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Posts posted by Gaudette

  1. After being born in Halifax Blake Gaudette moved to Boston with his mother and father and brother Adam Gaudette. He never was good at shapes or numbers it even took six years to potty train him. When he was young at the age of two his father passed away due to Cancer and he couldn't stand it and wasn't able to function properly for two years. He would sit there all day and not move his mother had to bring him to the hospital a lot to check if he had depression or anything like that.

    At the age of five he started kindergarten and a lot of the kids enjoyed playing the sport hockey at his school. His brother Adam was already playing it but Blake never thought he would be a good athlete. He asked his mother if he could get a pair of skates. He instantly was good at it and knew how to hold a stick properly after being his brothers goalie for one year. 

    He started playing for the Boston Jr. Bruins with his brother Adam. They were playing on the top line for there team but school was always rough for Blake he was always behind his fellow friends and couldn't ever get his work done. But hockey was his get away from everything and it relaxed him.

    Blake moved back to Halifax with his Mother and Brother at the age of seven and played for the Cape Breton Seals. He got 74 goals in 21 games which is insane for a seven year old but it was the first time he played without his brother Adam and he met a man by the name of Sidney Crosby who was his main friend on his team from and is still his best friend as of today. 

    At the age of nine his mother sadly passed away and they had to move to Vancouver to live with there Aunt. And Gaudette took a year off of playing hockey and focused on school but wasn't able to succeed like he hope he would and dropped out at the age of nine which took a massive toll on all of his skills and it was VHL or bust for him, So he got back into hockey and every night he would be working on his shot to be like his hero Gordie Howe but he wasn't able to be as tough as him.

    At the age of thirteen his brother Adam decided to go to the NHL instead of the VHL and his brother was selected by the Vancouver Canucks in 2015 and once that happened Blake didn't know what league he wanted to go to and decided to go back into school to try and graduate to get a diploma. He was in grade four at the age of thirteen which was really rough for him because he was always the weird kid that everyone made fun of because he was to big and bulky.

    It was 2017 now and he was offered a contract by Oslo of the VHLM and was finally about to live his dream as a VHL player and with Oslo he wasn't the best performer but he did only play a couple of games but he was determined to win a founders cup and never got that shot with Oslo who was about to relocate to Minnesota that next season but he wanted the Oslo fans to win and was upset when they were out of the running.

    Before the VHLM draft his Aunt Uncle and brother Adam all passed away in a plane crash trying to make it to Halifax where Blake lived to visit him for him birthday and Blake was ready to retire from hockey and focused more on school and go to college like his brother Adam would want him to do. But he got a call from Sidney Crosby and Crosby told him how he should live out his dream and go to the VHL a Descion Crosby never did as he went to the NHL instead to be one of the most dominate players in history but the missing hole that was not having any family left and no one to fall back on.

    He was drafted by Halifax twenty ninth overall in the VHLM draft and from that moment he was happy he was able to play in his hometown that he lived in for most of his hard ran life but he really needed to succeed in his first season he started the season on a line with Nacho and Edvin two great players for the Halifax twenty first but after twenty or so games he was taken off the great line in Halifax and had to try and earn chemistry with other players but he was taken off lines and swapped to other lines and never was able to stay with the same players for longer then twenty five games and it was tough for him to get chemistry with the players so he had a massive slump in the middle of the season only getting seven points in the final fifty five games of the season.

    He was selected by Mexico City in the VHLM Expansion draft but was quickly traded back to Halifax to continue his dream as playing for his hometown team. He is about to finally live his dream and get drafted by a VHL team but he is staying in Halifax for one last season to try and get his founder cup which he believes will happen in Halifax, he is also shaping up to be the type of player he always wanted to be in a sniper like player and is hoping to score a lot of goals like he did before as a little kid that hasn't been able to transition but he also wants to set up his teammates and after his hard life as a child he is ready to play this season!

  2. 8 hours ago, Thranduil said:

    New Questions for week of Apr 29-May 5.                                                                                                                                                  

    Answer 3 Questions for 1 TPE or 6 Questions for 2 TPE. Enjoy!


    1. What is it like being part of Halifax this season?


    2. The captains vote is currently on and besides yourself who is your top choice for captain?


    3. With the season opener about a week away, how much TPE do you preferably want to have by that point?


    4. What are your goals for this season, in terms of both individual and team performance?


    5. What are your thoughts on Halifax's Discord locker-room? Any suggestions on how we could improve it?


    6. What are your overall thoughts on the team and roster that we have here? Where do you think we'll finish in the standings?


    But a simple look at our current roster!


