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Everything posted by gorlab

  1. You really are nice with it tbh. I'm glad that SHL trained you up to this level, it gives me hope for that league and the state of it's gfx community now compared to where it was when I was there. The text looks really awesome in terms of composition, colour blocking, and accenting the render/focal point. It's a clean/minimal piece, the woman looks high def and good, and I think the vignetting does a decent job for lighting. I even love the background kind of looking like a post-game 'interview board' type thing, but it also reminds me of the "flying toaster" screensaver from the 90s (which itself is an iconic art style/piece) I have been very impressed with your other graphics you've submitted on VHL. It is a very refreshing change of pace from the normal quality of graphics I see around here. You should join up for a future VHL graphics tourney/contest. You have dope style. IDK if I have anything to teach you. Keep looking up tutorials and learning what you can I guess, because I think the 'unteachable' component of art aka having an eye for flare/style is something you posses, that not everyone does. a p pr o v al g a ng
  2. Probably the best graphic I've graded thus far (out of 6 other ones) as you have a nice clean piece, the render is cropped well and looks high-def/good quality. The text is very uninspired but does add to the clean aesthetic here. I think your choice of color gradient for the background doesn't mesh well with the vivid red of the render. I think simply changing the color gradient of the background to one more complimentary of the red/white of the render & text, is an easy way to cook this into a really dope piece. Also there's no real lighting, or blending of the render with the background at all. The piece suffers from looking like 3 photoshop layers. The background gradient, the player ontop of it, and the text on top of the player (which IMO is never going to look like a great piece of art) a p pr o v al g an g but you got a long way to go. I should throw you into my dojo with my young killers and see if you survive.
  3. This graphic scared me. I appreciate the attempt to do some de-saturation / color change by the visor. That technique can look quite nice, and it doesn't look awful here. I think the MS Word style text work and the very very very very blurry background image does look pretty awful. Also the soft outer glow around PK is too condensed/opaque, which makes it look like PK Subban image was "cropped" with like a very soft brush, and causes it to look rushed/amateur. Also, blurring is an important tech/tool to use in graphic design, but you really never want to have your background (when it's an actual image of something) that blurry. It looks like cave walls or something. If you are using like a color gradient, or some kind of digital pattern design image as the background, super blurring it may not look bad, but in this case, it does look bad. great player though (Black Velvet) and great country song. I would've maybe included some awards he won or stats or something like that. a p p r o v al g an g
  4. Best jersey/logo swap I've seen today. Your color adjustment is pretty decent to turn the flames red into an orangeish color (but could still use some tweaking) and the logo swap isn't horrible, I like the blurring of the lower edge of the riga logo to try and add some depth/realism to it. I think ti's sized up too much though. You avoid this, and size the riga logo correctly, by using CLONE TOOL to just clone out the edges of the existing Calgary flames logo, by replacing it with the 'jersey texture' logo from around the existing Flames 'C' logo, with like a size 6-15 soft brush. text is uninspired, I would've personally sized down the (S36-S42) career indicator and used a different font, to differentiate it from the main text (the player name) and make it a sub-text. Using different sizes/fonts for different text elements, instead of just one consistent size/font, usually works better. The member behind this player (Brennan McQueen) is a legendary sim league female too, tbh. IDK if you know her, or if she's active on other sim leagues anymore, but she was cool. a p pr o v al g ang
  5. You definitely made a graphic. The crop of the player with the memorial cup isn't great, but the strength of it is enough to get an approval from me. It definitely gets pretty rough around the trophy base, but hey, we're not all pablo picasso right? (By Crop, I mean how you layered the purple wavy line 'stock' image over top and masked out just the player himself, to give that effect). The jersey change is very rough, but you get the premise and sort of pulled it off. The HF21 logo is wayyyy too big though, you usually want to use the CLONE TOOL in photoshop to replace the existing jersey logo with parts of the jersey material from around the logo. You don't have to clone out the whole thing, but if you do most of the edges, it allows you to just place the VHL logo on top of the 'edges cloned off' original logo, and size it appropriately. The text is very basic, and I hate the font selection, but at least you put a drop shadow on it. Don't be afraid to use different sized/coloured/effected fonts for the different 'text' elements on a graphic. It looks more natural than over-using the same sized font/text several times in one image. a pp r o v al g ang but this is not impressive in the least tbh.
  6. This is a rough one JBeezy, not going to lie. First, it's unnecessarily sized. The only HD looking thing in the graphic is the eagle in the background. The player image is very very very low quality, is cropped sloppily, seems to be holding a broken stick, and is about to have his head bit off by that giant fuck off bald eagle. The white and blue jersey clashes pretty badly with the green of the rest of the sig. What is PS Express in the bottom-right corner? I'm guessing it's a watermark put onto the 'stock' image of the big bald eagle from the background? When you are graphic designing and stealing resources like pictures you find online, you usually want to try and eliminate things like watermarks or logos, by using a combination of copying/pasting other parts of the image over it, or using the CLONE TOOL to delete it from the image. I guess you did include some historical stuff about this Phil Gerrard gentleman. @Phil is this you? God, what a career. a p p r o v al g an g but this is really bad, my guy. No offence. You can take tpe off it if you want, but it just looks amateur and horrible.
  7. fire except for the text placement. I think it could've been slightly positioned off of the render's face, and also maybe to distort/hide the yeti foot logo which is glaring. Colouring and look of render and stock work/lighting are all A-OK by my standards. A P P R O V A L G AN G
  8. 1. How did your VHLM season end up going? Did you stay w/ the Marlins? How did their season go? 2. Are the Howe brothers (S70 draft class) legitimate or just a troll job? 3. Do you still do any podcasting with okochostar? 4. What type of role are you prepared to take on in DC next season? Has your GM reached out with plans for you yet? 5. What do you know about your DC Dragons GM, is he really German or is he from Manitoba, Canada? 6. Is there any other SBAers that created on VHL for the affiliate program that are more successful than you in terms of tpe gain/activity? sixersfan maybe? @DangerGolding
  9. ***** NEW QUESTIONS ***** 1. Disappointing end of the season for Moscow but the team's future is looking bright. What were your highlights for this season? 2. Which VHL team will you be supporting in the playoffs for S68 since Moscow is on early summer? 3. Do you have any big plans for the off-season tpe influx? Any stats you are focusing on? 4. If you could have Victor be your tour guide for any country in the world, what country would it be? 5. Podrick Cast is retiring. A tribute game is being held in honour of him in the UK but it happens to be on the same day as your mother-in-law's birthday, which your wife planned a big family trip somewhere to celebrate. What do you do? 6. Do you have any suggested prospects for Moscow to target in the upcoming S69 VHL Entry draft?
  10. Do you think it's unreasonable for a regular VHL member to think something is fishy when the commish/simmer has a season that is historically successful in terms of their individual performance?
  11. I'd be demanding live sims, regardless of work schedule/capability, if I were HC Davos GM.
  12. A lot of really abnormal things going on this season, eh?
  13. Theme Graphic PT Theme VHL.com
  14. boubabi should get a call to the hall off the strength of the stockholm vikings logos (let alone existence) alone. brat watchmen is flames, cologne is dope and iconic even with the criticisms which are fair, and I like Brampton personally but always thought it was ripped.
  15. nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo curse you to hell, Davos!!!
  16. Bernard going crazy to end the ssn. Jet Jaguar's quest for 20 goals is complete. ?
  17. what a LEGEND OF THE GAME but i think u want to post this in the PLAYER MANAGEMENT > POINT TASKS > WEEKLY TASKS > GRAPHICS/VIDEOS sub-forum
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