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Posts posted by MetalToday


    *Meeting Brendan Marner coming out from the game last night, seemingly happy and excited about the recent success. *


    Marner, you have been hot recently, what have you changed?


    “I have been feeling better than ever, I have been working on improving but I have felt like I have reached my limits here in the VHLE. I feel like there is room to improve on the scoresheet, but I feel like I have gotten to a new level in hockey and need to be put into the next stage in my career, I feel I am ready for the VHL. I have clearly improved from last season, I think a major reason for that is that I have settled here in Europe a lot more, and the homesick I felt last year is over, this is my home and my next will be Warsaw. With that being said, I love it, I am feeling great and playing great.”


    How do you feel about your team right now? Any improvements to be made?


    “Honestly, I did not expect this team to be doing so well this year, I thought we would be closer to a rebuild than anything. However, I am happy about our success, I think the team has connected greatly and the ones who bet against us are now biting the bullet and are about to be very wrong about where we end up. I am not so happy about the standings, because our division is strong, we are not in the playoffs right now, but in the league, we are 4th out of the 8 teams and only 1 point away from 3rd, however our division is so strong we are actually 4 points away from making the playoffs and that just doesn’t seem fair. Many teammates had the same opinion; however, it is what it is right now, we are just going to need to work much harder to get there. As for improvements, I see that a really good backup has started playing for us, however he in not on our roster list, he is a great goalie, but I’m unsure if he is actually ours. I think he is just getting settled in, so his save percentage isn’t the best, but he has lots of time to improve. I think he also has potential to be our starter, but we need to go with what works for now. I think the only real improvement would be another defensive star, but that is kind of hard to find, and that is not much of a need for us, we really do have a good team now. I think our GM has just done a great job on this team.”


    Are you upset that the Watchmen have much more success than you? Do you think their team is better without you?


    “Shut up, any team would be luck to have me, unlike the company that holds your contract, the teams that hold my contract loves me. However, the Watchmen have improved a lot over the past year, but with the decent picks they had, and the core improving as well, it is clear that they were going to be beasts this year. I think they will lose to us in the end, but its definitely a good team. Yes, I am a little bit upset about the success as the Gladiators haven’t gotten there yet, but I really think we have a good chance at beating them whenever we meet them. I honestly only care about making the playoffs, the rest means nothing to me, once we get to the playoffs, I just know we will be the best team there is, I know we will win the cup. That’s really all that matters.”


    Looking at your World Juniors, you played really well, is this where you think you started improving?


    “Yes actually, I was really homesick and that was when I went back home to see my family, and somehow, I was pushed to be ready for that tournament, and I was ready to play anywhere. Without that tournament I don’t think my confidence would have come back, I think with the teammates, family, and that coaching staff, it brought me back to life, and brought back my love for hockey, and to become the next star.”


    After the big contract signing last year, it was brought to my attention you have not spent much of the money, any plans with that?


    “Firstly, how did you get that information, it seems like a sever invasion of privacy, however, I have not looked into that too much, I have been looking at some of the charity work going on in the VHL right now, and I am looking to join. That is the biggest thing I am currently watching; I really am unsure what to get with these contracts. I have some ideas but most of them seem really expensive to be honest.”


    How are the investigations going? Do you have any new details you would like to share?


    “Nothing new, it seemed to have stopped after I gave some of the people, and police involved some good hard-earned cash, nothing crazy, I think some of my actions might be odd but who cares? I don’t care, and I think the majority of people don’t want to hate me they love me, right?”


    Not really most people dislike you man, just look anywhere, it is all over the news.


    “I will beat who ever said that I don’t care, I am the most loved player in the VHL. Its simple.”


    I will mention that there are articles coming out about you, but it is now relaxing as no new stories have broken, is it fair to say that you have become more respectable, and stopped all of the inappropriate substances as you are playing in the VHLE?


    “I have no idea what you’re talking about, I would never do anything that is against the rules…”

    So, you have never played high or drunk?


    “What? Why would you even question that? I’m drunk right now.”



  2. 1. What is the best looking logo of the VHL? Why?

    Warsaw Predator, because they are the team I will be winning the VHL with


    2. What is the best looking logo of the VHLE? Why?

    Rome Gladiators because that is home


    3. What is the best looking logo of the VHLM? Why?

    Ottawa Lynx because they drafted me, unfortunately I never played for them


    4. What is currently the best forward of the Rome Gladiators? Why?

    Me, Brendan Marner, obviously


    5. What is currently the best defencemen of the Rome Gladiators? Why?

    I can play any position being the best player in the VHL, so me Brendan Marner.


