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Everything posted by Girts

  1. Just seeing this! Awesome work @Subject056 thanks so much!
  2. Don't look now but the Vancouver Wolves are on fire winning 7 in a row and 9 of their last 10! Lead by the best defenseman in the league Brian Payne and strong contributions from the entire team the Wolves are quickly closing the gap with the top teams in the North American Conference. Great work by management to find the right chemistry and system with still over half the season to go. It's not out of the question we could see the Wolves surge into first before too long as all their players and improving every week and are hungry for the cup. The 3 teams barely ahead of them in the standings are Los Angeles, Toronto and D.C, who all must be nervous at the smoldering hot play of Vancouver lately. Granted those 3 teams have been playing pretty well also the last 10 games but we all know Vancouver is more talented and the cream will eventually rise to the top. Players like Brian Payne, Wann Kerr, Hockley Mann and PEM are leading the way on the scoresheet, but uber talented underachievers this season like Dogwood Maple, Girts Galvins, Oreo McFleury and S. Analfist and Liv Slater are heating up and once playing at their normal elite level there will be no stopping this team. Sigma Freud may not have a ton of points but is +11 from D which is fantastic! Wolves goalie Brandt Fuhr is having an excellent season with 2.49 GAA and a .918 SV% along with 22 wins and is always hard to beat. Vancouver is trending up!
  3. 1. I think it's superstitious not pick your own team and jinx yourself, at least for me, so I don't mind captains not picking their team to win it all. We know deep down they think they can win. 2. I don't mind playing the same team a lot, especially if it's a rival. 3. I don't mind playing Helsinki, they have nice uniforms and I like to score on their goalie. 4. Brian Payne is a goddamn beast and he should lead the league in everything and win every award. 5. As long as we are winning it doesn't matter, but of course everyone wants to play on a good line, but with only 6 forwards it doesn't really matter because everyone gets tons of ice. 6. NHL hockey season starting of course!
  4. 1. Yes we can beat them and we will beat them. I mean we can't lose them all.. or can we..? 2. I think we are finding our way and have been hot and cold. With some new faces in town it will take a bit to find the right system etc, but we are getting there. 3. I've been terrible so far, not scoring goals and only the occasional assist. I think if I can start scoring we will win more games. 4. I always bet on my man Brian Payne, he's having a huge season so he is my choice. 5. I know! It's been brutal but ol Girts has been working hard to break out so that 1st goal feels great. I think even with this slow start I can hit 30+ goals, especially on a line with Dogwood. 6. I don't know but seems like our D are our best scorers so far, which is cool and all, but if our fwds can start scoring more and allow our D to focus on D then our goals against numbers should hopefully come down.
  5. In his first 10 games for the Vancouver Wolves Girts has 5 assists and surprisingly no goals yet. Yes you read that correctly, no goals yet for the former goal scoring champion of the VHL. It's weird we know but can't last much longer, I mean it could but it just can't, he's too good and despite only average around 4 shots a game he's bound to get on the board soon. The Wolves started hot then have cooled off dropping a few of their most recent games. Girts needs to step it up and create some opportunities out there. He's probably being too nice and passing it off when he should shoot it. Look for Girts to be more selfish in the next set of games and really start firing the puck. He's finding his place on a new team and contributing with some assists but he's a goal scorer and needs to start scoring. Brian Payne told him just shoot the fucking puck buddy. So that's what he's going to do this week and we expect this time next week he should have at least 4 or 5 goals. If not then the tone of this article will be much worse.
  6. 1. Will most likely be Dogwood Maple, he's a beast out there and our top forward. 94 points. 2. Brian Payen is a lock for 60 assists every season so I will say Payne 63 assists. 3. I would have said Girts but he's shooting 0% through the first 10 games so I will once again go with Dogwood. 44 goals. 4. Definitely not Girts! lol. Gotta go with Dogwood here also. 5. Brian Payne can't be contained. He will have 130 pims and 5 fights. 6. Your future.
  7. Girts Galvins of the Vancouver Wolves has a few predictions for this season. Number one is the Wolves are going to return to the finals behind the amazing play of Brian Payne and Girts Galvins now reunited will once again become an unstoppable force. Number two is Brian Payne is going to score 80+ points for the 19th consecutive season, he should win every award and I predict he will finish his career with another huge season. Number three is Girts Galvins posts 35+ goals for the 5th consecutive season, he's going to leave it all out there in his final run and not hold anything back. Now in a new conference against all new goalies, these sieves aren't gonna know what hit them. Girts could post 50 but let's stick with a reasonable 35 plus. Number four prediction is moving into next season that with all the recreates from the amazing S82 class we are going to have the best draft class in a long time in S92 or whatever the class is going to be for the guys who are retiring at the end of this season. Now I say that having no idea who else was drafted recently nor do I have any idea about the strength of other classes but ours is going to be good. Ok that about covers it, you heard it all here first!
  8. 1. Brian Payne has been the best defenseman in the league for many years now, he consistently puts up huge numbers and should win every award. Plain and simple. 2. Hard to say who should have been nominated for an award because I don't know last years team that well but chances are someone did very well and didn't get nominated and they should have. 3. Congrats Frank that's awesome, well deserved! Spartan has been a rival in Moscow since my time in Warsaw so I'm not surprised he swooped in and stole half Frank's award, typical moscow meanies doing meanie things. 4. Girts was chased by a rabid racoon when he was a kid but got inside quickly before it got him. 5. Send me a link where to vote plz! I'd probably vote for Brian Payne because he is the fucking man. 6. Girts has won this award in the past, so I will say myself, Girts will win it, he's in for a huge year in a new city.
  9. Congrats @MetalToday and @Kisslinger !! Awesome careers! Those banners look great! Was an honor to play with you both in Warsaw!
  10. Girts Galvins is excited to put on a Vancouver Wolves sweater in his final season and looking forward to a completely new city and experience. He moved into Brian Payne's basement and is currently sleeping on an air mattress while he waits for his down town Vancouver apartment to be painted. Should be ready by the start of the season. In the mean time he's been working out at the excellent Vancouver facilities and getting to know his new teammates. It's a great group of guys and there's a lotof talent on this roster that went to the finals last season. He's been given a locker between FISTED ANALLY BY A CIRCUS MONKEY Analfist and Oreo McFleury, which was a bit confusing at first because Analfist's smelled a bit poopy but Oreo's area smelled sweet and delicious, the combination of aromas is strange but Girts is getting used to it. He's excited to play his first game in front of Vancouver fans and expects to have a big impact this season, his final in the VHL. Hopefully he can help his new team bring home a championship and make some new lasting memories. Reading this back I have no idea why it auto corrected Analfist's first name to fisted anally by a circus monkey.. but lol
  11. 1. Yes I think we can definitely make it back to the finals and with Galvins on the team now we should be able to win the cup. 2. Seems like a solid return but then again I have no idea, but we got a lot back in the trade. Hockley Mann has a great hockey name so I'm guessing he's pretty good. 3. Great question. Galvins brings goal scoring and playoff experience along with tremendous size and a great two-way game. He's a fantastic addition and Vancouver fans will be thrilled with this trade. 4. Hard to say, but I'm sure our GM's will make the best moves to put us in a position to win it all. 5. Conditional trades are good if they work out for you 6. In an alphabetical list of words!
  12. 1. I would say I'm not surprised Vancouver made it but maybe a little surprised Davos did, that said they are a real good team so I guess I'm not that surprised. 2. Well it's over now and Davos won but I was thinking Vancouver would take it cuz Brian Payne is a beast. 3. I'd probably say Nico, because other people above said him and I don't really know what's going on. 4. Brian Payne, dude is a stud, played him with in Warsaw for years, always the best D on the ice. 5. Again I will say Brian Payne but I'm sure others would be deserving of this title. 6. Being new to the team I don't know who was underplayed but of course Frank should pay everyone more.
  13. Girts

