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Everything posted by Girts

  1. 1. My player is 6'8" 250 pound Latvian defenseman Guntis Gavilrovs, I am a physical defenseman, lot of hits, strong D with a scoring touch. I will be building this way for a couple seasons 2. I would expect to play a fast physical role shutdown style and contribute offense hopefully some powerplay given we only have 3 D. 3. New player to Houston, this is my 2nd player in the league, I played with our GM STZ on Vancouver last season with Girts Galvins. 4. I expect us to win the cup, that's the goal we should have every season and with this current squad and GM tandem we should be able to do it. 5. I would like to get the most hits in the league this season! Also wouldn't mind posting a point per game in the process lol 6. I have no history with any of them but I trust our management and im sure they made great choices and our captains will lead us to the cup! I'm excited to be here!
  2. Guntis Gavilrovs was excited to hear his name called on draft day by VHLM's Houston Bulls at 12th overall! He was contacted by a few teams prior to the draft but the Bulls were not one of them, however he has ties to their GM from playing in Vancouver together with his last player so he was not surprised. Clearly Bulls GM STZ knew he had to bring in Guntis Gavilrovs and his tremendous locker room contributions to Houston on draft day! Guntis is very excited to be a Bull, it's a great franchise, awesome logo and very experienced GM he will be playing for this season. The Bulls look to have had a strong draft taking numerous future stars including 2 other defenseman, so the team should be in line for a strong season and deep playoff run. Guntis has his eyes set on the cup and will work tirelessly to help his team achieve this ultimate goal. He's looking forward to posting good numbers and a shitload of hits along the way. Watch out for Houston this season!
  3. 1. What been the biggest surprise for you in the NHL so far this season? 2. What are some goals of your player this season in the VHL/E/M? 3. What is your pre-game hype up song in the locker room?
  4. Congrats guys!! The Bulls are looking strong this year!! Let’s GO!!
  5. When the hells is the draft? Guntis Gavilrovs is ready to go and wants to know what team he will be on this season in the VHLM. He's poised and ready for a big season. He's been lifting in the gym and working on his power game on the ice. Guntis is aiming for 300 hits this season and based on his 37 hits through 8 games at the end of last season we are not betting against him! He's a goddamn beast. Also he has been working on his offensive game this off-season recently elevating his scoring and passing. His slapper has been clocked at 115.8 mph so teams would be wise to put him on the first powerplay and let him fire the buscuit. We expect Gavilrovs to have a monster season for whoever he plays for and become a fan favorite. He will never be a big presence in the locker room but has always been a great hard working positive teammate everywhere he's played. So let's get this fucking VHLM draft going soon eh?
  6. 1. This is tough because both Brian Payne and PEB had huge seasons. Payne is my boy so I want to go with him but PEB is also the man so I'm not choosing between them, sry. 2. I'll say Oreo McFlurry because he's delicious. 3. I'd have to say Girts Galvins, his locker room contributions were always energetic and amazing. 4. Wann Kerr had a huge year and led us in goals and points so he gets my vote. 5. I have no idea about awards, all I know is people told me Girts won two of them once so that was cool. 6. I gave my long time teammate Brian Payne my jock strap to remember me by. Hockley Mann I gave him my jersey and a high five.
  7. Apparently the VHLM draft is coming up and 6'8" 250 pound Latvian defender Guntis Gavilrovs will be one of the players available! He is starting out as a defensive defenseman with heavy checking and abrasive play, but we expect him to develop his offensive game as the early season progresses. Teams can expect to be getting a strong player who will improve every week and be a rock on the blue line making their team harder to play against and boasting a soon to be heavy shot. We expect Gavilrovs to make a serious impact this coming season in the VHLM. We have no idea where Guntis Gavilrovs will go in the draft but we have to assume relatively early if teams are interested in getting a hulking defender with a solid earning rate. Teams should also know that unless they have some kind of club forum they shouldn't expect Guntis to be much of a locker room guy, but will certainly be a positive supportive member of the team in and around the forum. We look forward to seeing where Guntis goes on draft day!
  8. 1. Biggest surprise was that we didnt hold on to beat Toront, I thought we had them but shit happens. 2. Biggest disappointment, see above lol 3. Nope once we are out I don't care who wins 4. Get as much training in I can on my new player 5. For me I will be in the VHLM so I expect to have fun with some good stats 6. Aflac
  9. 1. I was not concerned, I've said all season we are the better team and would beat them if we faced off in the post season and we did cuz we rule. 2. He was a beast round 1 and I think he will continue to score, maybe not as such an crazy pace but I wouldn't put it past him also 3. I think PEB shoots the perfect amount, evident by his incredible shooting %, he knows the best times to shoot so I'd say keep doing what he's doing 4. Little of both, we could have been better and he had a couple goals im sure he'd like back, he will be better in round 2 no question 5. We gotta break their fucking clavicles. 6. Anyone who votes against us doesn't know wtf they are talking about, we're the goddamn Wolves, we can rip someone's throat out if we want. Toronto better be careful!
  10. Ok cool, hello everyone! Good place for non-discord users like @der meister and I lol
  11. Just seeing that I'm in here, am I on Mississauga now somehow? lol
  12. Latvian Sniper Girts Galvins put together a strong final regular season in S90 with 27 goals, 34 assists and 61 points in 72 games for the Vancouver Wolves. If not for an unlucky start of 0% shooting in the first 14 games he would have certainly eclipsed 30 goals once again. He tallied 27 goals in the remaining 58 games which shows he can still light the lamp at a high rate and was able to help Vancouver go on long runs as the hottest team in the league at points this season. Girts will be retiring at the end of playoffs, in fact he already announced it, but he has one last playoff run to try and score as many goals as possible and win another cup. He's been known as a playoff performer his entire career and will look to once again be a catalyst in the VHL playoffs, this time for Vancouver.
  13. lol glad you like it!! Almost spelled your name wrong on purpose, just for fun!
  14. lol it's great, just makes it more unique!
  15. This is awesome thanks! Nice work on the color change! and close enough on the last name..
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