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Everything posted by Banackock

  1. Banackock

    MOS/HSK; S96

    Not the best of trade. Well, I mean, it is for Moscow.
  2. Banackock

    CHI/HSK; S96

  3. Welcome Pi pi oi
  4. Welcome @EthanSea611
  5. I do a little bit of FHM - or is it EHM, I don't know Take your time. Any questions, ask away. Be sure to join on league Discord to if you have yet. https://discord.gg/n5EFgpAp OILERS!
  6. @Homealonetwo welcome bud
  7. If you have any questions, let us know
  8. Welcome to the league! Make sure ya join the Discord too!
  9. I’d like to apply please. One last hoorah? My GM is American. USA, USA, USA!
  10. That’s very fair. Should have included that. Wonder if I still can. You’d be a massive asset to the recruitment team.
  11. Welcome @TheElasticBandit
  12. I voted for what my reasonings would be despite being on the recruitment team. I put in hours and hours a week. Hard to put a number on it, but all league commissioners are in there as well as BOG members. They can all validate it. It’s mostly daily, certainly every other day. Takes me 5-10 minutes to use voice-to-text to spew out 500 words of garbage for 6 TPE. A lot easier than hours of work every week for 6 TPE.
  13. Want to spark recruitment. Mostly just me in there doing things. What’s stopping you from recruiting? Choose all that apply. Votes are public.
  14. It’s stupid, ya? #STHS
  15. @d3dgam3r
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