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Posts posted by MetalToday

  1. 1. Are you doing anything exciting while in San Diego?

    Yes hanging out at the bars of course!

    2. What are you doing to improve your player?

    Taking steroids, don't tell the league managers though.

    3. What can the Marlins Management do to be better for you?

    50mill$ a season will make me play better for sure.

    4. Do you do any extra drills after practice to improve your skills?

    Yes, I play lots of NHL 21.

    5. Where do you see your player in a few seasons? 

    Being the face of the Hall of Fame.

    6. Does ketchup belong on a hotdog?

    Yes, mayo, cheese and onions as well! ;) 

  2. 9 minutes ago, thadthrasher said:


    Hey there, @MetalToday I’m thadthrasher, the General Manager of the San Diego Marlins. We are need of a few forwards, and would love to add you to our dynamic roster.


    I’d be happy to show you around and help you build a great player. 

    If you are interested, quote this and say #MarlinsTerritory!


    I feel like I can help the team a lot

  3. 1) Will you be wanting to get drafted by Yukon in S68,or is there any other team you want to be drafted to?

    I wouldn't mind any team, I'm really gonna miss this team though, I hope the best for my teammates


    2) How many goals and assists did you have in season 67?

    39 goals and 48 assists, a collective 87 points.


    3) What VHL team do you want to be drafted to? or where have you already been drafted to inS67? 

    I've been drafted to the nighthawks in s67.


    4) Do you play in any other hockey simulation league?

    I do not. This ones the best though lol.


    5) Name the 3 Most Original Named Players in the VHLM or VHL?

    Lance Flowers, Frans Eller, Erik Draven


    6) Is there a certain GM in the league you want to play for this next season?

    As long as they are good and respectable I would have no problem playing for anyone.

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