    Jaromir Jagr

    Girts Galvins - OV
  14. After playing his entire career for the Warsaw Predators, 504 games, Girts Galvins has been traded to the Vancouver Wolves is his final season! A big change for Girts as he moves from the European Conference to the North American Conference. After missing the playoffs in Warsaw the last couple seasons Galvins is excited to join a cup contender who made it to the finals this past season and he's also thrilled to be rejoining his longtime teammate from Warsaw and Bratislava Brian Payne! The two are well known as a dynamic duo synonymous with success and championships so this is a great move for Vancouver. Galvins finishes up his time in Warsaw with 505 points in 504 games, good for 234 goals and 274 assists, including a goal scoring title in S86 along with a Cup in S84 where he posted 25 points and 11 goals in 20 playoff games. He completes his Warsaw career as 5th all time in goals and 6th in points. Pretty sweet. Last season he had a strong year leading Warsaw in scoring with 37 goals and 74 points. He'll look to continue his goal scoring in Vancouver and hopefully once again be clutch in the playoffs! Girts would like to thank all his teammates in Warsaw for all the great memories, we had a lot of good runs and strong teams. He will never forget that championships in S84 and would like to thank his two GM's during his time in Warsaw @dlamb and @N0HBDY for all their help. Wishing Warsaw the best in the future!
  15. Thanks for all your help, will always appreciate you! Best of luck with everything!
  16. 1. I usually eat. 2 I don't walk into a gym, I walk away from a gym. 3. I would play Sakamoto even more, obviously! 4. Some are yes, others are not. Skyrim is art. 5. I'm not a big reader, can't remember the last book but Hobbit is my favorite. 6. Yes, I played defense in high school. Was kind of a goon.
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