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Everything posted by Banackock

  1. The live sims kick in and so do the Davos wins. Just kidding, lol. Good series ya two!
  2. Congrats to Riga on advancing!
  3. If someone just would of said thank you or fuck off
  4. You know what, buddy? I donate all my time to helping the homeless people on Mount Pikachu and building clothes for the lost kids of Uganda. I find time when I find time okay???
  5. @HenrikZoiderberg No one posted on your shit. Do you feel sexually, physically or mentally abused? If so, please direct all matters of concern and safety to our security minister, @HulkHogan
  6. ILY. You had likes but no comments verby @Reverb
  7. Every person that turns out to be good either wants to go or goes to Seattle fyi @Viperxhawks19
  8. @Greg_Di it’s because they’re all ninjas trained in mortal kombat fighting skills
  9. I did not read this but thanks for writing it TLO
  10. Agreed. Just complete opposites (shots, goals etc).
  11. Big game VAN! Lots of back and forth series.
  12. Super weird... look at the goals, shots and PP/PK for each game. Basically just 180 the stats.
  13. Solid performance. Riga did not show up here folks
  14. Solid win guys. Good game, Toronto
  15. I’d imagine when Seattle was blowing a 3 goal lead, they were in the same place as Vancouver... losing 6-2... against Calgary... Friendly FYI, Kovalchuk had more goals in that single 1st period than you had points in both games... combined
  16. With my luck, likely, haha.
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