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Posts posted by JumpierPegasus

  1. IHM_1112_Blackwell_Colin_27.jpg?max_widt


    Maxime Perron | C | #47

    6'1" | 189 lbs | St. Étienne, France

    Brampton Blades, VHLM





    Maxime Perron is a centre from St. Étienne, France. As a young child his Quebecois father would teach him how to play hockey in their apartment parking lot. He did not learn how to skate until the age of 8 due to a lack of rinks in France. However, he quickly took to the sport of ice hockey, and used his many natural abilities, IQ, and drive to push himself to be the best prospect in all of France. When he was 18 he would score in the top 1% on le bac. After being courted by many universities all over the world, Perron decided on Harvard University in the USA due to the great education, and the opportunity to join the hockey program at the school. After making the team as a walk-on, he quickly took to being one of the best players on the team and in his senior season he was named captain. In S43, at the age of 21, Perron was drafted 17th overall by Brampton in the VHLM. He now looks towards the VHL draft in S44.







    Perron is one the best natural scorers joining the VHLM this season. His shot was categorized as one of the best in the NCAA during his senior season. His release is quick, and while the shot is not overly hard, it is accurate. He can pick corners with ease, and Perron's dedication to watching tape on opposing goalies makes him knowledgeable on their weaknesses.


    Puck Handling


    A bonus to Perron's ability to shoot the puck is that he can gain entry into the zone and corral errant passes with the best of them. He doesn't "dangle" like some offensive players, but his soft hands give him a lot of chances in close areas. It also is a key component of his style of play, which is North-South style hockey. He is able to carry it into the zone with ease, negating the fact that is passing ability is not fantastic




    While not overly big, Perron is able to out-muscle opponents in the corners. He can gain zone entry with both his soft hands -- mentioned above -- and with his strength on the puck. He is able to shield the puck from defenders excellently.








    Perron is not overly fast. He can skate well, but his North-South game relies on him trailing a little behind the play and getting feeds from teammates in the high slot. He also uses his strength and puck handling to overcome his lesser skating ability when entering the zone with the puck on his stick. His lack of skating ability is attributed to the fact that he didn't start playing on a rink until the age of 8 in France. His skating ability only got better as he went to Harvard, and there is a possibility it may not be as much of an issue in the future, but right now it may be what holds him back from the SHL




    Perron is a pure goal scorer, which means throughout his career that has been his bread and butter. He hasn't focused much on the passing part of his game. Many of his assists will come off rebounds of his shots. While Perron has a high hockey IQ, and can read the game on the ice, he has never been known for his ability to pass.




    Perron's game revolves around hanging out around his blueline when in the defensive zone. He feeds on breakout passes from teammates, or collecting errant passes from the opposition. While he has a good stick, he doesn't do much on defense in terms of breaking up plays. Expect to see him deployed more in the offensive zone than the defensive in a game.



    Looking Ahead


    Perron has a bright future as a sniper in the VHL. Brampton got a steal with the 17th pick in the VHLM draft, and he is out on the ice to prove the other GM's wrong for passing over him. As he works on his skating his game may become more applicable to the VHL speed, but right now he will rely on his wicked shot and solid strength for zone entry.

  2. The left wing has been his home for the start of the season, but now he was gaining the confidence of his entire team. Perron lines up for his first face-off in his first true season professionally. After a disappointing end to last season with Yukon, he hopes for new purpose on his permanent VHLM residence. With a nod of confidence form his coach Perron gets into position. The puck is dropped and Perron muscles it back to his defense...


    Starting Off Strong




    After being picked up much later than he had anticipated, it was hard for Maxime Perron to not be a little disappointed. He had been drafted by an amazing organization, by a General Manager who was more than excited to have him on the squad, and was ready to utilize him as the scoring center that he was, but there was still a little piece of him that wished the draft had gone differently. Interviews with him were extremely professional. He answered all questions diligently, and made it known that he was "so blessed to have gone to a franchise like Brampton". But everyone in the room could tell that he had a fire burning inside him. A fire that made him want to prove all other GMs wrong.


    Practice was the first opportunity for Perron to show his team that he belonged, and that he was ready to take over. He was out there, and he was working hard. Coaches and players were impressed by his drive to succeed, and the draft had done nothing but humble to young Frenchman into knowing that he did need more work on his game. Now he wanted to be given that opportunity to show that growth.


    Perron has started the season on the wing, as the team wants him to learn to get more responsible in the faceoffs during practice, and when he does that he will be put into game situations. From this role, alongside Tuzis and Willicox, Perron has flourished and shown what more playing time will get him. In Yukon last season, Perron was often stapled to the bench, playing 11 minutes a night, and he voiced his frustration with his GM often. However now he was being gifted over 20 minutes a night and was making the most of it with a strong Brampton team. In his first eight games in Brampton, he posted 13 points. Tallying 6 goals and 7 assists, and enough points for fourth in team scoring, Perron has shown why he was so touted when leaving Harvard. His ability in the north-south style of play has shone through, and his great linemates have done nothing but enhance his play. His potential is endless, and he has made it his focus to make sure that what happened in the Season 43 VHLM Draft never happens to him again. The fall to 17th overall was a scare he does not feel inclined to relive.