    1.) it's awesome I love how Thran got me back in a trade after I was selected in the Expansion draft I love the guys here 

    2.) Nacho Nacho and More Nacho, He's probably my Favourite teammate and I've been playing with him most of my first year in Halifax

    3.) I want 135 TPE I'm at 117 Rn so hopefully I'll be able to get to 135 in a week by doing all of the TPE stuff

    4.) J want to get 50 goals myself I feel I'm able to get it and it will help the team a lot and as a team stand point I think we can be first in the league 

    5.) I've been there for a while now and I don't really think we need more changes there it's a great place maybe remove pokecord tho

    6.) It's good I know Ima be playing a lot with Nacho and Axelson to start the year but most of the other guys are active and are ready to win

  3. The Halifax 21th had a great draft this time around we picked up AJ Axelsen one of our few 100+ TPE players this season. Thorvald Gunnarsson a great goalie for us in the upcoming years and possibly even this season. We brought back Papa Gage a great player that will help our back end a lot. Kenji Hachimura a Right winger that will hopefully be a offensive threat on our team and will help us get to the finals again. Fudge Popsicle a solid winger who I am a fan of and I hope me and him create some chemistry. To round out the draft we selected a Center Trevor Van Lagen who will hopefully be a great PK or PP specialist. I'm excited for the upcoming season where I will hopefully be a good first line winger of us this season. Let's go Halifax!!! Let's win the cup this year! 

  4. 1. Are you proud of how we have played this postseason as a team and as an individual?


    I am very proud of how we played. Would have liked to have been on the scoresheet more and it really sucks to lose to my old team, but all and all, we put forth a good effort.


    2. If you could change one thing about this season/postseason what would it be?


    Wish I could've stayed with Edvin and Nacho for a longer time, but I'll get to do all that this season, so it's all good.


    3. Who has been your favorite Teammate this season and why? What makes a great teammate to you?


    I had awesome chemistry with Edvin all the way through and Nacho came in at the same time as me, via draft, so I enjoyed getting to know him.


    4. How are you looking toward the VHL draft? Are you excited? Nervous? Where do you see yourself going?


    I was already drafted, but in the case of the expansion draft which I recently went through, I was very upset when Mexico City drafted me, but we got it all sorted out so it is ok.


    5. If you had to sell yourself to VHL GM's what would you say?


    I'm a good all-rounded player, capable of scoring and I can keep up with the big stars on any team.


    6. Halifax GM McWolf announced he will be resigning once the season is finished. Thranduil is most likely his successor. Any words of wisdom or encouragement for him?


    Thanks for bringing me back pal. I'm from Halifax, and don't intend to play anywhere else in the VHLM. Besides stupid Oslo of course.

  5. Name Blake Anthony Gaudette
    Born June Eighteenth Two Thousand and One 
    Height Five foot 10
    Weight Two Hundred Pounds
    Hometown Born in Vancouver British Columbia but grew up too hours away from Halifax 

    Before coming over to the VHLM he played for the Halifax MooseHeads a former CHL team which turned into a triple A team after the VHLM and VHL came around he posted One Hundred and One Goals and Seventy Three Assists in his time there for a grand total of One Hundred and Seventy Four points 

    Pros about my hockey career
    My ability to score goals is great I've been working on my shot for the pass six years now and I'm ready to make a impact on a VHLM team, My usually shot rate is every one out of three go in when I'm having a good day 

    I've been one of the smoothest skaters to every play in my High School League before coming to the Oslo Storm these pass few days I was able to do a full lap around the ice in 14.76 at the age of Sixteen I can only get faster from here

    I've always been a great passer notching Seventy Three assists in my last High school year but then again that was High School idk if my passing ability can we able to carry over into the VHLM but it might we will see when I finally suit up for a game

    Seriously what is Defence? I never tried to have defensive before so it's going to be really hard for me to come to a league where both matter I'm usually only focused on getting the puck on my stick and going on a breakaway, I'm hoping this training camp I can learn how to defend some of our best players 

    Thank god I'm a left wing, but whenever the Center is waived out of the draw a winger is usually the one that has to go there and when I played in High school I had a faceoff ratio of Six out of Eighty one, I've been trying to work on Faceoffs so one day I could move to Center but I don't ever see it happening 

    I'm never a player who has ever been able to stay out of the sin bin I normally am in there for four minutes  a game because I take careless tripping or hooking penatlys once in PeeWee I wacked a kid with my stick and got kicked out from the league so I earned a five hundred dollar fine as well

    Hopefully he can turn into that Top scoring winger that the scouts have him to become, he fell in the draft because of the worry that he wasn't able to perform but he hopes he can prove every General Manager wrong, I also am trying to model my game after NHL legend Alexander Ovechkin from the Washington Capitals who was a lethal scorer in his career

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