    6. Who do you think will win the Cup in the VHLE this season?

    Rome Gladiators, they have the best players.


  3. Intro


    With Brendan Marners breakout start to the season there has been some fans speculating what else he is capable of. His physical game isn’t too bad either with 45 hits in 22 games, he is averaging 2.04 hits per game. Fans are raving in Rome about their player, and fans in Warsaw are excited to see his skills in the big league.


    The Fans


    Fans have been divided by Marners recent controversies but with the spotlight moving off him as his acts are mellowing out with the new season. Fans are coming back to his side, and some believe this is the new Marner everyone has been waiting for.




    Anyways, Brendan Marner has been nearing a point a game with 20 points in 22 games averaging 0.91 points a game, he has really stepped it up this year. Although he is not the top guy for scoring on the team, he has more potential to get to a higher level. He is on the top line of the Rome Gladiators but averaging slightly less minutes on ice than most other teammates but has been taking those minutes on ice to produce. Marner has been having trouble finding the back of the net, with 6 goals in 22 games, it is not terrible, however, considering the 123 shots he took it is obvious he didn’t get the goal total he wanted. His shooting percentage is currently 4.88%, but with the good shooting ability he has, it is expected by many that he will improve and top expectations.


    Controversies are over


    Marner has been playing great, and as we mentioned, he, for the most part, has been staying out of his controversies. It sounds like his family gave him an intervention before the start of the season, and it gave him courage to stop drugs, alcohol, and just staying out late on game nights. Marner was quoted saying, “With my family here I cannot just do all this stuff, they want me to stop, so I will stop.” Many excited about the new Marner, there are some that still misses the daily news on his scandals. It is expected by many that he will be a new man going into the VHL, however, not everyone believes that. One of his teammates were quoted saying, “This guy is insane, he has relaxed on the controversies because his family is there, that’s it, once they leave, or kicks them out he will be the guy who stole the babys lollipop, but he would also take the stroller.” Although this would be a big story, it has yet to happen.




    As of right now, Marner is doing great, playing great, and can be the next star if he keeps this up. It does not take an expert to see this kid has improved and will continue if his act stays clean. As for his teammate’s hypothesis, it will be something to watch, but as of now, there is no need to expect this will come back if all goes well.

  4. This was very well written, I like how many gifs you included, but I don't know if all of them relate to the interview. Regardless, I really enjoyed it and I am shock at how well you are doing as a rookie, congrads! I cant wait to hear more that comes out with your player and hopefully you kill it in Warsaw until I take over ;) 9/10

  5. very well said, it is good to see your player doing so well so early on, its a good sign. I liked the inclusion of the stats in your article, it made the understanding of your success much greater. You could potentially paragraph around the games to break up the text, but that's just being nitpicky. I really enjoyed the text and cant wait for more! 9/10

  6. With the new year in the VHLE in progress, it is obvious the teams are, once again, equal. With the top 6 teams within 6 points of each other, the original six are once again the best of the best. As for the 2 new teams, the Geneva Rush and the Oslo Storm, they are at the bottom of the standings, however, their placement is not so bad, since they only joined the VHLE this past season, they were a year behind in development, so many expected them to be lottery contenders. The teams, as they were last year, are close, but how close are they from last year? At around the same point in the season, I made an article talking about how all the teams were about 13 points apart, this being only the original 6 teams, however, we are now at the point that all 6 teams are 6 points away from each other. With the top spot currently tied with the Watchmen and the Red Wolves, it is unknown were each will end, and if they even last long in the first position as the Gladiators are currently with a 7-game winning streak only 2 points behind both first-place teams. This has been a crazy year in the VHLE and it will be interesting to see where the teams end up.

  7. 1. Are you happy about how the team is doing right now?

    I am pretty happy right now, we are doing better than I thought this early.


    2. Are you happy about how your player is doing right now?

    I am doing a lot better than the past years, so yes I'm much happier.


    3. Do you like the logo of the Rome Gladiators? why?

    It is ok, i think its a little bland.


    4. Why did you choose that name for your player?

    a mix of my name and one of my favorite players.


    5. What is your favourite name of all the players in the team?

    mine, because its me baby.


    6. What should be the next move of your GM and AGM?

    a goalie with a little more potential.