    While the season is just getting started, he can feel himself gaining more experience, and Perron is convinced that he will only get better as the season progresses. Look for him to be a big name going into the Season 44 VHL draft, as scouts are starting to take notice of his big frame, and blisteringly fast release.

  3. Brampton, ON -- Camera's and reporters swarmed newly drafted Brampton prospect Maxime Perron on Tuesday after he arrived in town days after being drafted by the squad. Met firstly by General Manager Xiao, Perron was grinning from ear to ear excited to be a part of the team. Reporters noted that the spot he was taken in the draft, 17th overall, had no effect on the young kid.


    "You take it in stride," Perron said Tuesday "it's a learning experience, and obviously the GMs saw that they had better options ahead of me. All I'm out to do now is play my best and hope that Brampton is very happy getting me so low in the draft. It's very exciting to be here on a championship winning team, and I hope I can bring just as much success to the team this season."


    He stated that he was slightly disappointed when he kept hearing other names over his, but that it didn't matter to him either way, all he wanted to do was play hockey. Now Perron is ready to take on the season in the VHLM. After finishing out last season playing in both Harvard and Yukon, he is ready to be a full time hockey player, and get himself ready for the VHL draft.


    "It's extremely exciting to know it is going to be just at the end of this season that I am drafted into such an excellent league. I can only hope I impress more than I did to end last season."

  4. im on it sire 


    deerest triforce


    ur tew l8. ur werds hav cut thru me defensis lik ketchup. i cnt avocadte ur actions n i serpently dnt axept ur apaulugy. primarly cuz u tink u hur me but nay u slade me. wat u tel me dat i no hawe fwends n dat i no spek normul and IT ALL OK BITWEN u n i. u tink dat i wud let u get a way wif insult my 96th langooage? nay gd cur 



    i vil ce u in curt. 



    idk dictionarydotcom gawe me dat 

    Better tanks

  5. Munk has asked me to translate this for him:


    Dearest Trifecta, My thanks for your apology which is aestival to my concerns. I understand that you may be exasperated due to my afflatus. In my alloquy to you, i hope the alluvium will move down the current and we shall reach vivacity

    Dear me those are some big words...


    Can anyone translate was Gow wrote?

  6. man-sleeping-on-bus-e1416500522194.jpg


    Buffalo, NY --


    Asleep on the bus at 11pm, a young man is rocked awake by the lady sitting beside him. She mumbles to him that the stop he had mentioned earlier was coming up and that he would need to wake up. It was 11 pm in Buffalo, New York, and the young man was about to embark on the journey that would change his life.


    School had proved not to be an issue for French prospect Maxime Perron. After going quiet, worrying many General Manager's and scouts, Perron stated that he simply wanted to focus on his studies and get away from hockey. After being given the respect of time away from the great media wave that befalls current draftees, he made his journey to the VHLM Combine in Buffalo, New York. A 14 hour round trip from his home in Cambridge, Perron had planned to use the time on the bus as a way to get out of his head and into the mind of a GM on draft day.


    At 9:00 AM, he hopped on the Red Line train at Harvard Square Station that would take him to his first bus stop. Finding a seat alone as best he could, Perron settled in and focused. He looked at what he needed to focus on to bring his game to the next level, and what he could tell VHLM General Manager's if they asked him about his plans to better himself and his team. After an hour of working out his future plan, he received a phone call from Robert Gow, VHLM Head Commissioner, to inform him that he had made the Top Prospect Game for Team Europe. A broad, toothy smile permanently embroidered itself upon Perron's face for the rest of his train ride. After the phone call he sat back and relaxed until his first stop.


    When the stop came Perron transferred over to the Northeast Regional line for his first bus ride. One that would take him to New York, then a transfer that would take him north, to Buffalo. During the second ride Perron began to daydream about his future. He heard his name called by a VHLM GM -- first overall, obviously -- and saw himself dominating the league in his first year. While known to be humble on the outside, Perron was still a kid that would dream up his own future, one that included him in bright lights, and as the leader of a Cup winning team. All that Perron had hoped to focus on was forgotten about, and he fell asleep.


    At 11 AM he was tapped on the shoulder by a nice lady sitting beside him. He was in Buffalo, New York, ready to take the world by storm. This was where he would impress potential General Manager's at a small combine and interview weekend. He wasn't afraid of what was lying ahead, he already had dreamed up exactly who he wanted to become. And now he knew exactly what he wanted to tell General Manager's if they asked him. He wanted to be the best.

  7. Being a student athlete was never a problem for Maxim Perron. He kept up on the Dean's List and was considered tops in his class despite devoting much of his time to playing and training for hockey. The French phenom knew it was going to be a difficult journey to end the school year, as he would have to take on the immense pressure of playing out the end of the season for the Yukon Rush, and balance the fine art of Harvard exams. To both his pleasure and disappointment Yukon missed out on the playoffs, which led to Perron flying back to campus in Cambridge to finish out his studies. Unheard of for two weeks, scouts began to get worried that he wasn't going to devote his full time to hockey, but the player assured GM's, scouts, and fans alike that he just wanted to finish school and then get into the VHLM. He would be back with a vengeance when he received his degree and actually had time to devote to hockey.


    With all that behind him, he is devoted 100% to the VHLM and success in the VHL. Preparing mentally and physically for the draft won't be difficult, he just hopes that his skill shines through and that he gets an opportunity at a good franchise

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