42. Should @Spade18 come back?
Yep. He should. Right now. "Ill be back hopefully around July". Tick, tock. Let's become a star you big beautiful baby. There's still time!
43. If you could have any super power, what would it be and why?
The ability to be invisible. Not much you'd be limited to.
44. What is one of your least favourite foods?
I basically like a majority of shit but I don't really care for Sushi or Olives.
45. Pet Giraffe or $5,000? Why? If you took the money, what are you spending it on? If you took the giraffe, wanna have a play date?
The giraffe and then sell it for $300,000 to an American who only wishes to release it in their 300 acre backyard and shoot it, stuff it and maybe cook a few weird meals with it just so when the media claims their murderers they can say it was for meat.
50. Is @Acydburn burn a bust or late bloomer?