  8. I wanted to take the time in this article to ask if there is another point task idea to get 2 extra tpe instead of writing a 200-word article. There are some, such as a 5-minute podcast, graphics, press conference, or just reviews, but you need to do at least 3 of these to get the max capped tpe. There used to be another one, trivia. Trivia ended a month or two ago, and I honestly miss it, as it was an easy way to max your capped tpe. Now that it is gone the question is, will it be replaced? It seems to not be getting replaced and writing 700 words for 8 tpe (500 media spot for 6, 200 article for 2) is good, but not easy. Trying to write every week is hard for many people, and we seem to be expected to write about 2 different topics every week to max out capped tpe. Trivia was a good way to quickly get some points, yes sometimes it was hard, but in the end, it is hard to find time to write so many different articles with school, work, family, and just life in the way, its just hard to keep up. Sometimes the trivia helped with my stress, but I have rambled a lot and I think it is time to give suggestions to replace it if that is still on the table.


    1.       Podcast reviews, this could be a little time consuming for some, but it can be an easy way to get 1 tpe for each podcast review, and still have media spot reviews.

    2.       There can be games like a member posting on a random topic in a random spot, and the people who claim it within the time span will get X amount of tpe (dependent on difficulty)

    3.       The 3 stars of the week, people guess who will be the star in the VHL, VHLE, and VHLM that week and people who get 1/3 will get 1 tpe, 2/3 will get 2 tpe, and 3/3 will get 3 tpe. This is dependent on the difficulty and how its implemented. Stars can be selected with certain criteria or based on managements honest votes.

    4.       Bringing back trivia, obviously I need to bring this up since I disagree with it getting dropped.


    I hope this gives everyone an idea on what other tpe opportunities there can be, as this does not need to be all about writing, especially someone who is not the best in writing, like me. Regardless, I hope you enjoyed the read and continue to kill in the VHL.




    Brendan Marner is the most fascinating character we have ever reported, with scandals and tricks, this fascinating body cannot keep away from trouble. As we reported last time, Marner had some trouble with partying during the playoffs, and clearly affected his game, as the Watchmen got swept in the first round. Marner told us he would step it up in the playoffs, but he only stepped into the private rooms.




    As the year ended and Marner, as apart of history, was traded to the Gladiators. This was the very first VHLE trade ever made, and Marner making a scene telling everyone, “The Watchmen lost the trade by a long shot, it should have been multiple elite players and draft picks going back to them.” This seemed too much considering the point total Marner had last year, without a doubt the trade seemed very fair, but Marner has already been spotted in Rome partying and having drunkin banter.




    He most recently got into some controversy when he got in a bar fight, but this bar fight wasn’t really a bar fight, he threw fights at an elderly man who was sitting with his family celebrating his 90th birthday. Nothing was said by the family prior to the incident; however, the man was sitting with his daughter (45) and her son. Although punches were thrown, not many landed as Marner kept twirling like he was in figure skating. Some witnesses even viewed Marner taunt and ask if the 9-year-best people if he “also wanted some”. He got arrested but was released on bond. The family is suing for the threats made by Marner that night. Some argue the mother should have intervened, but the mother was in the restroom at that time.


    The Divide


    There was a patrician rolling around in Rome trying to get Marner out of the league, as many people hated him, however the population seemed very divided on the topic, as many people enjoyed the view of Marners behavior. It seemed to be a miss, and many people bought tickets after hearing about the restaurant incident, selling the stadium in Rome out for the home opener just minutes after the news broke.




    The management was the next step to get Marner removed form the league entirely, however, we could not meet the management at all, they seemed to be busy trying to improve the team using other means and denied us from questioning them until they added what is needed.


    The Player


    Yet we were able to contact the player himself, Marner, as he was in a bar, we asked him what happened that night, he said, “An dogs are not allowed to eat in the restaurant! It is a free space for human beings!” We were not sure what he was talking about, so we asked, and he referenced this photo he found on google and said, “It was like this, see, the are not allowed in a restaurant! Its gross!”




    Drug Speculation


    He was clearly out of it, some speculating he took shrooms hours before the attack, but it still does not make it right. However, he ended with, “ok leave talking panda, you are not allowed to be here either.” He then repeated that to everyone in that bar, clearly the hallucinations have not ended.







    What will be next for this player that is completely breaking down? Will he have a come back season? Or will there be too many cats on the ice? Stay tuned for more on the Brendan Marner saga, and we will report to you first!


  10. 1. What are your objectives for the team this season?

    To win the cup.

