a new technique or challenge to use in a sig. If, in the previous week, your graphic received 5 or fewer TPE, then you may claim the completed task for 1 TPE. This is a great way for people who want to get better at graphics, but don't want to lose out on TPE, to practice their work. Anyone is welcome to complete the tasks, but only those who were graded with 5 or less may claim the 1 TPE. http://www.vhlforum.com/index.php?/topic/15455-vhl-graphics-workshop-week-1/
  14. Each week I will post a challenge or technique for people to learn about and implement in their work. The idea is to help people improve their graphics while helping their player. If you had a sig graded with 5 or fewer TPE in the week of Dec. 8th-15th, you may claim 1 TPE from completing this task. Week 1: Starting Simple Your challenge this week is to great a sig without using stocks, other than the player render. This will teach you to learn about composition, planning, and using Photoshop's built in features. Here is a list of ideas for you to try: Using typography to enhance the signature. Using smudging effects and taking advantage of Photoshop's brush engine. Creating lighting without stocks. Using adjustment layers to create a complete-looking piece. Example: To claim this task, you must first post the work, then at the end of the week I will post a list of people who are eligible and completed the task. You will then link to that post in your update thread.
  15. Effort: 1.5/2 - You can do much better...not much done here overall. Look: 2.25/3 - Text definitely needs work, odd font and the drop shadow doesn't really work. Render is out of focus and is not the focal point of the sig. Only thing I really like here is the style. I like the contrast of the black and white to the purple. Creativity: 1/1 - Sure. Total: 5/6
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