    2. What are your objectives for your player this season?

    To win the cup. 

    3. What are your impressions about your new AGM (be careful, I read every single one of your answers)?

    He wants to win a cup... but its interesting, staying in touch in the locker room, not leaving us in the dark about what is expected on the team.

    4. Who do you think is the team to beat this season in the VHLE? Why?

    Stockholm Vikings are looking like an absolute beast, great 1st and 2nd lines, ok goaltending, but its still an amazing team.

    5. What do you think your GM and AGM should do to make the team better?

    I would try to trade for a starting goalie, The Watchmen have 2 potential starters, I if we made a deal, maybe we could have a better chance. Also sign a couple of defense.

    6. Who do you think should be the captain of the Rome Gladiators this season? Why?

    Being a new addition, I am still unfamiliar with the team, but with more time I'm sure I will find that leader. 

  11. Intro


    As we move towards the draft, there are still some questions where the top 3 players will go.


    Nico Pearce


    Nico Pearce is the consensus number 1, his skills and potential is amazing, with 72 games played he has an insane 117 points and 59 goals, it is an amazing season for him. Although the point total is quite good, he is also playing a very physical game for a forward, with 201 hits in those 72 games, it shows his defensive game isn’t all to bad itself. This may not be the only player teams look at however, his stats were not as good this past season as the other runners-up.


    Harkat Mulds


    Harkat Mulds is the consensus number 2, with high end skills himself. In 72 games 141 points, his offensive skills are currently better that Pearces, but the high hitting player seen in Pearces is not seen in Mulds. If the team picking 1st decides to take a player who gets many points, they may take a safer bet in Mulds, but there is a good chance he stays number 2 with Pearces elite like potential.


    Zaza Colors


    Zaza Colors is another player that is very much locked into the top 3. With his high-end offensive skills, he has potential to be one of the best goal scorers in the league. He had 53 goals and 121 points in 72 games, proving his potential is great, and any team would be thrilled to have a scorer like that. His defensive game is decent as well, but he is not as much of a grinder as Pearce, or Mulks for that matter. I think he’s pretty much locked in the top 3 by most teams.




    I think it wont matter where each will go, I think they will be elite for any team they play for.

  12. I am interested to see where you will end up. I would've liked a little more emphasis on the star players that just couldn't do it for Reign, like stats or tpe, this would give a better argument to me who the top stars on the team are. I would love to have a follow-up to give me an update what team will win. ;)  8/10

  13. 1.) going into the medal rounds, who do you think will end up with the gold?
    It was clear that Canada would win, we have such a brilliant team

    2.) who has been a standout player in the tournament
    Myself, Brendan Marner, who else did you expect? Corey Kitson? I was setting up this beaut for all of his goals. Ok maybe he was the MVP. 

    3.) how has your player performed? are you happy with the performance?

    I am very happy, I have not played this well in my entire career. 

    4.) Have you had fun this tournament?

    I had lots of fun, it helps to be winners :) 

    5.) With the draft coming up. do you think this tournament helped your stock?

    I have already been picked, but I'm sure it had an impact on my value, I haven't been my best self the past couple of seasons. 

    6.) name 1 show you have been watching during the WJC

    I have been watching, umm, uhhh, I have actually not watched anything recently, only my game and performance. 





    It has been some rough seasons for Brendan Marner, not playing up to where it is known he can play, and his cockiness is unliked but many players. There is no shortage of fans for Marner, but they have not had his back more recently with the lack of scoring he has been submitting. Since Marner is a loose canon, the teams around him have been putting their heads down to avoid responsibility. This mentality seems to be popular as the fanbase always tunes in and reacts to each post , but the player will get a lot of hate for some of these comments.


    Past Two Seasons


    As Marner has played in the minor league and European league there has been speculation whether he will become the great he talks himself up to be. With only 11 points in 72 games in Europe, and 0 points in 4 playoff games, it is clear Europe did not help his confidence in this league whatsoever. As for the minors, he has 9 points in 62 games, with 1 goal in 5 playoff games. So, it is clear from these totals that his play actually downgraded when he went up to Europe if you average the points per games, however, neither of these totals are to be proud about.


    The Trade


    Marner was asked about his lack of points, and he said, “I’m better than anyone here bud.” It seems like he is oblivious to his poor play. After he was traded to Rome Marner said he believed that the Gladiators stole him from the Watchmen as he believed he was Matt Thompson quality. Although it was an insane statement, the trade seemed to be quite fair according to many conversations around the community. Considering the talks about Marners potential, it could be seen as a potential steal, but not anywhere near what Marner believes for himself.


    World Juniors 


    Marner ended up playing for team Canada in the world juniors and he played much better than he has been in the other leagues. With 9 points in 8 games, it is not something to sleep on, and when it came to the playoffs, he got 2 points in 2 games. His performance there really showed another side of Marner and gives him the benefit for his future in the VHL. As he brings home the gold back to Canada, he only looks back at those poor seasons and raise that middle finger. He is going to be a new man, a new player, a new leader. His experience has improved, his play has improved and his skills. As he stays back in Europe for just one more season, he is believed to be the next star if these totals are held up.




    Overall, it is hard to say what the future holds for this kid however, it is known that there is potential for improvement from his previous seasons. He will likely be looking to take a higher spot on the lineup as he only played on the 4th line back in Bratislava, but that was mostly on his really poor play, and being “home-sick” as he said. He is going to be fighting for that top 1st line roll to start the season, but if his good play does not continue from the world juniors, it is possible we see a drop in the lineup for Marner.


    With the first 6 games wrapped up for team Canada are you happy with your teams results Marner?

    “We are chillin, only one game was lost, and quite honestly we were just rusty, we played our very first game against Asia and lost by 1 goal, I don’t think that is bad. It was 4-5 it was a hard game in general…”


    …But you failed to record a point in that ga-

    “NEVER cut me off again Derek. I played like the wind that game, just didn’t get lucky.”


    *off mic whispers* maybe in the warmup


    Marner you have 6 points in 6 games, are you happy with that even though Corey Kitson has 12 in 6?

    “Corey has been amazing in this tournament, as a defence I do not except those crazy totals out of him. I feel good too, I am averaging a point a game and I think this is going to get our team far if I can continue this, and Corey for that matter. I have never seen someone want to win for his country more than him, its nice to see and exciting to be apart of.”


    *off mic whispers* At least he cares


    *Audio troubles*


    Marner, do you think about the trade?

    “You better be careful Derek, you’re walking on thin ice… Yes, I do think about the trade, I think about leaving everything that happened in Bratislava to go to Rome, it will be a change. I am going to miss my old mates, but I know there will be knew ones waiting for me in Rome, ready for me to kill the league with my skills there. I think a lot of people are going to underestimate Rome this season, I get it, but I will help the team hit a new high and quite honestly, we will be the next champions. Yes, the cup was stolen from Rome this past season, but it won’t be when I am there this season.”


    With the Warsaw prospect pool, do you think you will make it to the big leagues sooner than later? And how do you feel about the chances they will have?

    “Honestly, Warsaw is looking like they are to go into another rebuild soon, with a couple of the first rounders and a light prospect pool I do not expect them to go to crazy and go too far the next couple of years. They got a few good players, but ones that seem to be getting old in age and may not produce the way they have been. However, I think I will be in Europe this next year then graduate the year after to the VHL, I think this will be good for my development and for me to kill these kids coming into this league. I am excited to graduate, but I think it will be a couple of years before the team is competitive again.”

  16. With the VHLE playoffs now complete, it was one hell of a year. The first team to ever win the Europe cup is now known to be the Vasteras Iron Eagles. This was the 4th and last team to actually make it into the playoffs which sounds insane, but the season was a really close season, with 2-5 places were 5 points from each other. Regardless, the Iron Eagles take the brand new VHLE cup home first. Willy Myers and Saku Kotkakoivu were the absolute beasts during the playoffs for the Eagles with 24 and 23 points respectively, as Willy had a goal a game. It was a slight surprise Kyle Peace and Shaggy Tipton didn’t get the points they got in the season, but they were still beasts in the playoffs with 19 and 18 points each. With regards to goaltending, it was no surprise Xavier Booberry was amazing as usual, and got an amazing .917 save percentage with 3.21 goals against average. The Eagles were amazing this year and are likely going to try to be a powerhouse next year as well, they definitely want to prepare a bit better, so they do not go to game 7 in every series again.


    Congrads to the Vasteras Iron Eagles and enjoy being the first players on that new shiny cup!


  17. I liked the Australia addition to your travels, I think they have some interesting history you can use in your favor when naming the team. It seems like you went out of your way to do extra research about Australia to make your argument and find other team names to lack lawsuits, it definately helps. I would've maybe liked some pictures of the city to see the beauty of the place. 9/10

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